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Objective campers & support troops


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I wanted to toss up some options for supporting troops, the ones who hold objectives or provide that extra firepower down range. I tried to base the approximate point values around 10 CSMs with 2 plasma guns because I believe that to be a simple, solid starting point for building an objective holder, so everything should be 170 points +/- 5.


Option #1: 10 CSMs, 2 plasmaguns = 170 points.

+ lots of bodies, enough firepower to threaten infantry and light vehicles. No need for specific HQ unit to count as scoring.

- low (for Chaos) LD value.


Option #2: 6 Plague Marines, 2 plasmaguns = 174 points.

+ Same amount of plasma as option #1 but Fearless. Smaller squad size makes it easier to hide. More attacks in HtH.

- Low body count means its easier to kill them off using anti-MEQ firepower. Requires Nurgle lord as HQ to score.


Option #3: 8 Noise Marines, 7 sonic blasters = 167 points.

+ Fearless, lots of S4 firepower and no cover.

- I5 and champion are basically wasted. No value against anything beyond AV10. Requires Slaanesh lord as HQ to score.


Option #4: 6 Thousand Sons = 173 points.

+ AP3 bolters are still good and 4++ save is equal/better than your standard cover save now. Fearless.

- Lack of overwatch. Low body count and lack of volume of fire. Requires Tz Sorcerer as HQ to score.


Option #5: 6 Chosen = 168 points.

+ Lots of special weapon firepower.

- Small squad, same LD as CSMs, no increased durability. Requires Abaddon as HQ to score.


Option #6: 30 Culists with autoguns, 3 heavy stubbers = 175 points.

+ LOTS of bodies to absorb incoming damage. Strong against basic infantry. No need for specific HQ unit to count as scoring.

- Weak LD value, no serious way to handle armor. 6+ armor save is nearly worthless.



For my army, I'm looking heavily at Options 1 and 3. Option 2 is a good replacement for the CSMs but frankly the models are more expensive to buy and require a marked lord.

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I have never been a fan of "objective campers". I always play really aggressively and tend to just ensure mine will be contested and attempt to drive my opponent off of his objectives. If you have stuff that can "go out and get" the other objectives you can just set some Havocs, or Obliterators, or even a large unit of Terminators.


Of the things you listed, personally I would do the CSM squad with dual plasma guns. Probably the best for the job that you want handled.

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Cultists! Huge squads may not do much dmg, but go to ground in area terrain and you have a 3+ cover save!


I would hold them in reserve to push onto my objective late game. Same strategy i use with grots

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The noise marine idea is sound, as their sonic blasters now really reallly like to stand still. a slaneshi lord running with a big blob of fnp icon CSM isn`t a bad thing either...


What about using the dark apostle to stand with the cultist units? he will help with their low leadership, and you cna start your lord attached to his unit, then run off after he gets the extra roll on the gods`table. TBH I`m trying to figure out how to use the dark apostle, he`s a cool model, and I bought him...


I think the ability to take MEQ squads in sizes in excess of 10 really lends itself to your objective camping idea. 1 very large very minimalist squad of CSM is an interesting option...


20 CSM, 2 plasmaguns - 300 points... more if you want to give them FNP (70 pts for mark and icon) or +1 Toughness (60 points for mark)... may be interesting ideas... though... the dark apostle would make that 20 man blob pretty nutty...

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I have never been a fan of "objective campers". I always play really aggressively and tend to just ensure mine will be contested and attempt to drive my opponent off of his objectives.


At least for Chaos, I agree that only buying a squad to hold an objective is a bad practice. I tried to capture the support element in the title but maybe I wasn't clear.


My thinking is that it is expensive to gear up every squad to cross the board and claim an objective. Typically this means transports and enhanced assault capabilities. However you can save a fairly significant amount of points if you forgo those options on a few squads who purpose is to support your main line of battle. They typically need to travel less distance to be effective and are less likely to be engaged in the assault phase. To ensure they can support your forward troops, I like at least 24" of shooting range, this way they are actually do something more than camping the objective.

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what squad size issue?


Also, before anyone wants to poke at it, I was wrong about the dark apostle, he doesn`t give another roll on the table, just a reroll, not stellar...



What is more likely to be a shot in the foot since the table is that good - maybe you want to try you luck to get something better, but get something totally random instead. if the table had real bad entries, this re-roll would be a must - otherwise, you will mostly taking the chance of switching from a butcher knife to switchblade knife when you are in a firefight.

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I wanted to toss up some options for supporting troops, the ones who hold objectives or provide that extra firepower down range. I tried to base the approximate point values around 10 CSMs with 2 plasma guns because I believe that to be a simple, solid starting point for building an objective holder, so everything should be 170 points +/- 5.


Option #1: 10 CSMs, 2 plasmaguns = 170 points.

+ lots of bodies, enough firepower to threaten infantry and light vehicles. No need for specific HQ unit to count as scoring.

- low (for Chaos) LD value.


Why not upgrade this to 200pts with Icon of Vengeance and Melta Bomb so you are covered both against assaulting vehicles and in the LD department.

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I've had regular CSM break and run on me, even with Leadership 9/10. If I want to camp on something I want Fearless troops to do it. Making cultists fearless requires a special character or a 100 point HQ, so I think a 5 man Plaguemarine squad is a much more valid option in the new codex. I plan to run a Nurgle Biker Lord but I think a Slaneesh Lord on Steed is pretty cool, that would make Noise Marines scoring...
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Option 1 but I would consider giving them veterans of the long war to increase their leadership
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Take the cultists with flamer, use gtg. Cheaper and more effective at holding on. I'd almost never take the stubbers over the flamers, especially for a cheap unit that is made to camp, and better at detering assaults. I'd not mark them, but consider putting a sorc in the squad to give them leadership 10 and the force weapon. If you sit back and lob witchfire it's not a bad place for the sorc to be.
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I wanted to toss up some options for supporting troops, the ones who hold objectives or provide that extra firepower down range. I tried to base the approximate point values around 10 CSMs with 2 plasma guns because I believe that to be a simple, solid starting point for building an objective holder, so everything should be 170 points +/- 5.


Option #1: 10 CSMs, 2 plasmaguns = 170 points.

+ lots of bodies, enough firepower to threaten infantry and light vehicles. No need for specific HQ unit to count as scoring.

- low (for Chaos) LD value.


Why not upgrade this to 200pts with Icon of Vengeance and Melta Bomb so you are covered both against assaulting vehicles and in the LD department.

It's just a function of points. I could increase the points I spent on the squad by 50%the to get a much tougher unit but those points have to come from somewhere.

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I've got four 10-man duel-plasma marine squads anyway, so I'll likely stick with them to focus on holding and moving up to capture objectives. Being able to move and fire at full range means they can help soften the enemy up before my termies/raptors go in to push the enemy off theirs.
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Well the reroll is really just there to stop him getting nothing or turning into a spawn, you shouldn't be rerolling if you've landed yourself a buff (which is very likely)


It's really a very secondary ability, he's there to pass fearless/hatred on to the squad he's with and ld10 to everything else nearby.

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