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The vehicle equipment list

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So, our tanks and the defiler all have access to the vehicle equipment list. Each is allowed to take one of each item on the list. This means +1 twin-linked bolter, +1 combi-melta,plasma, or flamer, +1 havoc launcher, and then Gargoyles for some extra cheap burning. A rhino with all these options is a mere 67 points—about the same as a tooled out razorback. Predators can pick up some cheap medium ranged weapons, and defilers can double down on havoc launcher if they feel like it.


Is there any reason NOT to drop all these cheap guns on every vehicle we take? It seems like our rhinos are now blatantly superior to razorbacks in every field except long range anti-tank. Especially with there being less of a reason to keep our marines in transports, it seems like they have just become cheap and efficient gun boxes.

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I would say if you wanna go the anti-Razor route (ChaosRazor or ChaosBack??) then just take a combi-melta/combi-plasma, dirge caster and havoc launcher so you can deal with a variety of things.


A rhino with those upgrades is 62 points, which isnt bad at all for 1 combi-bolter, 1 havoc launcher, 1 combi-weapon, AND the dirge caster...Could be a very effective choice, who knows

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The dakka rhino does Sound good, but I must admit I'm more excited about them on vindicators and predators.

I'm thinking of taking blasphemous gargoyles, havoc launcher and a combo weapon on a vindicator, as this would mean a weapon destroyed result would only have a 2 in 6 chance of destroying the demoliser cannon, it will have some bite at range and if the demolished cannon is destroyed, and the possibility of setting units alight is fun.

Not sure how any of them other them the gargoyles will work on my predators (auto cannon with las cannon sponsons) apart from possibly a combu plasma, as they target tanks, MC, elite units such as termi's ect.

Has extra armour been changed to something usefull now?

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Like most upgrades, I look at them as things to add on after the bulk of the army building has been completed. My guess is we are going to see dirge casters on almost everything that can take them.



I will have Dirge casters on anything that will be within 6" of units I will charge for sure.

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I always looked at Rhino's as disposable boxes. 35 points for a fast first turn move or to give your back field (and out of LoS) units some added mid-game mobility. I do not plan on having any of them in weapons range and operational at the end of turn 2. As such, I am cautious about spending any extra points on them than absolutely necessary.

A rhino with all these options is a mere 67 points

Or, you could add 2 more marines to a squad. You could also put another terminator on the board in place of those upgrades.


I do not intend to sound like I'm saying it is a bad idea. If it fits your plans, it should be able to punch a few holes in your enemies before going away, I'm just saying how I normally use my light armor assets -- thrown them in front of the guns for a turn -- is not really compatible with spending for extra upgrades.

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Havoc launchers is really where it is at. My roommate runs 4 rhinos (2 for noise marines, 2 for plague) with havoc lauchers. S5 AP5 pinning and twin linked blast templets just suck to deal with. It annoying and does kill. All it has to do is kill 1 marine and it paided for it self, and they always do. We played a touney in 5th and the guy he was playing laughed at hime for taking havoc launchers. He wasnt laughing for long when he was losing chucks of marine squads with those dame things.
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I've alwayd liked the idea of the havoc launcher, especially as it's Chaos specific, but I struggle to utilize it well on rhinos or other vehicles that should be advancing. Part of what you're paying for is the long range, so driving closer wastes part of that potential.

It's easier to use in on a dakka predator that hangs back and shoots.

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