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New CC wound allocation


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Under the wound allocation on page 25 it says if a model is allocated a wound it must continue to allocate wounds to it until it is either removed or wound pool is emptied... so i take this to mean...


I cause 10 wounds from ccw in hand to hand... my opponent decides to not use look out sir and make a save on his 2+ HQ, he must then make all other save from these 10 wounds on his HQ until all 10 are saved or until enough have been missed to reduce HQ to 0 wounds then continue allocating. Does this sound correct?


Also if a second wound round would start from say the next shooting and a multiple wound model already has a wound does he have to take all wounds on this model first as they did in 5th? thanks

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Also if a second wound round would start from say the next shooting and a multiple wound model already has a wound does he have to take all wounds on this model first as they did in 5th? thanks


no, wounds are allocated the closest model, the only way to play wound shenanigans in 6th is to switch the order in which models are placed and leave wounded models at the back.

that being said if someone were to shoto them from behind the wounded models would take the first wounds anyway

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First off your meant to go by a B2B basis, so only as many wounds can be allocated on him as attacks in contact with him.a

You also have to take into account if other models are equal distance from the attacker/shooter. Such as a combat with multiple models in base contact.


E.G. Captain in contact with 2 orks, while 4 Veterens in contact with those two Orks, amazingly the orks hit with everything and wound with everything, thats 8 wounds, Orks charge in, Marines already gone and wiped out rest of squad.


Now you need to allocated one wound on the closest, they a all in contact, so they all get a wound until the wound pool is empty.

thats 1 wound on each Marine model, with three left over the Marine Player can allocate those to either the captain or the vets.


The Vets end up with 7 allocated wounds, assuming they all have same wargear, take saves all at once, or one at time if you prefer, and Cap gets 1. Roll saves after vets for simplicity.


The controlling player can chose to allocate the first wounds on the vets and prevent the captain from taking the second one by continuing to allocate the rest of the wounds on the vets, he can then chose to look out sir on the captain to redirect the wound onto the vets, making it possible to not have to allocate on the captain.


Alternatively if the captain is the closest and the vets are attacking through within 2 inches of his base, he must take all the wounds, rolling as many dice as he has wounds till he's dead, at which point wounds a allocated to the nearest veteran as per shooting, or the wound pool is empty.


If another round starts from different Inititive steps or second unit firing at same target, rule still applies, allocate to closest, roll as many dice as he has wounds remaining till he is removed, at which point repeat allocation and rolling with the next closest model, or if the wound pool is empty move on.

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