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Chaos Gets a New Recruit


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Hey all,


Been a long time since I've had a chance to play 40k, but now that my group has the 6th edition rules and the new Chaos Codex, we decided to all get together and try our first 6E game of Chaos Marines vs. Loyalist Marines.


Our regular group is all married Dads in our 40s, but one of our players asked if he could bring his 9-year-old nephew. He'd brought the nephew with him to a GW store, and the kid really liked the 40k models and was interested in the game. So we did an under 1,000 point matchup with me and the nephew playing Chaos, and the uncle and his friend playing loyalist Marines.


The nephew had one squad of the old-school plastic Plague Marines, so I lent him my Death Guard Terminator Lord to serve as our Warlord along with a Hellbrute armed with a lascannon. I rounded out our force with a second Hellbrute, a lvl 3 Tzeentch sorceror (They're so cheap, I couldn't believe how inexpensive he was!) and an 8-man squad of unmarked Chaos Marines.


The game was an absolute blast. We had a lot of fun with the 6E rules...and it was clear from turn 1 who was doing the heavy lifting for Chaos! The nephew was thrilled when his Hellbrute went Crazed after being hit by a multi-melta from his uncle's enemy Dreadnought, turned around and Fire Frenzy'd back...totally wiping out his uncle's Dread! Then he charged the Chaos Lord and Plague Marines against his uncle's Space Marine Captain and Tactical Squad holding an objective. His Lord challenged, killed the Captain...and the kid rolled double 6s on the Chaos Boons chart, turning his lord into a Daemon Prince. Who then proceeded to annihilate the rest of the Tac squad in short order!


What was I doing all this time? Apparently, the fickle Ruinous Powers decided to give all the good fortune to the nephew. :) My Sorcerer first rolled double 6s with his first psychic attempt, giving himself a wound. I then proceeded to fire off about 4 other psychic powers during the game which did, oh...nothing! The Chaos Gods definitely had their eye on someone else this game when it came to dice rolls, lol. However, I did at least get my squad onto a second objective and hold it.


The final VP tally was 8-4 in our favor. We did play a second game to let the nephew try Imperial Space Marines alongside his Uncle...this time he tried a drop-podding Tactical Squad. But after we were all done I asked him which side he liked better and he thought Chaos was way, waaaay cooler.


It was great not only that the new Codex turned out to be so much fun, but that it gave a new, younger player a terrific first game playing Warhammer 40K. So in my opinion, the new Codex is definitely a success. Unless, of course, you are a bonehead like me who doesn't take a Psychic Familiar for your Sorcerer, which I will now do EVERY TIME FROM NOW ON, lol! :)

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Sounds like you lot had a good time. It's good that the younger one had a good game, and got to kill some stuff with cool models. I have seen a lot o games where a totally new player has just been annihilated without killing anything. they tend to leave pretty quick. They don't even near to win, just kill something, or have it look like a close game, ever they are just fed a unit a the end.

For example, I was playing a kid, and I obviously has the objectives covered, and everybody understood that except him, so I ran my lord and plague marines at his termies and let them meet killed. He thought it was cool and came back.

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The boon table is indeed pretty decent. I don't really care about randomness when it's only (mostly, and sometimes, turning into a spawn is interesting) buffs.

CSM are merciless avengers from hell. What could possibly be cooler ?

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