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Alternate kSon counts-as builds?

Kastor Krieg

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I got the new Codex. What new can I do with it? msn-wink.gif

I'm thinking, take Prince Apophas


and use him as a Typhus counts-as. Then take Tomb King Skeleton Warriors and Tomb Guard, paint the bones boltgun metal, wash down, paint the rest TKingy, proper egyptian style. Instant Legio Cybernetica "cultist zombies"! And the scarab swarm of the Prince matches Typhus' Destroyer Hive power quite well, don't they?

Or take the TK Kings or even High Queen Khalida and use them as our Sorcerers.




TK Carrion as Demon Spawns?


and now imagine this Necrosphinx, kitbashed with the Forgefiend's Ectoplasma Cannons at it's sides, resplendent in its kSon glory!


Any ideas on how to use a Casket of Souls? Way to neat to leave it alone!


or maybe ideas on how to use Necrons in the same manner? What Necron kit would you adapt for kSon use and in what manner (counts-as what)?

Maybe this guy as Sorcerer and an Iron Warriors alliance?


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The casket of souls itself would make a great objective marker, while the three skeletons could be a source of parts or more zombies.


I use a lot of Tomb King parts in my 1kSons army. I bought a Tomb Guard box about a year ago and haven't used it all up yet. Lots of useful bitz in there.

I even used the Blood Bowl Tomb Kings star player to make a SM captain. Hard to work with the metal but it gives you some very unique models.


If you do go ahead and make some TK skeletons-come-40k zombies, please make a WIP thread. I'd love to see them.

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Could Apophas used as a Demon Prince?


Queen Khalida could be a good Cultist leader for my Skelleton Cultists.


I like the Carrion as Spawns.



I am using:


Necrosphinx as Fiends.


Skellettons as Cultists.




And Ushabtis as CC-Borgs





or this as a Changeling/Herold of Tzeentch modell:



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I'd rather use Khalida as a Sorcerer HQ choice, but still - AWESOME idea on making the Ushabti the counts-as Mutilators! Thanks!


Also, can somebody please link me to the thread where one of us has made a Tzeentch daemon from the Daemon Prince and an Island of Blood Griffon? I ordered my Griffon and will buy a Prince to make an almost same conversion (only with feathered wings and the claws pointing forwards, swooping down for a kill) and wanted to thank the guy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought of using TK Sepulchral Stalkers as Mutilators, using Lychguard CC weapons, and using the Ushabti as Obliterators with some Necron Immortal weapons. Also, An idea that sprang to mind was to run a squad of Havocs as Legio Cybernetica robots reminiscent of Kalophis and his robot maniples in A Thousand Sons, with 4 Necron Immortals as the Heavy Weapon carriers and a CSM model as the Aspiring Champion.


The Immortals box comes with 3 different types of heavy weapon, and 5 of each type, so the box would be quite efficient at outfitting the army with weapons.

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Absolutely love it. Khalida would make a wonderful makeshift Ahriman, or even a Tzeentchian Dark Apostle. As for the Ushabti, I'd say with a bit of minor remodelling, they would make wonderful Tzeentchian Daemon Princes for as and when your Sorcerers ascend, or as a trio of allied Daemon Princes from the Daemon codex. The Carrion would make great spawn or stand in Screamers of Tzeentch, and the Necrosphinx could be kit bashed to represent practically any one of the daemon engines from the codex. Some wonderful thinking outside of the box here, and quite inspiring.
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Absolutely love it. Khalida would make a wonderful makeshift Ahriman, or even a Tzeentchian Dark Apostle. As for the Ushabti, I'd say with a bit of minor remodelling, they would make wonderful Tzeentchian Daemon Princes for as and when your Sorcerers ascend, or as a trio of allied Daemon Princes from the Daemon codex. The Carrion would make great spawn or stand in Screamers of Tzeentch, and the Necrosphinx could be kit bashed to represent practically any one of the daemon engines from the codex. Some wonderful thinking outside of the box here, and quite inspiring.


Thanks! :huh:


outside of the box

I see what you did there :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been wanting to convert the Sphinx into a Thousand sons defiler since it came out.


I've always envisioned building a gun into its chest and mounting a twin linked lascannon to its tail. also maybe kitbashing it with the demon prince and giving it two big swords.

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I have been wanting to convert the Sphinx into a Thousand sons defiler since it came out.

I've always envisioned building a gun into its chest and mounting a twin linked lascannon to its tail. also maybe kitbashing it with the demon prince and giving it two big swords.

DUUUUDE! Stealing the idea now! I got Daemon Prince bits, from my DP / Gryphon conversion (deep WIP, giving it the head, lower body and "charging" feet-claws of the Gryphon, along with DP hands and Gryphon wings, for a "Horus the Sun God" Tzeentchy look!). I will try using the leftover ones for the Necrosphinx :lol:


Please see above for what I think could be awesome Legio Cybernetica havocs smile.gif

Cool! Thanks! Or even Oblits, really. Nice find!

And then, these for Mutilators, if you want them - http://puppetswar.com/product.php?id_product=169

The blades even have the "Egyptian" falx curve. Sweet ;)

I also already got my Apophas and was extremely glad there were beetles and scarabs ready to take flight and a rising swarm, scorpions even, in the Necrosphinx sprue, so I used these for the base of Apophas and it all looks really in-theme now. Pictures soon!

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I also already got my Apophas and was extremely glad there were beetles and scarabs ready to take flight and a rising swarm, scorpions even, in the Necrosphinx sprue, so I used these for the base of Apophas and it all looks really in-theme now. Pictures soon!

Can't wait! :mellow:


I'm planning to start something after Xmas, as I want to finish off as many of my Guardians of the Covenant before painting any KSons!

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There you go - the photo is small, I will get a better one when it's further in the WIP status, but you get the idea. Two scarabs, two scorpions, a flock of rising beetles from the Tomb King and two ready-to-fly beetles attached to it, too.




The mini apparently likes what I did to it, as in its first game vs Tyranids it charged and Instant Death killed 5 fully healthy Feel-No-Pain Tyranid Raveners (5 Wounds, from "+6" attacks on Demonic Weapon, first Wound got through FnP, Force weapon activation succeeded, buh-bye! :D).

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Although not really Egyptian, I like the idea of these guys as Tzeentchian daemon princes



They are suitably fiery, could just do with a bit of 40k-ing


Then this guy as the gargantuan level daemon prince



I like the idea of them covered in pink and blue fire, like the old spells.

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See, I liked the 2nd guy right until I saw the feet. THE FEET. Ugh. No, I won't be paying more than my weekly wage for this and shipment only to be forced to convert the damn feet. And the stick-think legs. Nu-uh.
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