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Happy Thoughts!


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Hey everyone!


If you're sick of the disappointment threads too come on over and post here B)!


Please keep posts to only what you like about our new, amazing, codex.


I love the fact that we can field cultists again! YAY!


But what I like most is access to Warpsmiths(MoN) and all the extra vehicles we have! Really tempted to run a 100% cultist(autogun) Core with two Warpsmiths, Helbrutes(Plasma Cannons), 1-3 full squads of Chaos Bikers and a mix of forgefiends preadators and vindicators!


Still... loads of fun to be had! Man I love 6th Ed. and our new dex! ;)

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Hooray!! Bless the gods that someone made a happy thread!!


I'm happy for almost everything we've got since it opens up a helluva lot of variety now, which is awesome. I personally love the Warp Talons since it feels like a Night Lord unit and I'm glad that (whether or not its true) the Night Lords finally got some real love. Also, the new character rules are awesome and I love the customization combos that we can throw out now B)

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Thank you for this thread, man!!!!


First I love the possibility to run viable Khorne renegades without having Berzerkers in as I feel them more like WE stuff!

Second I love the boons of Chaos! If I have some spare points I am always gonna buy Gift of Mutation to my guys.

Heldrake is awesome and the artwork of it tearing apart Valkyrie is really breathtaking!


And Warp Talons? Mean killing machine that will blind your opponent in his deployment zone and then tear him to ribbons with lightning claws!


I love the new dex! I really do!

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The whole book makes me happy (especially the actual book itself) but the fact that I am struggling to put everything I want to use into a 1500 list excites me. Ive looked at books before and at can generally put everything I want into a game at that points but im finding with this book theres just so much choice thats its really hard to work out. Ive just picked up stuff that I liked the look of before I sat down over the weekend to try and work out a list for a rough painting/assembling order and its turning into a nightmare!
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I love that we have some half decent AA options (and not just the one). I love that we can field squads of CSM's that can be the cheapest out, or super expensive ultra tooled up marines and anything in between.


I love that the Chaos Psychic powers are actually worth consideration.


I love that there ISN'T an auto win button like Necrons with A Barges and Doom/Night Scythes. It means that people are a lot more likely to try out a lot more units in a list instead of going to an obvious choice, and also means that it will be a journey of discovery for a lot of us.

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I haven't even looked at the disappointment thread. They bought the hype, fell to their own hubris and most likely just wanted a mix of necrons and grey knights, with a dash of space wolves and imperial guard...


...yeah, that was going to happen, surely! :)



Love the codex, love most of the models, love the new visual style they have going. Hydra dominatus, blood for the blood god, onwards, to Terra and beyond!!!

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I love that the Chaos Psychic powers are actually worth consideration.

Have you seen the lore of fail, er, Tzeentch?

Apart from that and my sorcerer's sudden loss of stats, and my terminators sudden decision that they can only choose one weapon (seriously, I have a guy with chainfist and reaper autocannon) I am happy with the codex,

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I love that our Chaos Lords and Sorcerers are cheap as chips, and can be kitted out to be ultimate vessels of destruction. I love our super-cheap cultists allowing me to pour all my points into Chaos Marines that actually feel like hard-bitten veterans. Noise marines are good fun now, havoc heavy weapons aren't crippling, Raptors are cheap and look awesome, and we have a nice selection of daemon engines!!


Might as well list everything in the 'dex :P I'm not a tourney player, and even the ones I do enter I just do to fight some new people and armies, and I've found that most people at those tournies feel the same. There's only ever one 'that guy', so for me this dex is great! Far more refreshing then the dreadful gav, inspired me to buy plenty more models to paint (over time, of course) and even start a typhus zombie list, cause thats just epic :D


Glory to the True Gods!!

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-Cheaper points prices for a bunch of units(even if it can escalate real quick)

-More options to choose from for our HQ's

-The return of the old "choose in the Wargear section" stuff, missed that since 4th ed codex models

-The table of Chaos Boon.

-S6 AP 2, reroll missed hits Khârn.


-Deamon engines!

-Marked Termies.

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I haven't even looked at the disappointment thread. They bought the hype, fell to their own hubris and most likely just wanted a mix of necrons and grey knights, with a dash of space wolves and imperial guard...


...yeah, that was going to happen, surely! :D



Love the codex, love most of the models, love the new visual style they have going. Hydra dominatus, blood for the blood god, onwards, to Terra and beyond!!!



Nah, I didn't want anything like that, just that we got some real flavour ... and cultists, I've wanted those suckers back since 3rd ed rolled in and now I have them legitimately in the codex. I may have listed a few beefs over in the other thread, but the only things that really ticked me off big time was that I now need to play "Musical-Arms" with my termies to make them legal, the rest I can live with.


The things I really love though (besides the obvious cultists, which I could just swoon over) are the Boons, the fact that you now only need to designate a unit for Bile to enhance for free and they won't kill each other, cheaper Havocs, Forgefiends (oh so pretty, I must get two!) and the general new look (though I still don't like how the Defiler looks, but whatever, I don't have one anyway).

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I'm really excited with it. I bought my friend's Chaos army and have ordered lots of new toys.


I love that the Champions have to challenge everything in sight, it's really Chaos-y. And rolling on a buff table is great fun.


I love many of the HQ options, so much that I'm thinking about having 2 FOCs just so I can take 3-4 of them. Daemon Prince with Wings, Armour & Black mace? Hells yeah! Fly him foward with his swoopy bullet-dodging goodness and then barrel into something he can challenge; not many characters can deal with a charging Prince 1v1, then watch the mace do its work on everything around the fight. Make him Tzeentch to add survivability and he's well worth the points.


Cultists are just awesome; I don't know how competetive they'll be but having a cheap swarmy troops choice makes me feel warm inside. And the models are the nuts.


I played a game with the new Berzerkers and they killed a 10-man paladin squad with Draigo in it. Enough said!


The Lords are ace; I gave one the daemon axe and he was ridiculous. Something like eight S6 attacks at AP2. Boom!


There are of course disappointments. I would have loved a Drop Pod for example. But we still have sneaky Chaos ways around this like Infiltrating and Deepstriking, so I am a happy bunny indeed.

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I love that the Chaos Psychic powers are actually worth consideration.

Have you seen the lore of fail, er, Tzeentch?

Apart from that and my sorcerer's sudden loss of stats, and my terminators sudden decision that they can only choose one weapon (seriously, I have a guy with chainfist and reaper autocannon) I am happy with the codex,


Read the entry again. You can have a reaper and chainfist. its worded like this


+Choose one of the following





+If models number in 5 or more....(take special weapon)



Its a completely new clause. Be happy :D

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Items of joy for malisteen, from greatest to least:



Cultists! Hurray! Seriously, these aren't just a Word Bearers or Alpha Legion thing, every chaos faction of the 41st millennium makes use of degenerate hordes of human worshipers, slaves, agents, or press-ganged soldiers, yet they haven't been generally available since the latter days of the 3.0 book (3.5 made the mistake of making them alpha legion only, one of the biggest crimes of that book, imo). Now they're finally back, and I couldn't be happier. The Dark Vengeance models are great, and I'm looking forward to an eventual stand alone kit.


Awesome Models / design direction. Some of the individual kits may have fallen flat with me, but I love the overall direction they're moving in, particularly with the dark vengeance models, but also with some of the new stuff, like the raptors/warp talons, the new champion, or the warpsmith. This is just fantastic stuff.


Focus on the 41st century. Daemon engines, dark mechanicus, & cultists all serving traitor legions that have been dramatically changed by 10,000 years in the eye. I really like that some of that feel is coming across in the new book and the new models


Options! Dozens of options, particularly for basic Chaos Marine squads, giving players something to think about when noodling around with their lists.


Neat new HQ options


Neat new Daemon engines


Chaos Artifacts: there are just a few, but the ones included are all quite evocative and thematic. The key in particular adds a narrative bent to the game.


Return of wargear lists. There's just something fun about picking your characters' gear from an inventory page. I don't know what it is, but I missed it.


Unique warlord trait list & specific traits for some special characters: good utilization of one of the new twists on the game brought by 6e


Unique psychic power lists, again, nice implementation of 6e gimmicks.




As a note, though this is a shorter list than my sad list in the other thread, I am much happier about the things I like than I am disappointed at the things I don't. Overall, I'm quite happy with the new book, and eager to start playing with it.

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I played a game with the new Berzerkers and they killed a 10-man paladin squad with Draigo in it. Enough said!


How in the world did that happen?


It was about 16 VoTLW Berzerkers (didn't buy axes) led by 2 fisty-champions and a Lord with the Daemon Axe charging into the 10 paladins & Draigo who was at half wounds (2).


The Lord challenged Draigo (obviously) but they somehow failed to wound each other after the first turn.


The Berzerkers rolled umpteen billion dice but somehow only managed 1 wound. They should have made more but I rolled bad.


The killers were the champion fists. 2 attacks basic, +2 for rage charge. That's eight attacks rerolling To Hit (VoTLW) and obviously wounding on 2s. They double out Paladins so they killed about 6 during the first round. The trick is to keep them behind the normal Berzerkers who act as fodder until the I1 rolls.


The only downside to them is that their strength drops off drammatically after the first round. The Fists attacks are halved and you lose the rerolls. But hey, if they can kill 6 paladins on the charge, there shouldn't be much left by round 2!


Another tip is to remember the new wound allocation wounds. Try to position something nasty like an Obliterator next to the Warding Stave Paladin; he only gets his 2++ in CC so it's a good idea to pick him out with shooting before combat.

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When I saw what was included in Dark Vengeance, and then what we were getting in this book, I couldn't have been happier. It's like they knew everything I wanted to include in my new warband (heavy Chaos-corruption, cultists and daemon engines), and decided to release all of those in the form of pure awesomeness. I love that they've made some more inventive Slaanesh powers than the crappy "move an enemy unit" tripe. I love that the book takes the Dark Eldar approach to list-building, in that the basic list itself allows you to theme your army however you want it, without having to rely on the crappy, idiotic Legion rules of 3.5. I love that pretty much every unit is actually good now, and even those less-useful ones aren't exactly bad, in my opinion. Maulers can still wreck face, Possessed can still hunt things outside cover, etc.

I like that they're continuing the apparent phasing out of the Mark of Chaos Undivided, that they brought back Marks for all units, and the rivalries of the Gods. I love that the background explicitly states that all of Abaddons Black Crusades have been successes, in that none have ever been intended to take Terra, but to achieve more local, game-changing goals. I like that the other Daemon Primarchs are apparently becoming more active, listing examples of Mortarion and Perturabo taking part in campaigns.


Hell, so far the only "true" downside I can see to the list is that it wasn't as powerful as the Grey Knight/Space Wolf books, but I was never expecting or wanting that to happen. I'm damned glad they're focussing on making the books more balanced now, and I can only hope that this trend is continued, and the codex creep is reigned in. My only complaints are so utterly minor in comparison to what else we got. I couldn't have hoped for a better codex.

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chaos lord, mok, daemon axe, sigil, juggernaut, gift of mutation, votlw.


about 180pts and gets 8-13 s6 ap2 i5 attacks on the charge that rerole misses against marines :D

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I don't think comparisons to GK codex is fair any more since the Paladins got their wound-allocation shenannigans removed. I would say the Chaos codex is just as good as GKs are now, we just need time to find our feet and figure out what unit combos work.
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I love the raptor models and the inclusion of cultists. I also like how IC's are more of an option to select when list building. I also really like the boon table, it's random but has reasonable upgrades and a small chance at something bad happening. In other words, it seems balanced well.
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I think I'll be stronger than the last codex which is good. I also hope they put out a FAQ to fix some of the confusion about certain things ( zombie rules, terminator equipment, why the demon axe grants rage). I really want to make a zombie/deathguard force to fight along side my Pyre force!
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I don't think comparisons to GK codex is fair any more since the Paladins got their wound-allocation shenannigans removed. I would say the Chaos codex is just as good as GKs are now, we just need time to find our feet and figure out what unit combos work.

Now, now, happy thoughts, not delusional thoughts :)


I like new look of Raptors and Daemon Engines, rest is pretty much the same as in old 'Dex but refreshed tiny bit.

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