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Decisions decisions...

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Well that depends, do you like painting pretty colors or winning? :ph34r: I joke, but it does kind of boil down to that. You could possibly make a semi-competitive list with thousand sons, I'd have to look at it, but plaguemarines were an amazing troop choice in the last codex, and they're even better now. For the first time I'm actually thinking I can make a totally themed, fluffy list that still allows me to win, and that's an awesome feeling.


Also, what are your criteria? Are you a painter? A converter? A list-masher/competitive player? Sorcery can be found in our ranks, it just smells funny.


Nurgle and Tzeentch aren't really on speaking terms these days, but I'm just a simple nurgling, so I can't hold a grudge. I like those colors, and all the flavor behind the 1ksons.

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One of my biggest issues with 1ksons is the lack of close combat punch. My play group loves melee...even the guard and tau players charge. And against eldar Im concerned about all the lvl 1 psykers killing themselves trying to pull their weight.
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  • 2 weeks later...

1K Sons are amazing, but you absolutely cannot let them get charged or you are well and truly screwed. Although they have a 4+ invul, they only get one attack each and the AS really isn't that great at CC either, although he's not that bad. So, 1K Sons armies require finesse. If you like that kind of army, they are definitely the legion for you, especially if you like Egyptian iconography. Interestingly enough, what would make 1K Sons truly devastating is divination..... which there is no possible way to give them, lol (That I know of, at least). Anyway, if you are going to run them, you definitely need to take assaulty troops, like termies with MoT or mutilators with MoT and use them as counter-chargers. Also, you will need a TON of AT firepower. I would suggest forgefiends or preds, as the the former is amazing and the latter is now dirt-cheap. Havocs with MoT aren't really that good, since you will most likely have them in cover, negating their crappy 6+ invul. Undivided havocs are still nasty, though, and would definitely be awesome with 4 autocannons spitting out 8 S7 shots every turn (for a measly 115 points, no less!). Also, Ahriman is the most bad-ass sorcerer in the game now, and thus a 1K Sons army is the perfect excuse to field him! And, he makes your rubricae troops, which is essential.


DG, on the other hand, are all about resilience, obviously, so they are more for the player who likes troops that are definitely jack-of-all-trades types. To a certain extent, you don't need quite as much finesse with DG. What you DO need is the ability to understand infantry tactics in 6th, because DG are all about that. The nice thing about PM's is that you don't need to worry about whether someone is going to get the charge on you. You don't care because you take their extra attack away anyways and you still get 2 attacks each from your PM's that always wound on a 4+ and re-roll against T4 or lower, thereby guaranteeing you will definitely take a massive chunk out of whatever just charged you.


In conclusion, 1K Sons are a very cool army, and usually appeal to those who like to have lots of anti-MEQ firepower, but they need support from CC-focused units to be viable, as they need to just keep on blasting away for as long as possible. DG, als a very sweet army (my personal favorite, in fact), usually appeal to those who like to have infantry that can 'do it all,' as it were.

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