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Happy Thoughts!


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I think I'll be stronger than the last codex which is good. I also hope they put out a FAQ to fix some of the confusion about certain things ( zombie rules, terminator equipment, why the demon axe grants rage). I really want to make a zombie/deathguard force to fight along side my Pyre force!



LOL!!! I hadn't picked up on that double Rage bit, maybe it's meant to be Rampage?

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Only just begun reading the book got a nice portion underway and I gotta say it is a good book.

Plenty of fluff new and old. A lot of options. You can theme your lists quite well focussing on a specific army.

I like the Daemon Engines. I would have liked to have seen a basic Chaos Dread in there but I guess my oldtimer can serve as my (third! OO;) hellbrute.

I'm impressed. (and plastic Raptors and cultists were highly needed and voilà there they are!)

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I got a few games in this weekend, here is my 2 cents:


Cultist are awesome, they gunned down a 10 man harlequin squad and did the final 2 wounds to an avatar. The volume of fire is just outstanding.


30 cultists (no zombies) with Typhus is no joke, again the firepower and the staying power in CC is just awesome. The only thing that screws me is he rolled a 6 on hallucination on the telepathy table with Eldrad, and killed 13 of 18 cultists in assault with him and wrathguard.


The heldrake is pretty cool. the pics just dont do the model justice, it is way better looking IMHO in person. I use the baleflamer and killed eldar by the fist full. 36" movement and still fire is just awesome. S6 AP3 with a torrent is cool, plus the heldrake can get you linebreaker without too much trouble. And has vector strike at S7, should be able to kill other fliers without issue.


I have tricked out my DP (MoT, Black mace, wings, 3 powers, PA, gift of mutation) just to try it, while I messed my movement, he will be a home wrecker. The black mace is just awesome with smash attack. D6 additional attacks at S10 AP2 with the effect is just funny. He punked a wrathlord. I8 is boss.


plague marines are still plague marines, same for oblits.


My roommates runs noise marines with rhinos with havoc launchers and the soul blaze upgrade, the amount of fire power that come out of this unit is just stupid. These are the new "main" unit in this dex I feel, along with cultists.

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We played our first game with the new Codex this weekend, and there's a lot of things I'm pleased with!


1. The Chaos boons table. It was great because we let a new player in our group (the 9-year-old nephew of one of our regulars) take a Chaos Lord. He killed his uncle's Space Marine Captain in a challenge, rolled double 6s, and then used the new Daemon Prince that appeared to wipe out a tactical squad. This was his FIRST GAME EVER! :)


2. The new background material. The Abyssal Crusade story was really interesting. I'm glad all the 9 Traitor Legions got a brief write up about their character. I even thought the new Renegade Chapters backstory was really interesting-and that was the part I liked least in the previous edition.


3. The sheer choice available is astounding! Every unit has so many goodies that I don't know where to start! Building my Black Legion force is taking a while because each choice has a different benefit.


4. HQs. I love that every HQ choice brings something different and cool for your army. And you can go cheap or over-the-top, and there are advantages to either one.


5. New models. Sorry, but I'm perfectly happy with the Heldrake, Forgefiend and Maulerfiend. I bought a fiend myself this weekend, now I just have to figure out which one I like best (see #3 above). I also love the DV Chosen and the new Raptors.


6. The abundance of available Hatred and Preferred Enemy toward Space Marines through Veterans of the Long War, Warlord Traits and Dark Apostles. In our second game yesterday, my friends Slaaneshi Warlord rolled the trait that gives the Warlord and units withing 12" Preferred Enemy--his forces DESTROYED the Imperial Fist force he was facing as a result. (Though despite massacring 85 percent of the enemy army, the game was very close--3 to 2 VP--thanks to some truly heroic close combat results by the Imperial Fist Captain leading the army.)


7. It feels like there are a lot more varieties of army one can take now, and they all seem potentially a lot of fun to play! We tried Nurgle, Noise Marine, and Unmarked forces in our games this weekend, and all worked very well and differently than each other.

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Synergy. As I expected from Phil Kelly, he has attempted (and pretty much succeeded) in creating a codex that is not only flavourful and fun to read, but in which everything has place and purpose in reference to everything else. Very little in the army list stands alone; everything works in tandem with something else, lending a greater degree of coherency and tactical acumen to games, list building etc, not to mention a greater sense of narrative drive.


Despite being based on the bare bones of the previous codex, Kelly has created something far removed from it in terms of ethos and composition; a new benchmark for Chaos, insofar as I'm concerned; a genuine break with some of the wearier traditions and a pleasant resurrection for some of the older but more quintessential. I love the fact that you can have Chaos Spawn and Daemon Princes potentially exploding all over the place, that our technology and armour now has its own theme and flavour quite apart from our Imperial counterparts.


The codex is a customiser's dream, the options available allowing for extreme conversion of even the most bog standard troops (a factor I intend to take full advantage of). It is also quite mature and considered in comparison with certain other examples, those elements that are noteworthy not game breaking or something we're going to see repeated from army to army ad nauseum.


There is startling potential here; so many builds and forces which all boast particular strengths and weaknesses.


The more I read the new codex, the more the disappointments I have are eclipsed by the positive. This is a very clever piece of work, by and large; an example of how refinement does not automatically equal simplification, and how elegance far outweighs simple technical expedience.


Good stuff. Very, very good stuff.

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(seriously, I have a guy with chainfist and reaper autocannon)

That model is pefectly legal, seriously, did you read the codex before coming here to complain about it? :)

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boon table. I love randomness, and i can purchase it for every champ and hq. My first game saw a plague champ get shrouded. mysterious forest he camped an objective in became ironbark. Suffice it to say that squad didn't have any trouble.


mastery lvl 2+ nurgle sorcerors. 2 different games camped one with some plague marines and nurgles rot and gift of contagion really upped their staying power. My wife charged 10 man assault squad (power sword, flamer) and 10 man death company (2 power swords, hammer). after 4 rounds of combat my sorceror and remaining plague marines hunkered back on the objective ready for more.


Chaos artefacts. although I don't get a nurgle one black mace is great. Also it just feels right to run the Anathame.

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Very simple.


New Raptors - I love the models, I love the fluff, I love the conversion/posing possibilities and I love the idea of taking eight of the blighters to come screaming out of the sky, set fire to some guardsmen and then launch themselves into assault with those amazing new chainswords.


Sigil of Corruption - 4++ for Chaos Lords without having to take the Mark of Tzeentch! At last!


Mark of Khorne - Rage and Counter-Attack!? AWESOME! MOK ALL ROUND! My CSM can be a proper assault force!


Kharne - Gorechild is fixed! (still no Eternal Warrior but meh) Yaaaaay!


Daemonforge - Oh, that is lovely. Just lovely. I think I will actually buy a Maulerfiend. And I have a reson to strip and convert my Thunderfire Techpriest into a gribbly Warpsmith! Wheee!



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Yeah i don't quit understands the rants about the termies weapons layout..., at least the french codex is still "exchange power weapon for..." and "exchange combibolters for...".


A thing that is a bit of a bummer is that if a special character rolls a Apotheosis results he ends up worse then before, specialy in the case of Abby and Khârn.


I mean would it have been difficult to add a simple line like "a named character keeps his rules and equipment if he get Apotheosis ( or is it Ascendance ?)" Or a rule like "Promised to a greater destiny :when rolling on the chaos boons chart, reroll all Spawn and Ascendance results for named charcters " and that would be good.


Hopes it gets faqed anyhow...

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Yeah i don't quit understands the rants about the termies weapons layout..., at least the french codex is still "exchange power weapon for..." and "exchange combibolters for...".


The english version is more like "terminators can exchange power weapon for... Or exchange combibolters for...".

I'll see how it's written in the french version, because je suis français et qu'avec un peu de chance, la chose sera plus claire dans la langue de Molière.

Pretty sure the thing will be FAQed, which is unlikely for the equipment after a dark apotheosis.

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To Milez:

Were those 30 Cultists packing autoguns?


because they suck at hth . they are low str , have no hidden sgts or viable stuff to make them fearless , they die in hth with meq and horde . So they get autoguns .

Despite being based on the bare bones of the previous codex, Kelly has created something far removed from it in terms of ethos and composition;

ok how many points are we talking about here . because under 2k the chaos codex is composition wise the same as it was in gav dex. because there are necrons and IG you have 2 take 2 units of havocks minimum[before you had to take oblits] . you have to take a lord else you dont have a melee character and you have to take a sorc because without him your droping a whole phase from the game and you make it easier for your opponent to cast stuff.

yes there are more stuff , some of it is even good , but they are good in a void . a forge fiend can be as dakka [people are forgetting that its bs3 sometimes] as it wants , but that doesnt matter if there are either no points to take one or you have to bend over to all flyer builds if you do . yes it gets different at 2k pts , but that is not an option for a lot of gamers[games slow , so people still do 1500 in europe] .

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plus the heldrake can get you linebreaker without too much trouble.


Only when you're playing The Scouring. Otherwise it can't score/deny so no linebreaker, sorry.

Wasn't Linebreaker just one unit that ends in the ennemy deployment zone?, don't remember it must be a scoring unit.

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Yeah i don't quit understands the rants about the termies weapons layout..., at least the french codex is still "exchange power weapon for..." and "exchange combibolters for...".


The english version is more like "terminators can exchange power weapon for... Or exchange combibolters for...".

I'll see how it's written in the french version, because je suis français et qu'avec un peu de chance, la chose sera plus claire dans la langue de Molière.

Pretty sure the thing will be FAQed, which is unlikely for the equipment after a dark apotheosis.


The Terminator wording is a bit of a nuisance and strange. But I went through my Terminators last night and luckily I only had to swap out 2 pairs of models. Took about 20 minutes and I was good. Much less of a problem then I feared, as I have power axes and standard twin-linked bolters on most of my models.

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@the jeske - Happy thoughts only here please. If you want to be a debbie downer there are plenty of other threads talking about what they don't like.


So excited! :) Pretty soon (a few hours from now) I get to start converting my Warpsmith.

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@the jeske - Happy thoughts only here please.

You realize you are talking to jeske, right? :)


Sooo many options in the new codex, depending on your local meta you will have loads of stuff to choose from!!! :)


Boon table is fun as he**!!!

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plus the heldrake can get you linebreaker without too much trouble.


Only when you're playing The Scouring. Otherwise it can't score/deny so no linebreaker, sorry.



Wrong, the heldrake is a denial unit, so it can get linebreaker.

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plus the heldrake can get you linebreaker without too much trouble.


Only when you're playing The Scouring. Otherwise it can't score/deny so no linebreaker, sorry.



Wrong, the heldrake is a denial unit, so it can get linebreaker.

Heldrake is Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Hover)

The first bullet point of the denuial unit exceptoions on pg 123 is "if it is a vehicle."

So the Heldrake is not a denial unit.


Sorry for the bad news. Please carry on.

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pg 101 on CSM dex, lists the heldrake as a vehicle.



Now look on page 123 of the rule book for the description of Denial Units.


all units (including troops) are denial units, save for a few exceptions given below:

  • If it is a vehicle,


Vehicles are not denial units.

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I think I'll be stronger than the last codex which is good. I also hope they put out a FAQ to fix some of the confusion about certain things ( zombie rules, terminator equipment, why the demon axe grants rage). I really want to make a zombie/deathguard force to fight along side my Pyre force!



LOL!!! I hadn't picked up on that double Rage bit, maybe it's meant to be Rampage?


A Demon Prince of Khorn doesn't have rage, but with the axe he goes to 7 WS8 Str7 attacks on the charge... :rolleyes:

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