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New Player building deathguard army


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I was browsing the forums when I saw this, and thought that you might find my 2.5k list interesting. I've used it for about 5 battles or so, and it's never lost.






10x Plague Marines

Power Fist

2x flamer, VOTLW, Rhino


10x Plague Marines

Power Fist

2x melta, VOTLW, Rhino


7x Plague Marines

Power Weapon

2x plasma, VOTLW


7x Plague Marines

Power Fist



Heavy Support







Fast Attack

10x Raptors

Lightning Claws, Gift of Mutation

MOK, VOTLW, Icon of Wrath, 2x melta


No elites.


Allies (Imperial Guard)

Lord Commissar w/ carapace armour + power fist


10x veterans with a power weapon/bolt pistol for the sarge, heavy flamer, 2x flamers and grenadiers doctrine


3x basilisks w/ enclosed crew compartment



Aegis Defence Line





2508 points



So this list is utter filth for several reasons: First and foremost, Chaos's biggest weakness is their lack of mobility. For transports we have the cheap Rhino, which keep the occupants safe for the 1 turn that it survives, or the super-heavy land raider, which, while excellent, is too expensive to be used in bulk. So, how do you overcome that lack of mobility? Simple! Force the enemy to come to you. Normally Chaos have a horrible time fighting anything over 72" (and even then it's just the Defiler's battlecannon keeping them afloat there), but when the enemy has a choice of sitting back and having 3 str9 ap3 large blasts being dropped on him per turn or charging you, the choice is pretty obvious. The aegis defence line, combined with the rhinos, means that you can adequately protect the Basilisks from enemy fire while letting them fire onto your enemies' heads. And when they get close? A plague marine bum-rush will be more than enough to deal with what bedraggled remains of your enemy make it through the fire. For those pesky, high-priority targets you have the obliterators, and the quad-gun will be perfectly capable of knocking most enemy fliers out of the sky. The Raptors, meanwhile, should be more than capable of knocking apart any token units your opponent may have kept by objectives .

And it's a double-edged sword; if your enemy doesn't fancy playing ball and coming towards you, shell the snot out of him while the Rhino'd-up Plague Marines make a rush for his lines, with the obliterators/Typhus/Raptors deep-striking in right next to them.


Opinions? The quad-gun has been capable of dealing with all enemy fliers that I've yet had to deal with, but those have been few and far between. I'd be interested to see how this fares against an Elysian Airdrop Troop list, or Cron Air. As far as I can tell fliers would be this list's biggest weakness, or deep-striking Land Raiders (ahem-ahem, Matt Ward).


Please don't post individual point values.

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that might actually work though but i don't think chaos can take imperial guard as allies though only chaos daemons, unless your using the apocalypse books or something but very interesting list i'll have to give that a try but will have to purchase alot more stuff than i currently own though but its worth working towards it though
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@Crunchy: Have you considered Marbo?

I think I'd be compelled to take Marbo in an Allies contingent (unless Psykers fit my composition more)...


I'm also not the biggest fan of Typhus if you're not taking Zombies... He's alright, but his price screams "Zombie Tax" to me, and ergo means wasted points without utilising said Zombies.

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@Crunchy: Have you considered Marbo?

I think I'd be compelled to take Marbo in an Allies contingent (unless Psykers fit my composition more)...


I'm also not the biggest fan of Typhus if you're not taking Zombies... He's alright, but his price screams "Zombie Tax" to me, and ergo means wasted points without utilising said Zombies.


Yeah I feel the same way. I'd rather have a super expensive lord on a bike with black mace and Sigil at ~200 points than Typhus, but I've bought some zombies now and am going to be using him for the first time heh.

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i could just do a themed cultist army when cultists are available to purchase in regular boxes since i only have 20 that came with dark vengeance, i ran run full cultists with 1 squad of plague marines, and then go destroyer hive on ppl with typhus killing cultists and enemy models in close combat on one of the phases of cc , which would rock but it also be an overwhelming army cuz you can not kill so many cultists
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i could just do a themed cultist army when cultists are available to purchase in regular boxes since i only have 20 that came with dark vengeance,

The "box" gw is releasing is a mix of autoguns and autopistol/ccw. YOu'd be better off ordering from most online stores or bitz providers where you can choose buy specifically one group or the other.

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