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Which Hero to lead my army?

Captain Artemis

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I have problems deciding which hero to lead my small army.

I was thinking about picking a Reclusiarch with a Jump Pack and Powerfist.


I'm unsure if I should go with a Captain, as they are some what... how to say it... SUCKIER than your normal vanilla Space Marine captain. (Mostly because they have very limited choice of gear... I want my Artificer armour and Relic Blade. :lol: )


Or should I pick some of the named heroes?


My army I'm building is quite small, probably roughly 700-800 points.

I currently have 15 tac marines, going to start working on a 10 man Assault squad the coming week.

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I was thinking about something small and balanced.


HQ - Still trying to decide...


TROOPS - 10 tacticals


Plasma Cannon

Sgt. w/ Powerfist and Bolt Pistol


TROOPS - 5 tacticals

Sgt. w/ CCW and Bolt Pistol


TROOPS - 10 Assault Marines (WIP)

Sgt. w/ Power Sword


And I'm thinking about to either throw in a Furioso Dreaddy or a Razorback.

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Libbys are usualy considered "the best".

They fall apart a bit if the enemy can shut them down magic wise though.

Reclusiarchs cost most, but cant be shut down, but also cant work except when they charge


I wouldnt bother with the fist.

His mace is fine against anything none MEQy.

Its certainly not worth 25pts.

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