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Swords Of Truth


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Right just found this site and thought I'd go ahead and see what you guys think of my own chapter codex marines. Been posting over at both Warseer and Dakka dakka but as of yet have had only one reply to about eight posts to I hope given that were all marine players in some shape it'll be recieved better here.


The force has basically come around as a combinatoon of old models that I had from when I first started the hobby and the newest boxed sets (both DV and AOBR). Now as stated above these are my own chapter but the DV models are scuplted as DA, and wanting to run it as a bog standard marine list rather than DA and not particualry wan't to file all the models down due to laziness and the fact that I'd proabaly ruin them in the process I had to think a little. Anyway this is what I came up with.


Let me introduce you all to the Swords Of Truth.



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Displaying Chatper Overview


The Swords Of Truth are a third founding Dark Angel's succesor chapter that display all the stubborness of the Dark Angels even going so far as to ignore thier parent chapters organisational structure regarding the Deathwing and Ravenwing, preferring to organise themselves in the same way as other codex chapters. Thier symbol is a adaptation of the winged sword that the Dark Angels bear with black wings and a golden sword. The chapter itself is at the moment realing from a devestating blow dealt by the Fallen (See sub section Damatres Disaster) and at current have no scout company and only three companies worth of Tactical Marines. As such although they would normally followed the rigid structure of the Codex Asatres, they currently have their Devestator and Assault companies dispersed to serve amongst the depleted Tactical companies. This combined with the full strength Veteran company (see sub section Damatres Disaster) having also been dispersed under the belief that their superior skills and equipment, usually held for specifically hazardous tasks, would be useful to their brother marines at a time when casualties can ill be afforded.


This combined arms approach gives the chapter just under six equally equipped companies (exceptions to the 3rd and 4th companies which are noted below) which they can call upon. The chapter is also currently Fleet Based (see sub section Damatres Disaster) with most of their strength situated around the Eye Of Terror helping several other chapters with containment duties. Of note is also that several of the companies (3rd and 4th) have a severly depleted vechile pool (see sub section Damatres Disaster) and have developed a reliance on covert operations and correctly timed Terminator strikes using skills learnt and adapted from their time serving with alongside the Raven Guard.


Chapter motto:


'Truth and Honour Endure'




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Now heres some photo's of my finsihed minatures with some WIP at the end (the terminators).



First up are some marines from Tactical squad Atarius 'The Hounured', Swords of Truth 3rd Conpany under captian Vanarta








Brother Anarkus





Next is Libarian Alphara. Now this guy i was worried wouldn't fit in with the army due to the colour scheme but I think it worked out quite well in the end and still fits in ok.






Next up 1st Tactical Squad Vanatra 'The Steadfast' of the Swords Of Truth 3rd Company


This squad was the one that Vantra led until he was promoted to company Captian. As such the squad retains his name rather than changing it to their current veteran sergeants name Jericho, like the tactical squads of the chatper normally do. This squad can also normally be found supproting Vanatra on the batlefield acting as his gaurd.



Now some close ups of the squad firstly Veteran Sargeant Jericho and the weapons speacilists.










And an army shot of what I've painted up so far.





This is the terminator squad Octaro that I've been painting this week. Tried to help tie them into the tactical marines but at the saem time make them stand out so have decided that they should have a lot of gold on them seeing as the veterans helmets in the chapter are gold anyways as well as shoulder trims. I think the back story is going to be something along the lines of originally the entire suits were made from a golden metal but over the years of fighting and the fact that they lost thier homeworld where they sourced the material from means, a lot of the gold armour has had to be replaced with the standard grey coloured armour of the chapter hence why the terminators have a rather mishmash approach to where the gold plates appear on the models. This along with personmal heraldry and marking (such as the sheild designs on the AOBR ones) adds to helping the chapters elite stand out a bit from eachother while still remaining cohesive. As such the sergeants of the terminators and veteran squads will have more gold armour on them than the other veterans (as well as leaders and such). Anyway all this talk would be better explained in pictures so here they are.


Also note that thier all WIP.


First guy is finished in all but the base which due to the size I'm still making my mind up on what to put on it.



First of sorry its a bitt blurry. A rear view of the model. Decided it'd add a cool effect to have the armour powered by a plasma like source mainly to add soem colour to the scheme. Also shows some of my attempts at freehand.



Second guy which needs a few extra bits done to it but is mostly finished.



Top down view of the second guy with more freehand and battle damage.



basically only base colours on the sargeant but shows the increased amount of gold on him.



My first attempt at a power weapon done like the grey knights ones. I like it but will probably draw the white further up the blade next time I try it on a model.



Fianlly a shot of the bascially finished termie next to the DV vet sarge.



Well thats all for now. I have two of the termiantors left to get done currently on the table then will probably commence work on another tactical squad (the final one in my 1500pt list).


Comments and Critiscms appreciated and I hope you enjoy looking at these and apologise for any that are a little blurry.

'Truth and Honour endure'


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Great looking marines, welcome to the bolter. The termies have a unique lok with the gold, and are still tied in with the tacticals. Great job. Might I sugest you start a thread over in the liner astarties for you're fluff? You. An keep it here too, people love reading fluff with the mini's, but over there you might get more response to the fluff than here


Keep up the good work, we'll be watching


Always watching......



Biohazard: Thanks and I'm glad the colour scheme and fluff works. I was a little bit worried that they looked liek pre hersey death guard due to it being a light grey and green but it doesn't seem to be a problem.


War Angel: Thanks for the welcome it seems a much more welcoming place than the other places I've posted this (maanged to get 4 times the replies in one day than I have on both the other threads for this have in a month). I'm glad the termies tie in and still look unique and more decorated I was worried they'd look to busy but I think it works.


As for the fluff I'll take your advice and post it over there as well as here. That is once I get round to actually writing up more of it lol.

Demon2027: Thanks and I wilkl get more fluff up don't worry just want to finish this squad off first.

Rhetoricus: Thanks I'm glad you liek the weathering on them. I'm more of a fan of marines from the front lines rather than marines from the parade grounds and I'm glad its showing well.







Another small update on Terminator Squad Octaro.


Finished off Octaro himself. Pretty pleased with how he came out to be honest. I hope the freehanding doesn't ruin it as I think it helps break up what othrewise would have been a rather bland model.









Also a small shot showing squad Octaro so far.




Now I really need to actually get back to writing up some more background for these guys and finishing up this squad so hopefully one of these two wikll be up next.

'Truth and Honour endure'



Replies can be very difficult to get sometimes, I know the feeling well. These look really good though, I really need to do some wear and tear on my own marines.


Those termies look great, are you going to do something more with the bases? maybe sand/mud mix. Something to give the marines more definition from the background


Keep it up

War Angel: Lol no the bases arn't finished. I paint them brown before basing them as then even if the sand doesn't cover the eentire base it isn't black shwoing through. They'll be based the same way as the rest of the force with maybe some more details on them due to their larger base size.


Gald your liking the progress on the terminators and wear and tear isn't too hard to add. I would give you a tutorial based on the way I do it but I'm pretty sure it isn't the optimal or bst way of doing it as I've seen tutorials on google that give of better result which would probably be the best place to start looking.

'Truth and Honour endure'



Rhetoricus: Thanks. I'm glad I seem to be improving.





Finally finished Terminator squad Octaro so here they are for your veiwing pleasure.

2nd Terminator Squad Octaro 'The Avenged' of the Swords Of Truth 3rd Company



Now some clsoe ups of the individual Terminators.

Firstly Terminator Veteran Sargeant Octaro.


Terminator briother Ontar (note how they all bear different shield designs, this one bearing his personnal heraldry with a sword in one of the quarters in rememberance of a lost battlebrother)



Terminator brother Vica bearing his own heraldry which includes the chatpers name sake in the design and a honour plate for lost battlebrothers and squad honours on his back





Terminator brother Sart not bearing his own heraldry but another roll of squad honours.


Terminator brother Gerad with his own heraldry.



There yoy go that's all for now. Iplan on getting a unit of missile dev's painted up next (I know I said more back story but I honestly haven't had anymore ideas about it yet so can't really progress with it).


Hope you like the update.


Happy Painting



War Angel: Thanks and I'm glad you like them. I was worried that due to thier size the bases would look a bit bland but I think the rocks help.


Razblood: Lol thanks I've got two more of them here for you (though the years haven't been too kind to the sargeant). Hope you like these also.





A small update on the current state of the Devestators that I'm curretnly painting.

1st Devestator Squad Vitor 'Punishers' of the Swords Of Truth 3rd Company



Close up of veteran sargeant Vitor (please note that this guy is a very old model and apparently his face didn't do to well when I stripped the paint, hence the scar to try and cover up the worse of it)



An old school shoulder mounted missile lauhncer dev.



The other three newer models that make up the rest of the 5 man squad.



As you can see I've gone for blue for the debvestators helms to help set them apart from the tactical marines which I think works well with the chapter colours.


Hope you all like this smalll update.


Happy Painting

Another quick update here for you all on Devestator squad Vitor. I've finsihed them all apart from the basing so here's some finished versions of the photos above sans bases.



Firstly the whole squad



2nd ed missile marine (given that this model was covered in paint not so long ago not to bad a salvage job in my opinion)



The three newer marines.



Fianlly sargeant Vitor. Unfourtunately this guy didn't fair to well after paint stripping as stated above but still it's not a completely disastorous finish. Also note the second picture showing the squad name (All my sargeants will have their names on their armour somewhere).





There we go . As for the company marking III I compltely forgot it and rather than cluttering up the mini's anymore I'm goign with it being in the same place as tactical squad Atarius and as such on the corner of the shoulder pad where the missile laucnhers sits and covered up with purity seals on the sarge.


As for the next models I'm currently adding the base layers to Tactical squad Matrius the final tactical squad in my 1500pt list (just another 5 termies ad captian Vanatra to go).


Hope you all enjoy.


Happy Painting

Another update mainly showing where I am with the army as a whole. Firstly though the finished Devestator squad based.





Next I have a finsihed army shot at its current state. Just under 1000pts of models based on my army list.



This includes bother Tactical Squads Atarius and Vanatra, Devestator Squad Victor, Terminator Squad Octaro and Libarian Alpharus all ready for battle.



This is what I've got left unstarted.



Captian Vanatra and Terminator Squad (insert nane here)



Also currently being painted is this Tactical Squad Morten.



On top of this I've started painting my DV Chaos marines as well just for something a bit different so I hope to show them soon.


Hope you all enjoy




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