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Huron Blackheart + Possessed?


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Exactly what the title says. You can give Huron himself Infiltrate and join a unit of Possessed, thus giving them the option to Infiltrate or Outflank.

Personally I think Outflanking Possessed should be fairly devastating to most opponents (since many army lists currently have a gunline setup). Just wondering on how good people think this would be.


Feel free to tell me I am stupid some more :)

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I like it, the thing is, they don`t have any shooting, and minimal defense above a standard MEQ...


Yeah, sure they`ll probably wreck face when they get into the thick of things, but getting there could be ugly...


I think Infiltrating is the superior option (obviously dependant on terrain placement and enemy alpha strike capability, but outflanking could be killer too...


I just wonder if a squad of Chosen wouldn`t be better, walking on the side board edge with Mark of Slaanesh, Icon of FNP and 5 plasmaguns...


Or kitted out for combat, 2 axes, 2 double claws, 1 meltagun power weapon and the champ done up... gets pricy, but if you`re walking them into the enemy`s face, could be devastating. would probably give them a rhino as they are unable to charge on entering the board anyway...


would probably give anyone outflanking a rhino, drive on 6, disembark 6, flat out in front of your cc squad and pop smoke, next turn, fun times!

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There is no assaulting after coming in from reserves so they will spend a round getting their butts toasted.


Never said I could assault when they pop in, just saying that throwing down 12 - 20 possessed into their deployment zone has to cause some issues.

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Its interesting, though I'd be tempted to say terminators might work better given that they have some ranged firepower and are more durable.


That said, Possessed with Nurgle or Tzeentch marks are no pushovers. I'm tempted to go with Tzeentch instead because I'm more afraid of AP3.

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Not exactly on topic, but eveytime I try to consider the MoT on something, I end up seeing that it just depends on your local meta, who you usually play against (I'm not even talking about the opponent's armies, but the opponents themselves)... otherwise those are points wasted on something that is very likely to make no difference in the most of games.
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If you infiltrate them, maybe go deathstar, and deepstrike in a keeper of secrets with Pavane. Just an idea that I thought would be relativly cool. Would be expensive of course, but still, grenades on Possessed would then be no problem and it`s not as if the enemy can afford to ignore the Keeper either (its after all, very dangerous to everything), so maybe the possessed would take far less fire.

Could potentially make the Possessed work quite well I think.


Herald with pavane is another option, but its a problem getting it attached to the squad, so easier with the Keeper.


Just an idea anyway :woot:

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If you infiltrate them, maybe go deathstar, and deepstrike in a keeper of secrets with Pavane. Just an idea that I thought would be relativly cool. Would be expensive of course, but still, grenades on Possessed would then be no problem and it`s not as if the enemy can afford to ignore the Keeper either (its after all, very dangerous to everything), so maybe the possessed would take far less fire.

Could potentially make the Possessed work quite well I think.


Herald with pavane is another option, but its a problem getting it attached to the squad, so easier with the Keeper.


Just an idea anyway :)


Lack of grenades would be far less of an issue if you are "behind enemy lines", not to worried about pure shooty units going before me in assault.

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If you infiltrate them, maybe go deathstar, and deepstrike in a keeper of secrets with Pavane. Just an idea that I thought would be relativly cool. Would be expensive of course, but still, grenades on Possessed would then be no problem and it`s not as if the enemy can afford to ignore the Keeper either (its after all, very dangerous to everything), so maybe the possessed would take far less fire.

Could potentially make the Possessed work quite well I think.


Herald with pavane is another option, but its a problem getting it attached to the squad, so easier with the Keeper.


Just an idea anyway :)


Lack of grenades would be far less of an issue if you are "behind enemy lines", not to worried about pure shooty units going before me in assault.


True, but then you outflank, which might be the best way, true. My suggestion was for infiltrators though.

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If you infiltrate them, maybe go deathstar, and deepstrike in a keeper of secrets with Pavane. Just an idea that I thought would be relativly cool. Would be expensive of course, but still, grenades on Possessed would then be no problem and it`s not as if the enemy can afford to ignore the Keeper either (its after all, very dangerous to everything), so maybe the possessed would take far less fire.

Could potentially make the Possessed work quite well I think.


Herald with pavane is another option, but its a problem getting it attached to the squad, so easier with the Keeper.


Just an idea anyway :)


Lack of grenades would be far less of an issue if you are "behind enemy lines", not to worried about pure shooty units going before me in assault.


True, but then you outflank, which might be the best way, true. My suggestion was for infiltrators though.


Yeah, I would only outflank with them to be honest. Seems like the safest and most intense way to use them.

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If you infiltrate them, maybe go deathstar, and deepstrike in a keeper of secrets with Pavane. Just an idea that I thought would be relativly cool. Would be expensive of course, but still, grenades on Possessed would then be no problem and it`s not as if the enemy can afford to ignore the Keeper either (its after all, very dangerous to everything), so maybe the possessed would take far less fire.

Could potentially make the Possessed work quite well I think.


Herald with pavane is another option, but its a problem getting it attached to the squad, so easier with the Keeper.


Just an idea anyway ;)


Lack of grenades would be far less of an issue if you are "behind enemy lines", not to worried about pure shooty units going before me in assault.



True, but then you outflank, which might be the best way, true. My suggestion was for infiltrators though.


Yeah, I would only outflank with them to be honest. Seems like the safest and most intense way to use them.


They'd give most backfield units a hell of a time. MoT for a 3+ 4++ makes them quite survivable & a nasty distraction. Not THE most competitive set up but quite fun/fluffy. Just keep them away from DC Dreads with Talons!



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They definetly look good. With MoK and an Icon pf Wrath they should be able to tear their way through anything. And infiltrating them makes it even more fun. I actually started building a list centered around Huron and Possessed before I went to work earlier today.


They are really expensive but I like the Possessed in this edition. The two Gifts of Mutation on the Champ, the difference in how the possession works and the marks and icons just all converge to make one of my aesthetically and backgroundswise favourite units more viable. Looking forward to all the randomness in the new Chaos.

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outflank them in a rhino. then at least the rhino offers some protection. possessed in land raiders is something worth considering aswell.


I'm going to try both. If you Outflank them onto the board 6'' in the Rhino, get out move 6'' & then move the Rhino 6'' to block LOS then your Possessed could get a next turn charge, where-as if they stayed inside the Rhino they wouldn't be able to charge out of it (silly 6th ed!). I am going to try them on foot too, I think Outflank will be handiest most of the time, but Infiltrate might come in handy.


Some of the rolls on the Boon table are great. Strength of the Berzerker with Furious Charge... though Arcane Occulum is lolz!



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so wait...you cant assault if you outflanked in that turn? i dont have my rulebook here to check for myself... if thats true then scrap one of my list ideas.


Not 100% sure but pretty sure you can't. Seem to remember my Nids player friend ranting about this.



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so wait...you cant assault if you outflanked in that turn? i dont have my rulebook here to check for myself... if thats true then scrap one of my list ideas.


It's true. Many SW players stopped taking scouts or have switched them from assaulty to shooty.

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can somebody quote the rule? not to be a pain but in another thread people are talking about coming in from outflank and charging, and again i dont have the rulebook underway with me.


Page 125, second paragraph under the pic of Termies, in bold.


I'm not quoting it but I think people are forgetting that Reserves rules apply to Outflank!


Now, give your Possessed MoN & they might make it. 6" move, run D6. Next turn move 6" & 2D6" charge all with Fleet for re-rolls.



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