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New Player building deathguard army


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Ok i'm trying to get back into 40k after a 15 yr hiatus (yeah i know i'm crazy). How would i start to build a deathguard army, any tips for noobs like me? i do want to add terminators but how would you equip a squad of termies for nurgle though? i don't know much bout nurgle at all, so any help would be helpful to me, and give me an idea where to starts. i do own the dark vengeance box set, i own a squad of marines, i own some lord models (not typhus yet or a warpsmith) and i own 5 possessed marines, 5 terminators (not assembled yet), a landraider and a dreadnought. So i got some stuff to starts with but unsure what to pick up next, i know i will need at least two squads of marines, and a squad of plague marines and i do want a forge fiend. other than that not sure what else to use. i do not know the new rules either i do not have army book yet, so i can not fiddle with list until at least tomorrow
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I would go all plaguemarines (or convert CSM to love Nurgle). Nurgle-marked Lords can unlock them as troops, and they're tough as nails and killy to boot. Dreadnoughts are a bit squishy, like most vehicles in 6th edition, but I'm sure someone can figure out how to work them right. I haven't quite given up on them yet.
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so a lord with mark of nurgle allows you to take plague marines as troop choices? how many would you put in a squad though? the box sets come with 7 plague marines, so would a squad of 7 work? yeah i know vehicles are squishy in the new rules, especially with hull pts. its a must to have a warp smith if you want vehicles at least warp smiths can repair the hull pts but they are not cheap it seems
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Yes, squads of 7 is just right, in my experience. If you want to experiment with a warpsmith, go right ahead. Their biggest drawback is that you can't get them to make PMs troops, but there is not much to be done about that.


I am not a fan of how possessed play, but I really like their kit. They provide great conversion fodder for gnarly PMs and mutated champs!

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It might be tricky to get a ton of advice at the moment. I know I'm still trying to figure out the new codex. There's a ton more going on than our last codex had going for it.


Some Death Guard basics would be ensuring you get those Plague Marines as troops. If you're planning on running a Warpsmith, DP, or any of the more expensive HQ options, running a cheaper Lord would be the way to go, just to mark him for Nurgle, and get that troop selection. In lists I'm toying with, it seems you have to take one cheaper HQ if you go with anything expensive. So, for a Lord, either a Power Armored guy with a Power Weapon, combi, MoN, and nothing else, or one in Termie armor with MoN and nothing else (Veteran of the Long War upgrade on either if you have the points).


Terminators, since you asked specifically about them, are looking like a tricky unit. They've got a ton of goodies to take (though they are a bit more limited than they used to be in their weapon combos), but you can't let yourself get carried away. Try and keep them somewhat cheaper, while still filling the role you want them to have. If you're going shooty (say, for a Deep Striking squad), go Autocannon, some combis, maybe a fist or chainfist, and that's it (besides a Mark, I suppose). They can be marked for the Nurgley +1 Toughness, which is useful. If you'd rather have an assault squad, they probably need to be put in the Land Raider, which means you're spending a ton of points on the squad, so the champ can get Lightning Claws, a H. Flamer can help, but otherwise, I'd probably keep the rest of the squad with their standard combi-bolters and power weapons (whichever you feel would be best, but I'd suggest Swords/Maces/Lances). Keep their initiatives high, and just go to town.


For future purchases, you'll need another squad of CSM/PMs (or two), and Rhinos if you don't want to footslog. I'm of the opinion that PMs in Rhinos are still good, despite a lot of vehicles getting shot up fairly easily in 6th. PMs want to own the center of the table, and Rhinos get them there turn 1/2, so that's all the Rhino needs to accomplish.


Get that codex, and get reading, though. Enjoy!

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yeah i have the codex coming, i'm still debating between the gods though. the terminators i'd use them for deep striking i'm not fan of land raiders to be honest with you, and how easily vehicles are destroyed now in 6th prolly best not to spend points on land raider. they do make pm models or used to but they 45 dollars a box though for 7 models which look nicer, but its prolly cheaper to go with regular csm's but then i doubt i'd get the option for plasma guns though. its still up in the air what i do, i was going to do khorne but with new rules i dont' know yet, i do have the berzerkers if i go with khorne though. we'll see but thanx for the advice
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For the record, I still use rhinos for my plaguemarines. Sure, it's giving up a kill point in most games, and sometimes even first blood, but like PD said, it gets them to mid-range where I can usually rapid-fire my plasmaguns from 1 or 2 safe-spots (read: rhino) before being forced to disembark. I play conservatively with them, and try to hug cover, or pop smoke if none is available. You can still play around with them, you just have to be smart about it. I'm still pretty hesitant to sink more than 35-40 points into a vehicle, though. Even our scary helbrute doesn't seem to be able to make his points back, but the jury is still out on that decision (for me, anyhow).
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well the only vehicle i have atm is a land raider, would rhino's work better ? and would you put two plasma guns in every squad of plague marines?, i'm trying to figure out how to set up my squads of plague marines atm, i might end up taking a havoc squad for the armor pen with the missle launchers i have. i do got 20 cultists tho, so they could be fodder to protect my vehicles if i run them in two squads of 10. but not sure how to set up my regular plague marine squads though
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Standard setup for PM squads is either 2 plasma or 2 melta, plus power weapon or power fist (either has their argument, but PWs cost less and still offer AP2) on the champ. Rhinos die easy, but it's going to hurt a lot worse (points-wise) to lose that land raider. On the other hand, it's pretty hard to pop them, you can march behind them for a nice cover save if you need it, and they provide some great anti-tank power. One squad of plaguemarines with an HQ (or two) in a Land Raider, followed by your other squads of PMs (in rhino or on foot), screened with some cultists might be a decent list, with enough points left over to make the army yours.


Havoc squads aren't bad, and 4 AC in a 5-man havoc squad is the new black. Sure, you get skyfire with flakk, but they're both S7 48" AP4 and you get 2 attacks with the AC vs 1 for the missile launcher, and the missile launchers cost as much as a Plaguemarine!


Personally I'd run a single 20-man cultist squad over 2 ten-man squads. 10 seems weak, easy to wipe out, and would give up 2 kill points as opposed to (possibly) no kill points in a 20-man squad (as they would have the numbers to survive the battle). You can always fan them out to give your shock troops the cover they need to march up the field.

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how many rhino's do you think i'll need though? not sure what pts list i'm gonna go for right now maybe 1k or 1500 for the time being, i will end up buying forge fiend cuz i like those models and that be good anti tank things but that be first thing they target to destroy's so havoc squad will work too. right now my terminators are almost completely painted and set up for how i want them, which is a good start. i have a squad of chaos marines i can se but will need to pick up a melta gun. i have flamer and melta bitz atm, not sure i should run the squad with those two in it or not
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I see where others have said the rhino is still good, but I have to disagree a little. I think it's entirely too squishy. AV11 w/ 3HP's? No thanks. All that's required to kill that is a couple measly multi-lasers. In my last game against SM's, I killed all 4 of his rhinos in the first turn. I run 14-man PM squads and I haven't lost an entire squad in a game to date. Also, he's right about cultists.... if you run them, run them in at least groups of 20. They're just entirely too easy to kill for opponents in anything smaller. I would suggest you look into a maulerfiend also, as those are disgustingly fast and destructive, not to mention surprisingly resilient. They make great deception units because opponents tend to focus on them to the exclusion of all else. I've been running PM squads like that for the last six games, by the way, and I've won by a landslide in each game. Those squads are just too resilient for words!
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If a 12" inc move + a Turn 2 disembark doesn't do it for you then try and use 2-3 Rhinos as mobile shield walls as well as to block charges.

Best unit for the job for those points.



My 2 Kraks

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yeah i might go for 14 pm's in a squad, i do not like transports in general, i never have. mauler fiend would be good but would a forge fiend be better cuz of the ranged dmg on it, or would one of each work? i haven't decided on heavy support choices, i was thinking a mauler or forge or 2 of those types and an obliterator squad. i can't see using raptors or warp talons in a pm army though, bikers would be good idea for fast attack, maybe even a heldrake, then all that leaves then is how many elite units to field. i already got 5 terminators, plan to pick up 5 more terminators, and typhus. i don't know if i'll run a 2nd hq choice or not yet, if i ran a regular lord what would compliment a lord as an hq choice?
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If you take a normal lord then take a sorcerer as well as he can be very cheap (unless you go overboard like me with wargear) upgrade him to mastery lv 3 and chuck him with some plague marines or something for some good psychic support. I reckon you should go one of each of the forge and maulerfiend as since you are already planning to take Obliterators then that way the mauler is your heavy hitter charging forward going crazy with anything it gets near hopefully attracting your opponents fire from your other heavies, but it is your army go with what you like best
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Sorcerers do, as teutonicavenger said, complement lords very well, although dark apostles do as well, if he's in the same unit. I actually take one each of a forgefiend and maulerfiend in almost every battle, simply because they are both so amazing at what they do.
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well i made a list for 2k pts, i'm gonna have to revise it though. lets see Hq choice is Typhus, 3 squads of plague marines, 14 pm's in each squad. 6 plasma guns (2 in each squad). 5 terminators (reaper auto cannon, combi melta, 2 power fists, 2 power axes , 1 chain fist, mark of nurgle). 3 obliterators (mark of nurgle) and a forge fiend with 2 hades auto cannons and ectoplasm cannon. Should i drop the plague marines down to 7 - 10 models, drop typhus and add in regular lord and sorcerer and then maybe if i got points left over a mauler fiend?
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At 2k I don't think Typhus is a bad choice, though he might also do well to be complimented with a Sorcerer. You should drop your PMs down to 7 man squads, for more plasma and more objective holders, yes. If you have the points, put (at least) one additional combi-melta in your Term squad.


I'd playtest with something (like a rhino proxy) to see if you like the Mauler before you purchase it. I've read some very poor reviews, but a few people seem to like it so I guess it depends on your playstyle. The only game I saw it in, it got immobilized turn 1 and was ignored the rest of the game.


Also, I'm not sure that you're able to take hades AC and an ectoplasm cannon on the forgefiend. It says "take an additional ectoplasm cannon for XX points", which says to me that you had to have already purchased the ectoplasm upgrade in the first place, but I could be wrong.

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@Circus Nurgling-I see everyone telling everyone to run 7-man PM squads, but I've tried that and they died horribly--FAST. How do you guys keep such small squads alive? Even in transports I was losing a squad every turn or two, like clockwork. Now that I run 14-man squads I've stopped losing them completely, which is why I do it. I never build a list any more with 7-man PM squads for that very reason. Is there something dumb I'm doing to get them killed that you guys don't?
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the forge fiend rules you can purchase an additional ectoplasm cannon, or replace your two hades autocannons with ectopalasm cannons for free, the upgrade to another one is 25 pts. i think the one thing that'll hurt my army is fliers (damn nid players) i might just drop my squads down to 10 man squads, and use 3 squads of those and redesign list to fit something more in, maybe if i had the pts put in a sorcerer to compliment typhus or add squad of cultists or something, if i had two forge or two maulers they'd have to shoot at one on first turn, so if one gets immobilized i have one left to destroy stuff with
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think thats what i'm gonna do with him then, with my 1250 list. put him with my terminators and deep strike him and put my sorcerer with a squad of plague marines. wish i had bikers i'd swap out my helbrute for a squad of bikers but can't afford them atm. i might just use my old dreadnought as my helbrute though which will look better painted cuz i paint terribly though lol, missing part on my helbrute anyways
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