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thousand sons


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First off, the meat of the post.


The thousand sons have Aura of Dark Glory as standard equipment AND MoT as written in the book. That means a 3+/4++. Right?


They actually look pretty good to me here on paper. Costly, but for a force weapon and all ap3, and a psyker.. they are actually (dare I say it) looking even better than noise marines. While slow and purposeful is limiting in ways, it also allows you to rapid fire and charge in the same turn. (I'll spare you the math, but it's 6 times more wounds when charging a meq squad) It seems very worth the trade for overwatch considering how many wounds I actually -get- from overwatch. (10 man squad is 20 shots. 1/6 hit, 1/2 wound, 2/3 are saved. That's an average of .55 wounds) Now I know they can't take a charge well, but now that we have cultist screens galore, why should the enemy be able to easily pick their targets?

The next point to make would be the invulnerable save vs feel no pain. I found a lot of my noise marines (and this is not a problem with plague as much) getting double tough wounds from las, melta, and krak missile shots. Invulnerable doesn't worry about that. Though small arms fire will be more of a problem, larger weapons will be easier to handle, and even much easier if the 4++ mentioned above is legit.

Psyker and instadeath weapon. Enough said.


Please tell me I'm wrong if I am (and for the love of the dark gods, include math and examples), because this actually looks useful and even good when I see it.

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Um, they look EXACTLY the same to me. Still 23p each (though technically the sorcerer in now 2 points cheaper than his previous 60), still have their previous 4++ save, inferno bolts are still AP3. The only difference I see is that they now hate marines and the sorcerer gets his power for free. You can take the same size unit you used to take, but with the banner of flame for a total of only 3 points more, but with the added benefit of hating marines and having their bolters get Soulblaze, or 2 points cheaper with mutation on the sorcerer, or neither for 12 points cheaper.


Other than that, I'm not seeing how they all of a sudden become all that exciting ... unless you're comparing them to Bezerkers, in which case, hooray, they didn't get nerfed. Compared to how cheap some other units got, despite their own reduced pricetag they might still be too expensive, or not, needs some testing to be sure.

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Um, they look EXACTLY the same to me. Still 23p each (though technically the sorcerer in now 2 points cheaper than his previous 60), still have their previous 4++ save, inferno bolts are still AP3. The only difference I see is that they now hate marines and the sorcerer gets his power for free. You can take the same size unit you used to take, but with the banner of flame for a total of only 3 points more, but with the added benefit of hating marines and having their bolters get Soulblaze, or 2 points cheaper with mutation on the sorcerer, or neither for 12 points cheaper.

Let's not forget aspiring sorcerors lost their mastery level 2 and thus the ability to take anything other than a random roll on a tzeentch psychic powers table.

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Um, they look EXACTLY the same to me. Still 23p each (though technically the sorcerer in now 2 points cheaper than his previous 60), still have their previous 4++ save, inferno bolts are still AP3. The only difference I see is that they now hate marines and the sorcerer gets his power for free. You can take the same size unit you used to take, but with the banner of flame for a total of only 3 points more, but with the added benefit of hating marines and having their bolters get Soulblaze, or 2 points cheaper with mutation on the sorcerer, or neither for 12 points cheaper.

Let's not forget aspiring sorcerors lost their mastery level 2 and thus the ability to take anything other than a random roll on a tzeentch psychic powers table.

This is the one disappointment to me. The tzeentch table is bleah but I want to play my Thousand Sons so I'll have several rolls on that table each game. Basically, I roll the beam power or swap it to the Primaris power, those seem the least crap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had surprising luck assaulting with Thousand Sons, actually. Rapid fire then bikes, Challenging the sargeant. Cut him down, cut the bikes down, and then got massacred by a bike librarian.


^^; Who then got Force Weaponed by Ahriman.

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