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Interceptor on drop pod


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So heres something ive been wondering for a while. If you shoot a drop pod via interceptor and it explodes what is the result? Personally ifeel you get a strength 10 hit ap 1 hit on everyone inside but thats just me. Whats the consensus on this?
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So heres something ive been wondering for a while. If you shoot a drop pod via interceptor and it explodes what is the result? Personally ifeel you get a strength 10 hit ap 1 hit on everyone inside but thats just me. Whats the consensus on this?

Unless you have a drop pod with the Zoom special rule, no.

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So heres something ive been wondering for a while. If you shoot a drop pod via interceptor and it explodes what is the result? Personally ifeel you get a strength 10 hit ap 1 hit on everyone inside but thats just me. Whats the consensus on this?

Unless you have a drop pod with the Zoom special rule, no.


Agreed, you get the normal result for a non-zooming vehicle. Just imagine that your Interceptor gun could only hit it when it hit the ground. While you may feel your idea is perfectly logical in the spirit of background etc Polymethus, it has no grounding in the rules in which we play the game.

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I think that in the fluff then they are basically portrayed as unstoppable, because they are so small and fast. I think in one of the HH books then they disrupt the targeting or something and loads end up smashing into buildings an stuff, but no-one seems to die from it.
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