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LE Chaos Codex


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Just figured people might wanna see what the cover looks like and the stupid little letter that comes with it, I am number 0854 ;)





I actually really like how the cover looks in black and white with the blood spatter.

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My number's 0269 ;) it is a very fancy codex. Kinda wierd how the only writing on it is on the back though.


Yeah I had noticed that, very odd not to be on the front. Glad I ended up getting it though, looks great on my shelf next to some other models I do not use as much (not being sarcastic) :P

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In a weird turn of events, mine is apparently number 686 (so close...) AND number 415. For some inexplicable reason, there were two letters in my book. I'm certain that must mean the Gods are trying to tell me something, but what?


In other news, it looks good but even a massive fanboy such as myself can't help but feeling a bit ripped off by the pricetag vs what it is -a slightly alternate cover and a letter at a roughly 66% mark-up. Of course I did get two letters, so I guess that's something :huh:

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0139 is my number. Woot.


Obviously, I picked it up and I do have a few small gripes with it. The back cover is basically the same as the front, just different blood spatter (and a lot less of it), and the only two other differences were the Silver lining, page holder, and the card. Not sure if the extra $33 is worth it, but the collectors value certainly is. Now it is sitting pretty on my book shelf next to all the other collectors editions I've accumulated. I really hope they don't do this with every release as I don't feel like spending $150 every time a new 'dex comes out (I collect everything I can get my grubby little hands on that's 40K related).

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Damn it, I knew I should have just ordered it, rather than coming here first to see people's reaction. I had it lined up and ready to pay and allowed myself to be swayed that it wasn't worth the pricetag.


Yup, I'm probably going to end up paying $300 for it on ebay, aren't I? *Sigh* Good thing I'm single, or I'd end up a dead man for even considering it.

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Kudos to you if you like it and decided to spend cash on it. :unsure:


But apart from a letter with your Codex # and an alternate cover, what did the LE version contain that the normal one does not?

I just cannot personally justify the cost of the LE, compared to the regular version. :lol:

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Kudos to you if you like it and decided to spend cash on it. ;)


But apart from a letter with your Codex # and an alternate cover, what did the LE version contain that the normal one does not?

I just cannot personally justify the cost of the LE, compared to the regular version. :P


Nothing extra was worth the extra cash, we have ALL admitted that. But it is a collectible thing and a Codex we have all been looking forward to. I have already spooned with mine last night, it helped keep me warm from all the cold!

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madness , so not worth it . If they added anything to the book , like work in progress art or stuff to redeem on their page , even then I would think about it . this is in the cost range , where limited edition stuff , gets you a book a cd and some other random stuff.
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madness , so not worth it . If they added anything to the book , like work in progress art or stuff to redeem on their page , even then I would think about it . this is in the cost range , where limited edition stuff , gets you a book a cd and some other random stuff.


This http://www.ebay.com/itm/Limited-Edition-Ch...=item337ccf6364 alone says it was worth it. Worst care senario I get a few bucks more back than I paid for it.


People do collect things, and they pay more money than the actual item is worth (baseball cards, antiques, letter, ect ect). This isnt a single auction either, just search on ebay for limited edtion chaos codex, there are dozens going for 100+ each and as time passes the value will only go up (hopefuly). Either way, I will be keeping mine, I loves it.


BBL gotta take my codex out for a walk before it pees on the carpet!

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I do understand the collector's angle, but since it doesn't offer me anything signifcant compared to the regular book, it is just not for me.

I do get why people would want to collect it, but not at that price-tag.


The Ebay thing, now there is a valid reason but again - not for me. <_<

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I have it too, number 773 out of 1000.


There's nothing really special about it. I had it delivered to the GW shop and opened it there. People do tend to get all excited when they see the cover. Some people were disappointed by the lack of splatter on the cover, they were expecting more.


Might sell mine, but going to hold off.

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I was really excited to see a limited edition codex, But I was somewhat disappointed upon receiving my book. Im really pleased with the rules, But the physical LE codex, not worth the money at all. Oh well.


I have book 109 by the way.

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Yeah personnaly, 33$ more for a silver grey cover, a paper letter with a number and a page holder...its more then a ripp off, its a beat...


I mean if they did a Leather cover with a Deamon Face embeded in it, like with the Diablo 3 book or the Necronomicon in Evil Dead, with chaos markings, blood splatters, with LED lights that would light up the eyes of the face, that you would have a little key shaped in a skull, that would open a buckle like strap on the book to unlock it, and have 20 extras pages with exclusives illustration and fluff material a la Liber Chaotica books, then i would gladly give the 30, even 50$ more.


Now don't get me wrong, i perfectly understands the "urge" from people to buy a LE book, i mean, we're all geeks here.

But it doesn't seem worth it to me.


I must admit that i'm also rarely excited about LE stuffs, generaly we get a poster,a card with a number, a cd with the game/movie musics and a goodie, wich 5 days later will be somewhere lying in a place you absolutly don't care off...


The rare LE i deemed worth it, was the LotR dvd's cases from Return of the King, with the Minas Tirith city miniature, Skyrim LE with the Dragon statue, Guild Wars LE, because you did not only have physical goodies, but also virtual goodies in form of items and pets.


And maybe a few games/movies i've missed, but really you can count them on one and a half hand.


So yeah, i have a square 6 meters of bits and minis lying around, manga, comic books and stuffs, but i'm not really of the LE collector guy..., oh no i lie, i bought the Star Wars first trilogy LE VHS box back at the beginning of the 2k years, with the added bloopers and redone scenes...


SO yeah still congrats for those who bought it, but unless GW makes a LE book like i discribed for Chaos, i'm not interested.

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I am just really surprised that they didn't offer alternate covers for your favorite chapter. I'd have gladly paid an extra $15-20 for the codex if I could have gotten an Iron Warriors cover.


I can't imagine it would cost to much more to do something like that. Perhaps I can get it done after market and have the pages rebound in the new cover... hmmm... I might just do that.


@ Slayer le Boucher - the one Games-Workshop LE I've ever purchases was for Warhammer Online. The Warboss Mini that came with it was my sole purple for purchasing the game.

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In a weird turn of events, mine is apparently number 686 (so close...) AND number 415. For some inexplicable reason, there were two letters in my book. I'm certain that must mean the Gods are trying to tell me something, but what?


In other news, it looks good but even a massive fanboy such as myself can't help but feeling a bit ripped off by the pricetag vs what it is -a slightly alternate cover and a letter at a roughly 66% mark-up. Of course I did get two letters, so I guess that's something ;)


I can shed some light on this as I ran into a situation with an eBay seller selling the same number as mine (0127).


This is a pic of the card that came with my copy of the "Limited edition chaos codex"



This is a pic of the card that was sent to me by the eBay seller.




When I called GW customer service this was the response I received


Apparently at the 11th hour there was a decision about a Chaos Marine watermark. You can see it in the background of the pic that the eBay seller sent me. Then you can't see it in the background of mine. The originals (the one the UK guy has) was already shrink-wrapped into each book. They sent out enough for each country (North America got 400) and GW unwrapped every book, tossed the original card and then put the new one in. I don’t know why they did this. No explanation was really offered beyond “We didn’t like the look of the original card”.

The UK however, didn't bother opening all the copies, they just taped the new card to the outside, leaving the originals inside. So some books have two numbers.


So what am I to make of this?


GW customer service apologized, but made no attempt to rectify the situation. On the phone I repeatedly told them I was not happy with this and all I got was a "Well, your card is the "legit" one and the Ebay seller’s is the old one that should have been thrown out”. But there was no communication on this to people who received two cards. How were they to know which one to keep?

IMO, neither is legit because they knowingly allowed multiple cards to be sent out with books.


These items are offered as limited, numbered editions. This immediately creates a speculators market where people buy these things and attach a secondary value to them as "collectibles". While GW has no stake in this secondary market, they do create it by marketing these items as “limited editions”. I can tell you if this happened in the sports memorabilia community there would be hell to pay.

The fact that GW UK didn't ensure the integrity of the system they created (by selling them as limited/numbered) constitutes a violation of their promissory intent, and in a sense is fraud.

If GW had made some sort of gesture to fix the situation, I would have held my tongue, but they were pretty dismissive of the whole thing and couldn’t really understand why I was so upset.


So, GW says the cards that are only printed on one side are the “legit” ones.

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