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Ahriman and Infiltrating Maulerfeinds

I think you read something wrong.

What? Set me straight, please.


As Astorath said, Infantry only. So he could infiltrate Mutilators - who count as Infantry - but he couldn't infiltrate Maulerfiends - who count as Walkers.


Even if he could you can't charge with infiltrating units in the first turn.

No, but the idea behind it was to create a massive distraction with the Feind, so as to draw enemy fire for a turn, which it might probably survive, and if it dies it's rather cheap, so it wouldn't really matter :P

If only...

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After last night, I can honestly say the best part of playing thousand sons is when you tell your opponent, "Ok, I need to generate 10 psychic powers now".


Just wondering, what's your setup to get 10 powers (I can think of a few myself, but then I think of affording an army around it and kinda blanch)? I'm guessing it has to be a 2K or more game?

yeah, 2k. Ahriman, sorcerer (mastery level 3) and 3 Aspiring sorcerers.


I figured as much. Seemed the logical breakdown to get to 10. What do you fill around them though? At 2K points, that is probably 900-1000 of your points right there. Still plenty of room to build upon, and all those psychic powers do seem like they would be fun to play (unless the opponent had someone like Njall. Seriously, blah. No es bueno.)

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After last night, I can honestly say the best part of playing thousand sons is when you tell your opponent, "Ok, I need to generate 10 psychic powers now".


Just wondering, what's your setup to get 10 powers (I can think of a few myself, but then I think of affording an army around it and kinda blanch)? I'm guessing it has to be a 2K or more game?

yeah, 2k. Ahriman, sorcerer (mastery level 3) and 3 Aspiring sorcerers.


I figured as much. Seemed the logical breakdown to get to 10. What do you fill around them though? At 2K points, that is probably 900-1000 of your points right there. Still plenty of room to build upon, and all those psychic powers do seem like they would be fun to play (unless the opponent had someone like Njall. Seriously, blah. No es bueno.)

That is why you take vindicators........

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