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New CSMs + Chaos Daemons combos

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For Tally I'd go Typhus or Abby, but not both, at least not in anything less then 2.4k point games.


There's lots of good options in allying in daemons. Tzeentch daemons are good all round (even their horrors, while not awe inspiring, are probably the best daemonic troops apart from going min nurglings and just ignoring the section altogether), Slaanesh has some great elites & fast attack, nurgle has the tally, khorne has blood thirster. Daemonic allies can net you reasonably effective anti-flier tools + additional flying presence, options to deal with 2+ save units in the shooting & assault phases, fast units capable of hassling enemy positions early giving your marines time to get into position, anti tank, etc. But but but!!!




Two issues. The first is that Daemons recently received an update via a white dwarf supplement, and you need that supplement to be able to play half their units, since the changes never made it to their online errata.


Second, and more importantly, Daemons are on the short list for new books, and you can bet their new book is going to be a game changer for daemons, and likely not in a good way. In the CSM book we already see that daemon != eternal warrior any longer. from the WD update we can see that character chariots are going to be revised to follow the absolutely god awful chariot rules in the BRB, which will be a dramatic reduction in efficacy for those those non-slaaneshi heralds that still have functioning chariots - particularly tzeentch heralds, which were actually halfway decent on their old chariots.


We can also expect large increases in points costs for monstrous fliers, switching over to random psychic powers (likely from terrible custom lores) instead of just buying the powers you want. The good things from the white dwarf - horrors and screamers in particular, are likely to see significant nerfs, and I somehow doubt trios of nurgling bases will satisfy ally troop slot requirements, and judging from the CSM book they're going out of their way to ensure that there are no possible rules interactions between allied codeces, which tells me that the Tally's days are numbered.


So, yeah. Daemons are cool and great right now, but if you're the kind of gamer who collects for the long term and who gets worked up when your army is nerfed or invalidated by new rules, I would recommend putting that allied daemon contingent off for a year or so while you wait for the other shoe to drop, and in the mean time focus on making the most of the new chaos marine book on its own.

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LoC, Flamers, horrors, screamers=mass profit. Rumor has it that the C:CD will not be a massive change. I do bet that the Tally gets changed to C:CD. I would also wager that any unit from the update dose not see much in the way of change, although I fore see flamers loosing warp fire.


Oh and Typhus needs to be in an assault to be at his initative step and cant just fart outside of CC. Also the fodder for his massive flatulence can not be marked Nurgle.

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If nurgle themed. Then this is how I would run them.... Cultists with mark of nurgle and ccw and pistol x 2...
Don't trade in their autoguns. The Tally rule says all attacks (both melee and shooting) ignore armor saves. The non-fearless Cultists will still be garbage in melee at I3 and will suffer sweeping advances while making very few return attacks. Conversely you can keep their autoguns and fire from 24" while objective squatting, plus sub-12" shooting is better and Overwatch gets better.
If I didn't already have a Tzeentch Daemons army, I would have done Nurgle Tally List.
Epidemius Tally-lists should enjoy their time in the sun now while they can; rumors are a new Chaos Daemons codex sometime around January, and there's an extremely slim chance the combo will exist after that.
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I can't swear if it gets the tallyman bonus or nor but if it does and your group allows FW... Blight drones.... Think Daemonic nurgle landspeeders with flame throwers. If they work with the tally the flamers can help[ you reach it quickly against certain units and they would become horrible once the tally is high.
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Don't trade in their autoguns. The Tally rule says all attacks (both melee and shooting) ignore armor saves. The non-fearless Cultists will still be garbage in melee at I3 and will suffer sweeping advances while making very few return attacks. Conversely you can keep their autoguns and fire from 24" while objective squatting, plus sub-12" shooting is better and Overwatch gets better.


This is a fair point, but autoguns aren't the default on cultists, and they're not a free trade. You have to pay an extra point per model for them, in addition to losing an attack in close combat. giving cultists both the mark of nurgle and autoguns is starting to push them past the point of cost effectiveness, I'd think, even for tally lists.

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This is a fair point, but autoguns aren't the default on cultists, and they're not a free trade...
Oh shoot, my flub. Should have checked the 'dex before posting... blarg :P

Ignore the comment. Cheaper is better here. For cultists, cheaper is always better.

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I like to think I have a pretty good combo list made up that uses 1ksons.



2 x 9 1ksons w/ MB

Heldrake w/ Flamer


Skyshield Landing Pad


Lord of Change

2 x 9 Horrors

9 Screamers

9 Flamers


It's 2k; I'm planning on using it for funzies pretty soon here. The skyshield to boost MoT models to 3+ inv while on it, and I can put it halfway up the board and infiltrate onto it with Ahriman. I can then fold down the sides when my daemons are available and have them DS onto it without scattering, and they give my army some assault power.


I've been thinking about dropping the Heldrake for a Tzeentch prince (from DoC for fewer points) but I'm undecided. All and all a pretty fluffy list with a modicum of playability.

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While I fully support the Landing Pad Mark of Tzeentch combo, I think there are better units to put up there. If you can spare the points from somewhere, I think Tzeentch Havocs and Obliterators shine up there when they have a 48" range gun. Havocs with 2 Flakk Missile Launcher and 2 Autocannons seem to be good.
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Even though you want the "base" to be close? Otherwise why use it to teleport daemons onto?


Plus, yeah, having those havocs and oblits is nice, but when you're opening up to let the daemons play, you're going back to a 6+/4+ respectively.


Granted, not sure why I didn't think of oblits, I'll have to look at my list and see if I can't drop drake and squeeze a unit in there.

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