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Demon princes and the demon of.......


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So DPs have to take a flavor of demon, as in demon of fill-in-the-blank. Now of I take nurgle lets say, it states on page 33 states i MUST take a power from nurgle. What if I dont pay for the psychic level? Sure i get a power that I cant cast. Or how about since he HAS to take a power, does that make him master level 1, and I can buy up to 3 more levels?


2 schools of thought here. RAW states he has to take a power at mastery level 0 , which is stupid cause you cant cast the power. RAI makes me think he has mastery level 1 and can buy 3 more levels. I dont think I am forced to spend the extra 25 points just because I choose a demon flavor that not khorne.

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but hey I just liek to see what other people think :tu:


*Jacinda repeats her mantra in her head: "I will not be a witch today. I will not be a witch today. I can't help myself ..."*


You must take a DP of ... upgrade.

Only sorcerers generate psychic powers.


... and I think you are intentionally being an angle whos measure is greater than pi/2 radians.


*doh! so much for the mantra.*

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