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Honestly, for the points they're not terrible, you just need to make sure that they aren't competing with better choices in your list.


I prefer to run mine with Reaper Autocannons and Power Scourges. For 120 points it's going to offer some decent ranged shooting and turn into a pain in the neck in combat. I would stay away from pure combat equipped ones, because the maulerfiend is much more effective for only a few points more. Shooting ones are okay (Reaper + Missiles), but I think you can get a better cost efficiency by using havocs instead.

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I've mentioned before that I think they pair well with either type of fiend as a more balanced support unit. I think reaper might be the best overall choice but I am tempted by the lascannon. Its much more expensive but you do get the range, S and AP boost. I'm torn.
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Whoa I actually hadn't noticed the lack of smoke launchers. That sucks.


I'd really like to convert a dread, so I'm toying with the idea of a plasma/scourge helbrute, but I wouldn't expect great things from it.

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maaaan... they`re not even daemonically posessed... better for the ws and bs, craptacular with no smoke launchers and no 5++ demon save...


if only the heavy flamers were cheaper, i`d run double fist, double flamer like my ork dreads...


as it stands, they`re neat, and everyone with a dark vengance box has a cool model to paint, but i don`t see them making it into many lists...


on the cover topic, they`re fairly small profile, shouldn`t be hard to obscure 25% with infantry...

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