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Eternal Warrior rule and Chaos space marines


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Am I wrong or is Abbandon the only mini in de dex with the eternal warrior rule. I thought minis with the Deamon rule also got Eternal Warrior, but am I wrong?



Only Abadon has it, the Daemon rule they use is in the rule book on page 35, pretty straight forward.

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Only Codex: Daemons gets Eternal Warrior with their Daemon rule ... though again this leaves us with a problem since that means their princes are somehow more durable than ours.


First they could fly while ours could only jump, but our guys finally figured out how, but clearly they had to make themselves more vulnerable to to do it.

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Chaos Daemons are on the short list for new books. Don't count on them keeping eternal warrior for long.


I wouldn't expect a new book for them so soon. We'll surely see SM, Tau and SoBs first, what push them to around Q1 2014 at best.

And that booklet from August reinforces that - when they use a WD to release new stuff for an army, it means that they are a long way from another update - otherwise they would way to add those together with the new codex.

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I wouldn't expect a new book for them so soon. We'll surely see SM, Tau and SoBs first, what push them to around Q1 2014 at best. And that booklet from August reinforces that - when they use a WD to release new stuff for an army, it means that they are a long way from another update - otherwise they would way to add those together with the new codex.


Haha, no. No, none of those are on the short list. The short list is Dark Angels, Eldar, & chaos daemons, due to release alongside the fantasy daemon book sometime next year. Oh, sure, Tau & SoBs need the new book more. Woodies need the new book more in fantasy, too, but they aren't up next, either. It's the chaos times, now.


As for white dwarf rules always equating to the book being a long ways away, no, not really. After all, the Terrorgheist rules for vamp counts were released just a month or two before their new army book.

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I wouldn't expect a new book for them so soon. We'll surely see SM, Tau and SoBs first, what push them to around Q1 2014 at best. And that booklet from August reinforces that - when they use a WD to release new stuff for an army, it means that they are a long way from another update - otherwise they would way to add those together with the new codex.


Haha, no. No, none of those are on the short list. The short list is Dark Angels, Eldar, & chaos daemons, due to release alongside the fantasy daemon book sometime next year. Oh, sure, Tau & SoBs need the new book more. Woodies need the new book more in fantasy, too, but they aren't up next, either. It's the chaos times, now.


As for white dwarf rules always equating to the book being a long ways away, no, not really. After all, the Terrorgheist rules for vamp counts were released just a month or two before their new army book.



Ok DA is a given, and we know SMs never take long after a new edtion arrives. But Tau is hot on the rumours for quite some time, and are in the line since before the C:GK was released. And there's a leaked list on the web for a while, showing SoBs and Chaos 2nd (or 3rd) wave dominating 2013's second half.


It's not my wishful thinking, I'm just following the clues ;)

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Eternal Warrior is one of the rewards on the D66 chart. That's probably how they justified it internally.


I know that if any of my "lowly" squad leaders get Eternal Warrior in a battle, I will add some kind of decoration to the model :D

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You've gotta love that image of the majestic Sanguinor, the eternal crusader Draigo, the fierce Logan ... followed by a frail old man who just refuses to stay down. Kind of makes the marines a little less impressive.


LOL. Just made me think of the old man in the "Bring out yer dead!" scene in Holy Grail .

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I'm pretty sure either Blood of Kittens or Faiet212 was saying that list was bogus, and from what I understand those guys are fairly reliable when it comes to rumours.


Believe me when I tell you, there are people tracking the veracity of the various rumormancers out there. Of the two, BOK is reliable, Faeit, not so much.



Faeit gets things wrong just as often as they are right, going 80-78 over the last few months in correct rumors. BoK does seem to be highly accurate, going 73-7 in that same time frame.

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Most modern codexes seem to only have one character with Eternal Warrior (Sanguinor, Draigo, Logan, Yarrick), although Necrons and Tyranids don't seem to have any, the poor chaps.


So SW only has Logan? Well I guess if you're being technical and not counting one of the most retarded things in 40k (sagas).

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Most modern codexes seem to only have one character with Eternal Warrior (Sanguinor, Draigo, Logan, Yarrick), although Necrons and Tyranids don't seem to have any, the poor chaps.


So SW only has Logan? Well I guess if you're being technical and not counting one of the most retarded things in 40k (sagas).


Those are the only characters with EW automatically. There are ways in some codexes to give EW to models though.

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Most modern codexes seem to only have one character with Eternal Warrior (Sanguinor, Draigo, Logan, Yarrick), although Necrons and Tyranids don't seem to have any, the poor chaps.


So SW only has Logan? Well I guess if you're being technical and not counting one of the most retarded things in 40k (sagas).


Those are the only characters with EW automatically. There are ways in some codexes to give EW to models though.

In codex CSM they can get it through rolling on the boon chart, always something :tu:

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It seems to me they are working on making different levels of EW. With a Toughness of 5 the character is not going to suffer ID from very many sources. T6 and no matter what the Strength is, you are safe from ID; almost. Then there are the special powers like force weapons. If you are going to survive having your soul ripped from your body, it takes more than just a strong physical presence. These are the Eternal Warriors.
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the eternal crusader Draigo


Draigo isn't a crusader, eternal or otherwise, only one Chapter deserves that moniker and we're not a bunch of filthy warp touched psykers.


He's essentially become part of the warp (hence eternal), in an endless battle against daemons (basically crusading) so I stand by what I said. But trust me, I'm no fan of him or his Grey Knight flunkies and much prefer Templars (or any son of Dorn, even though they're my hated rivals they still happen to be the only loyalists I don't despise from an external perspective ... damn loyalists ... well, them and Wolves). Then again, I did have one of my most impressive moments against Templars years back when my drop troop special weapon team's two remaining survivors roasted four termies between them with their flamers before running in and beating the last one to death. I lost the game, but who cares after a feat like that?


Also, you do realise you're talking about "filthy warp touched psykers" in the Chaos section right? That's not exactly something we'd see as an insult, so we might even start looking a little more favourably on those overpowered douchebags if you go labeling them as something we actually like being. :)

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Most modern codexes seem to only have one character with Eternal Warrior (Sanguinor, Draigo, Logan, Yarrick), although Necrons and Tyranids don't seem to have any, the poor chaps.


So SW only has Logan? Well I guess if you're being technical and not counting one of the most retarded things in 40k (sagas).


Actually, C:SW has two. Arjac Rockfist is also an EW. And I'm fine with the Necrons not having any, since their big beatstick Lords are all T5 anyway; they don't need the protection from measly krak missiles like Space Marines do.

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