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What is a warband exactly?


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I am just getting back into 40k after a long break. I had CSM in the previous edition, I got bored and sold them off and now I want to build a new warband for the new edition/codex. This is purely background/fluff related so if that isn't your thing I don't want to waste anymore of your time.

But I was curious what the definition of a warband is. I noticed in the new rulebook there is a warband called the Warmongers, I believe, but they have the colors and legion markings of the word bearers. And it actually states that they are a WB warband. I was always under the impression that a warband had to have it's own symbol and paint scheme but I guess that might not be the case. Any thoughts or comments?

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Well, IMHO, a warband can consist of a group of Chaos Space Marines who band together for a specific purpose, which could be anything from the same goals to the fact that they can co-exist well enough without wanting to kill each other at every opportunity. Some warbands take their own colors and symbol, others are splinters of larger groups, such as with Night Lords and World Eaters. They are from the same Legion but they also run in seperate warbands under a champion. So to be frank, your warband can be whatever you say it is. I believe 1000Heathens has one of his warbands being a group of renegade and traitor legion marines from multiple backgrounds, where as my own "warband" is mostly Word Bearers with some Black Legion allies. Let your imagination run wild and chaotic, the Gods will be pleased whatever you choose.
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Oh, I did forget to mention that each Legion also has different background reasons on why they run around in warbands. The Word Bearers mostly run around in what they call "Hosts" and are usually just part of the overall part of the Legion, working much like a company of Loyalist Marines on a seperate mission then the rest of their Chapter.
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Warbands are groups of marines that follow a chaos champion. They may have ties of varying strength and nature to other warbands. Sometimes they use heraldry in common with other warbands, sometimes they have divergent heraldry from any larger organization they might belong to. which may or may not mean they consider themselves a separate entity entirely.


In short, read the first sentence. Then replace the rest with, anything goes.

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Warband is a group of Chaos Space Marines kicking together, following a champion of some sort or even a common goal. There are legion warbands formed by the remnants of shattered legions, renegade chapter warbands (as after some inquisition and space marine raids on you, you are not a chapter anymore) or it can be a guy who is joined by more and more individuals from anywhere.


For example I was planning a warband which would not have it's own color scheme but there would be renegades from many different chapters, still holding their colours. It would be very colourful and the fluff would be funny as you would have for example characters from Raven Guard and Imperial Fists in the same squad. Also you could make a model for every chapter you like :-)

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For example I was planning a warband which would not have it's own color scheme but there would be renegades from many different chapters, still holding their colours. It would be very colourful and the fluff would be funny as you would have for example characters from Raven Guard and Imperial Fists in the same squad. Also you could make a model for every chapter you like :-)


Chaos Deathwatch aye? :P


At least, that's what just flashed though my head, along with the old way the Red Corsairs looked before they got a unified colour scheme.

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After 10,000 years in the Eye of Terror, Chaos marines lack the loyalties & galactic command structures of the Imperium. Their forces are held together not by loyalty or duty, but by the sheer force of will of their leaders, those able to gather others under their banner through charisma, intimidation, or the spoils of victory. Smaller groups follow individual champions, who in turn pledge themselves to greater warlords. These warlords in turn may or may not swear themselves to a greater warmaster who commands several such warbands, or they may serve a particular Legion's banner, either following old loyalties or seeking to ally themselves with greater powers.


A 'warband' is simply the force that serves a particular warlord. For independent warlords who make their way as pirates or mercenaries, the warband will be a fighting force unto itself. For those who swear to a Legion or Warmaster, each warband serves as a company or detachment of the larger overall force, and in that capacity they work together as allies, but also against each other as rivals jockeying for favor, position, spoils, & glory.

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Basically, as others have said, a Warband is simply the catch-all term for a Chaos force, organised under one particular leader. How these warbands are organised, and what they comprise of, is basically as varied as the number of warbands in existance. Some still hold true to their original Legion/Chapter organisations, some abandoned the old ways completely, some are a mix of older and newer Traitors, banding together due to survival, due to the whims of fate, or most often, to attain glory in the eyes of the gods.
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