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Raptors or Warp Talons in a Death Guard list?


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So with the new codex out I am feeling a draw to work on my Nurgle stuff again. I have a bunch of FW Death Guard bodies and I am thinking of doing up some Raptors or Warp Talons. Do either of these work well in a Nurgle list? I have only really played Plague Marines with a Winged Nurgle DP, and I am looking to expand that out. I am thinking the Warp Talons would bring some nice close combat in as my PMs tend to stand on objectives. What are your thoughts?


As for modeling them, I am of two minds. I like the new kit a lot, but I want to infuse it with Death Guard bodies. Anyone try this yet? Anyone have an opinion about how the bits will look together? I havent bought the kit yet because I don't know how it would look together and because of the second idea. Taking the Sanguinary Guard packs, chopping up Possessed wings, and merging the two would make some neat looking packs. Would be a pain to get enough wings, but done right might be worth the time. Thoughts?

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Hrrrrm... Interesting. Thanks for the link. Though I am probably not going to get the Maximus armor squad to do that with. Will probably just go with the Sanguinary Guard ones which will be kinda close to this. Maybe not with the Possessed wings on them though....
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If you want a single-engine pack, the Forgeworld Mk IV Assault Squad has that.


Edit: Just remembered that there is a WIP thread doing this exact thing: Host of the Bloated Kraken


The mkIII single engine packs have a different intake, which is why I'm holding out. I'm sure they'll start selling some, what with the Horus Heresy thing now coming to fruition.

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