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Well the Black Legion is as close as a Legion it can get, hence the name.


I think Abaddon has the favour of all Traitor Primarchs. I think many view him as a younger version of themselves thus have a high ammount respect for that.

They are also aware that he is able to do what they can't do anymore, show up, destroy and not directly be challenged by Grey Knights.

I'm fairly sure the daemon primarchs no longer care. Angron and Magnus are the only two who actually try and do stuff, but Angron is too busy slaughtering to be vastly concerned over what Abbadon is doing while Magnus is only looking for ways to destroy the Space Wolves. The rest enjoy spending time on their respective worlds, being the epitome of awesome and favor of the Dark Gods and letting their children go and gain glory.

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Well the Black Legion is as close as a Legion it can get, hence the name.


I think Abaddon has the favour of all Traitor Primarchs. I think many view him as a younger version of themselves thus have a high ammount respect for that.

They are also aware that he is able to do what they can't do anymore, show up, destroy and not directly be challenged by Grey Knights.

I'm fairly sure the daemon primarchs no longer care. Angron and Magnus are the only two who actually try and do stuff, but Angron is too busy slaughtering to be vastly concerned over what Abbadon is doing while Magnus is only looking for ways to destroy the Space Wolves. The rest enjoy spending time on their respective worlds, being the epitome of awesome and favor of the Dark Gods and letting their children go and gain glory.

Wasn't Mortarion out for a walk in the new codex?

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Well the Black Legion is as close as a Legion it can get, hence the name.


I think Abaddon has the favour of all Traitor Primarchs. I think many view him as a younger version of themselves thus have a high ammount respect for that.

They are also aware that he is able to do what they can't do anymore, show up, destroy and not directly be challenged by Grey Knights.

I'm fairly sure the daemon primarchs no longer care. Angron and Magnus are the only two who actually try and do stuff, but Angron is too busy slaughtering to be vastly concerned over what Abbadon is doing while Magnus is only looking for ways to destroy the Space Wolves. The rest enjoy spending time on their respective worlds, being the epitome of awesome and favor of the Dark Gods and letting their children go and gain glory.

Wasn't Mortarion out for a walk in the new codex?


See my last post:


Its not like the daemon primarchs on the whole don't do anything about the Empire anymore though.

We know that Angron, Mortarion and Magnus have all at least once left the Eye to wreck some stuff (also maybe Fulgrim? Or did he ice Rowboat Girlyman before entering the Eye?) and it seems likely that Perturabo might also have done it.

Out of all the DPs only Lorgar seems to be doing nothing.

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Horus and Night Haunter






Status unknown, might be dead, might be alive, no one knowns and most likely no one will ever know.




Currently banished after the first war for Armageddon.




According to the IA article; "From the Daemon-world of Sicarus, Lorgar watches over his Legion, directing its myriad wars and engagements, orchestrating the vast corruption from within that the Imperium suffers at the hands of his innumerable cults and covens."


According to Dark Creed; Indisposed of and locked away in the innermost chamber of Sicarus.




According to the 3,5 Codex he's still in charge of his Legion, directing them from Medrenngard.




According to Fulgrim(the Horus Heresy book) possessed by a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh who is busy keeping him on a Daemon Planet in the Eye torturing his mind.




I can't remember exactly where I read it but I recall reading somewhere that while he's for all extents immobile on his Barbarus clone Daemon Planet in the Eye he directs the myriad of Daemon Plagues unleashed by Nurgle through the material world.




According to the Book of Tzeentch from the Liber Chaotica: "When and where the Crimson Cyclops was elevated to his lofty position and granted his own dwelling to lord over, I do not know. All that matters is that he exists, and his machinations reach across the universe and affect the lives of mortals everywhere."


That's all of the Chaos Primarchs accounted for.



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Let's see:

1st Crusade: Defeat

2nd Crusade: Failure

3th Crusade: Defeat

4th Crusade: destruction of Kromarch Citadel. Success

5th Crusade: Success! But Doombreed did the work

6th Crusade: Unknown, but if nothing changed we can assume a failure

7th Crusade: Abbaddon had some sex with dead Blood Angels. Maybe it can be a success

8th Crusade: Unknown, but if nothing changed we can assume a failure

9th Crusade: Unknown, but if nothing changed we can assume a failure

10th Crusade: Success from the Iron Warriors

11th Crusade: Unknown, but if nothing changed we can assume a failure

12th Crusade: 2/6 Black Citadel. 33% Success

13th Crusade: In progress, but I don't have many hopes, and Abbaddon loses one Black Citadel

Seriously, Chaos need some other leader


Do you have any proof for that? How about some sources...also just becuase at the end of a crusade the Imperium mustered a large force and beat him back doesn't mean he lost.

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According to Fulgrim(the Horus Heresy book) possessed by a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh who is busy keeping him on a Daemon Planet in the Eye torturing his mind.


He has since freed himself from the daemon. (see The Reflection Crack'd)

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In the new dex, Mortarion and Perturabo do some of their tricks to kill people / take planets.


And for the fun :


1st Black Crusade : Abaddon claims his Daemon Sword, he ravages some sectors. Quite a success.

2nd BC : An attempt to test the defenses of the cadian gate. Successful.

3rd BC : Dunno, (the imperium desn't have a clue about it apparently so it can only be a success)l.

4th BC : Destruction of the Citadel of Kromarch. Success.

5th BC : He "burned a city". Don't know much, but coult be a total success (the imperium desn't have a clue about it apparently so it can only be a success).

6th BC : (the imperium desn't have a clue about it apparently so it can only be a success)

7th BC : the Ghost War, disrupts the imperium as a whole, the blood angels are slaughtered, Abaddon might have achieved some other unknown goal.

8th BC : (the imperium desn't have a clue about it apparently so it can only be a success)

9th BC : Abaddon ravages an entire sector while he lured the imperials on another planet. Success.

10th BC : (the imperium desn't have a clue about it apparently so it can only be a success)

11th BC : (the imperium desn't have a clue about it apparently so it can only be a success)

12th BC : Abaddon captures 2 Blackstone fortresses, annihilates all the others, a system and a bunch of planets. Success.

13th BC : "the one that will end the imperium"...


In 12 BC, the imperium achieved nothing against Abaddon. He get his stuff freely, he slaughters and pillages left and right and is always successful. So, the imperials might be a bunch of retards to be unable to kill one single marine that spearheaded every of his incursions... But he's pretty fine and quite capable.

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The 12th in particular (being the Gothic War) is a ridiculous loss for the Imperium; the only reason Admiral Ravensburg was able to push him back to the Eye in the first place is because the Eldar stopped raiding Imperial targets and ganged up against Chaos at the Battle of Gethsemane. If memory serves, they're also the only reason Abby didn't walk away with more than the two or three Blackstones he grabbed in the first place.
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The 10th Black Crusade was when Abaddon emerged on the opposite end of the Eye proving it was possible to exit the Eye there as well and not only at Cadia. Also the Iron Warriors assaulted Medusa and the Iron Hands during that Crusade.


Finally it was also known as "the Conflict of Helica".



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7th BC : the Ghost War, disrupts the imperium as a whole, the blood angels are slaughtered, Abaddon might have achieved some other unknown goal.




I think we will never know what's the true meaning of "...the Blood Angels's Assault troops are unable to reclaim the bodies of their fallen brothers which are desecrated by the Despoiler's frenzied warband"

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I can't remember exactly where I read it but I recall reading somewhere that while he's for all extents immobile on his Barbarus clone Daemon Planet in the Eye he directs the myriad of Daemon Plagues unleashed by Nurgle through the material world.


Hiding in shame for having been slapped silly and having his heart tattooed by Draigo, no doubt.


Or he just ate a lot of spaghetti and can't get up (like the first victim in the movie Se7en).

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Mortarion has been active out of the eye at least once as of the current book.


Also, all the "Abaddon sucks, failed 12 times to destroy the Empire" ignores the fact that Imperial resources dwarf those of the Eye. The Imperium has an entire galaxy of forge worlds and hive cities cranking out titans and tanks and ships and press ganged guardsmen, not to mention thousands of marine chapters all regularly restocked with super warriors. Even at the height of the heresy, Horus only turned a third of imperial might against the Emperor, and he lost. Life for the chaos legions has been perpetual bloody warfare since, while the Imperium has consolidated power in the galaxy. The chaos marines have forges and shipyards and feral populations in the eye, but on nowhere near that scale, and they can't even make their own space marines due to tainted gene seed. The traitor legions instead need to spend centuries enacting elaborate, galaxy-wide conspiracies just to steal enough new recruits to replace basic attrition. Yeah, the warp has limitless daemonic resources, but those are transient, immaterial things that don't last long in real space.


Simply put, there's no way Abaddon could at any point crush the Imperium through sheer weight of arms. However, regular pressure from chaos marines in the eye keeps the high lords on Terra terrified of the chaos bogeyman. Every time Abaddon leads a crusade, thousands of imperial worlds are beggared and reserves are pulled from countless active fronts throughout the galaxy in a panicked rush to reinforce the Cadian Gate. Furthermore, the Imperials are so paranoid about the threat of chaos that they won't even tell the worlds they sacrifice why those resources are being pulled, breeding further dissent through the galaxy.


And when the imperial reinforcements do arrive at Cadia? The overwhelming forces of an entire galaxy that the traitors of the eye can't hope to stand against in a direct confrontation? Why, Abaddon just slips back into his hidey hole safe from Imperial retribution, laughing at how eager the mighty giant is to let him slowly poke it to death with a sharp stick. Not to mention the hidden goals Abaddon achieves at the same time. A daemon sword here, a key political figure killed before they can be born there, a few space stations capable of blasting away the barriers that hold back the Eye's expansion. Oh, sure, if all goes well he may yet blaze a trail of devastation to Terra itself, ripping reality open in their wake for countless light years. But even if the grand plan never comes together, it still serves as a prop sword to hang over the heads of the Terran high lords, to keep them pissing their pants, so that in their myopic focus on the forces of chaos they ignore the growing threats of Necron, Tau, Tyranids, and just rampant rebellion in the face of panic-driven tyrannical excess.


A grand campaign of destruction is great and glorious and all, but an Imperium brought to its knees by a thousand pin pricks, slowly bled to death by century after century of countless tiny cuts, is still an Imperium defeated. Abaddon doesn't need his victory to be quick, and he doesn't need it to be pretty. He's not Horus. Abaddon is after the death of an Empire, not a symbolic victory over a singular father figure.

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It's best to not even acknowledge outlandish claims Abaddon was a failure. People make that conclusion based on the assumption each Black Crusade was designed to bring down the Imperium on it's own. None of his attacks have ever been about that.


Abaddon is trying to do what Horus did; prepare the way for when Chaos CAN finally attack the Imperium's more "important" planets.

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It's best to not even acknowledge outlandish claims Abaddon was a failure. People make that conclusion based on the assumption each Black Crusade was designed to bring down the Imperium on it's own. None of his attacks have ever been about that.


This, If each Black Crusade is an attempt to destroy the imperium and take Terra each Crusade is an utter failure, however if each crusade had its own objectives then the crusades are successes. Personally I think they are somewhere in the middle. The ultimate goal is to destroy the imperium and each crusade has failed in that, but the sub goals were accomplished in most crusades.




It is now disputed that Rogal Dorn is dead, I believe he has now disappeared and only his fist and wargear were found.

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It is now disputed that Rogal Dorn is dead, I believe he has now disappeared and only his fist and wargear were found.


Wut ?

He was killed by Chaos marines, his corpse was retrieved and his hands were removed at that point. So yeah, he's dead for realz.

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It is now disputed that Rogal Dorn is dead, I believe he has now disappeared and only his fist and wargear were found.


Wut ?

He was killed by Chaos marines, his corpse was retrieved and his hands were removed at that point. So yeah, he's dead for realz.


In the new fluff (for the life of me I can't find it) the fists found one fist and his wargear in an escape pod. The old Skeletal fists and Dorn's Skeleton in amber stated in Ian Watson's Space Marine were all invalidated by GW when they made the book non-cannon.

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