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Plague Champion


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Visually I like all my models to look different, my first army list will have six differently armed Plaguemarine squads in it, so I can test, but I'm thinking Plasma will become a lot more popular again.


I didn't know it ever went out of fashion Musk! :woot:

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I really think the plague knife is a good weapon to leave him with, re-rolls to wound on MEQ isnt nothing. However a Power Axe or Powerfist are still good choices.


Its nice to have that option, even provides something against raging MCs.

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Visually I like all my models to look different, my first army list will have six differently armed Plaguemarine squads in it, so I can test, but I'm thinking Plasma will become a lot more popular again.


I didn't know it ever went out of fashion Musk! :rolleyes:


It did if you played against a lot of really hard to kill stuff. Sometimes the Melta was the only thing you could count on to kill it dead. Some Tyranid monsters and special characters were neigh unkillable in 5th edition once they got into H2H so I'd often drive up and take my chances with point blank melta shots and then hopefully strand them with only a single Plaguemarine squad to kill.


Now it seems Fearless cultists are en vogue but the Dark Apostle is pricey, I think I'm going to run a cheap cultist squad for variety and ablative wounds, I'm just can't count on Cultists, if I want to take or hold objectives I'm sending Plaguemarines or something even more Elite. Cultists best use may be just getting in the way. 1" rule, blocking or obscuring LoS etc.


For Plaguemarine champions, I've built a lot, one everything including options that no longer exist like Great Weapons. My exorbitant champ is Powerfist plus Combi-flamer in a rhino with a twin melta squad. Now I'm thinking of painting up two plasma guns for that squad, which will cost more points, but I'm thinking of driving and shooting the Plasma guns out of the roof.


The change to glancing a vehicle to death, makes the volume of fire of the Plasma at strength 7 more attractive, so if I don't go all plasma I might go half and half. I never get to shoot flamers much which is why I like the combi-flamer, one shot is often enough to pay for itself, plus you can do the drive by flaming...



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  • 3 weeks later...

PMs have never let me down in cc across the last 3 editions (though I haven't played much with them the latest ed.).

I like the heavy hitting elite squads generally, so I think not giving the Champ a bit of melee beefiness is a waste of potential. I'm sticking with fists, as he's tough enough to often soak up the initial hits in a challenge and make it unlikely the contender will be around after he gets his turn. This coupled with the aforementioned low Initiative seems to make sense.


Army composition might come into play as well, if you play the traditional infantry PM force, your champs may be more likely to see combat against cc focused foes. However if you're building a fresh list with some of our new cc choices, it may be less necessary to kit out the champ. I'm hoping to get some test bouts with the new codex in soon. Are people using the traditional 7 PM in a rhino/footslogging lists now - perhaps coupled with some anti-air; or are they revamping to fit in some of the new stuff as well?

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