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Slaanesh Bikers


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I have been reading through the new codex and, if I add everything up right, for 275 points you can get the following --


10 CSM Bikers with Mark of Slaanesh/Icon of Excess/Vets of the Long War:

-WS4 BS4 S4 T5 W1 I5 A1 Ld9 (Ld 10 from Aspiring Champ) Sv3+

-TL-ed, BS4 Relentless Bolters on their Bikes

-4 attacks on the charge (Base Attack + 2CCWs + Charge + Hammer of Wrath) and +1 to combat result due to Icon

-FNP for the entire unit (only negated by S10 weapons) and 5+ cover (for Jink) or 4+ cover (Jink+ Turbo-boost)

-The ability to move 12" normally, or turboboost and move even further on turn 1

-Hatred against all SMs types (i.e. majority of enemy forces you will face)


For 35 more points, you can add in a Power Lance on the AC (so 4 I5 S5 AP3 attacks on the charge) and 2 Melta Guns for tank hunting/anti-TEQ duty.


That's a total of 310 points, but you get A LOT for those points and a VERY versatile unit to boot. Think of them as Plague Marines who have better shooting, can move 12" a turn, and are good at assault, but are still T5/FNP.


Anyone else notice this?

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Alright, alright... point taken :D


So, you could add a Chaos Sorcerer with Bike, Sigil, and Mark of Slaanesh for 120 points... he obviously takes on power from Slaanesh table and uses either Hysterical Frenzy or Sensory Overload (only options, since Sorcerer is PML1) to buff his bikers or debuff an enemy unit.


Then take a Chaos Lord with Bike, Sigil, Mark of Slaanesh, and the Black Mace for 170 points.


That gives you a TWELVE man unit.... i.e. 12/6=2... that is a whole number :P

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I've noticed this too and I think it might even be better than T6 nurgle bikers. New fun is fun! ;)




Throw one of the HQs on a Steed to get Outflank/acute senses. They'll move almost as fast as bikes even turbo boosting.


I had an argument with a friend on exactly this unit. Can the lord make a run move while the bikes are turbo boosting - and still be one and the same unit? My friend thinks that all in the unit have to be able to turbo boost if you want turbo boost any model, but I'm not so sure.

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I've noticed this too and I think it might even be better than T6 nurgle bikers. New fun is fun! :woot:




Throw one of the HQs on a Steed to get Outflank/acute senses. They'll move almost as fast as bikes even turbo boosting.


I had an argument with a friend on exactly this unit. Can the lord make a run move while the bikes are turbo boosting - and still be one and the same unit? My friend thinks that all in the unit have to be able to turbo boost if you want turbo boost any model, but I'm not so sure.


I think you just have to move at the same speed to not break coherency.


If you have a squad of twenty, and 19 move, the heavy weapon guy can sit still and npot have to snap fire, as long as conherency is maintained.


I would think that if the lord was just running, he wouldn't get any advantages from the turbo boosting bikes, but as long as that 2" is maintained, sounds fun.

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I'm very much planing on running Slaanesh bikers, but I'm very worried about Icon sniping.


Anyone has any experience with that yet?


Put icon onto champion and use look out sir, the only suggestion I can think of.


A very good solution for a shooty squad!

Kind of dangerous on a CC squad though.

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