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So... Havoc?


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So, I haven't played a whole lot of 6th, and even less with our new dex. I did a search and while havocs are briefly mentioned in the mauler/forgefiend debate, I don't think they've had a big feature.


So how do Havocs hold up these days? I'm about to strip a whole bunch of my older models, and thought I might get my converting on while I'm at it. Are autocannon havocs still a good choice? And how do flakk missiles hold up? All other combinations are here for discussion too. ;)

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Flakk seems very expensive for a weapon that'll need a 6 to penetrate the most common Flyers.


Wait.. what???


The most common flyers at the moment are AV11. So on S7, you need 4's to glance, 5's and 6's to pen. And even though that does seem 'high', you've got a 50% chance of at least getting a glance. And in sixth ed, I'm happy to glance you to death.


Also, keep this in mind - A unit of Codex Space Marine Devastators with four ML's is 150pts, only 25pts less than a Chaos SM Squad of four ML's with Flakk. Blood Angels pay 130, and of course Long fangs are somewhere around 115 points off memory, which does make it look a bit worse than it is. Simple fact is that a squad of four long fangs is only going to get 0.667 hits on a flyer each turn. Havocs with skyfire will get you 2.667.. a whole two more hits EACH TURN. I fail to see hwo this is 'very expensive' for what it brings to the table.

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Under the old dex I used to run a havoc squad with either 2 flamers 2 meltas or 4 meltas to back up my 'zerkers with some tank busting capabilities - I loved people stating that you can't have that many special weapons in a CSM squad meheh. Admittedly that was before the days of flyers tho ~ I've not played in agggeeess...
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Under the old dex I used to run a havoc squad with either 2 flamers 2 meltas or 4 meltas to back up my 'zerkers with some tank busting capabilities - I loved people stating that you can't have that many special weapons in a CSM squad meheh. Admittedly that was before the days of flyers tho ~ I've not played in agggeeess...


I did the same thing with my Khornate army.



I will be using them as an extra elite slot now.



Icon of Wrath


4 MGs or Flamers

Rhino with DC


The unit ends up around 300-400points but it gets 4 attacks on the charge or when taking a charge, 5 attacks with the AC. It is a unit that will walk around the board and cause threat priority issues for my opponent.


HUGE Havoc fan!

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The unit ends up around 300-400points but it gets 4 attacks on the charge or when taking a charge, 5 attacks with the AC. It is a unit that will walk around the board and cause threat priority issues for my opponent.


HUGE Havoc fan!




I think they're especially effective because they look like a standard CSM squad, so don't draw as much fire as a more obvious threat but they can really kick some a$$!

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Under the old dex I used to run a havoc squad with either 2 flamers 2 meltas or 4 meltas to back up my 'zerkers with some tank busting capabilities - I loved people stating that you can't have that many special weapons in a CSM squad meheh. Admittedly that was before the days of flyers tho ~ I've not played in agggeeess...


I did the same thing with my Khornate army.



I will be using them as an extra elite slot now.



Icon of Wrath


4 MGs or Flamers

Rhino with DC


The unit ends up around 300-400points but it gets 4 attacks on the charge or when taking a charge, 5 attacks with the AC. It is a unit that will walk around the board and cause threat priority issues for my opponent.


HUGE Havoc fan!


I was thinking on something similar, but with meltaguns instead of CCW/MoK. That way I could do some tankhunting as well. From my understanding, I can have 4 flamers AND 4 meltaguns in the same squad. Is that correct? EDIT: I've just read and I'm clearly wrong ;)


And do a second, stationary unit with heavy, longe-range weaponry, as well.

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It wasn't my original idea, someone else here thought of it first but the 2:2 missiles and autocannon build is my choice. You save points with AC but still have the same basic target selection with the two weapons and the AC aren't terrible against flyers. Plus 2 weapons types look better in my eyes.
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If you want to take out air targets you will want ML havocs. 25 points for flak missle launchers seems expensive, but consider the following: Against air targets 4 flakk missles will land on average 2.66 hits on a flyer while 4 autocannons will land 1.33 hits on a flyer. So the flakk missles are 2x as effective at hitting fliers and only cost about 1.5x as much as the autocannon havocs.
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Flakk are not expensive.


Previous codex 5-man rocket team: 155


New codex rocket team with flakk: 175


I'll always pay those cheap points to take flakk, as my gaming environment is rife with flyers. And, as Sons of Medax said...where the heck are those AV14 flyers?? Most (that you see) are 12...

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