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Master of the Forge: Lord of the Armory


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His rule states that any dreadnought, ven dread, or ironclad in the army can be taken as elite or heavy support. Last time I checked, this was not FAQ'd to only apply to C:SM, unlike the chapter tactic rules from the other HQs. Does this mean the rule applies to any marine allies you take? For example, if I ally with space wolves, I can get two dreads, one from elites, the other from from heavy support.


I know that furioso and Dc dreads do not apply as the dreads that can switch FOC are specified.



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His rule states that any dreadnought, ven dread, or ironclad in the army can be taken as elite or heavy support. Last time I checked, this was not FAQ'd to only apply to C:SM


emphasis mine.

sorry mate this is fishing, you cannot seriously argue that becuase it doesnt say it doesnt apply to other dexes, that it then does apply.

its a codex specific rule, written for C:SM, if it were meant to apply to other dexes (even allies), then it would say so.

the absence of a rule, does not mean its allowed

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I'm going to respectfully disagree with that greatcrusade. GW not only specifically FAQ'd all chapter tactics, but Sicarius', Calgar's, and all chaplains' rules as well. Why would they not address the MotF's rule as well? His rule states that all dreads in your army can be taken as elites or heavy support (provided they meet the specified requirements). Allies are part of your army right? If so, then there is no absence of rules like you are suggesting. On the contrary, the rules specifically say you can.
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if my base army is SW and i take Shrike, the only C:SM units could use shrikes chapter tactics rules as SW does not have chapter tactics. so why would i be able to benefit off of a rule that i dont have?


another example:

i take base C:SM as my army and i ally in SW. i have a MoTF. and take a SW dread (elite). its a SW unit not a C:SM unit. so how am i going to apply a rule from 1 codex to another.


another example:

i take a wolf priest, and put him in a C:SM tac squad. FAQ says that C:SM units dont benefit from SW rules.


so. no. you cannnot MoTF a BA dread.

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If your army contains allies it is still one army, so the RAW for the MOTF affects that one army and it would carry over to the SW, as there is no errant/faq stating otherwise so yes you could take SW dreads as HS choice.


I also reckon that Pedro Kantor sterngaurd scoring rule would carry of to ally sterngaurds, as they had not erranted it as they did his inspiring presence.


That only way you could argue this is the RAI is the when you choice your allies they would then be a C:SW-dread not just a dread


another example:

i take base C:SM as my army and i ally in SW. i have a MoTF. and take a SW dread (elite). its a SW unit not a C:SM unit. so how am i going to apply a rule from 1 codex to another.


empahise mine: easy heaps of codex stack together example: I attach lysander to a grey hunter pack giving them the bolter drill special rule, as they are BFF (battle brothers), look at the CSM and C:deamon epiy/DG combo that has come out lately now.


If GW didn't specify these rules as they did for character like vulkan or calgar then they either intended that to work or they miss it as usaul, so RAW they do affect allies.

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Actually Idaeus, Pedro's rule of scoring sternguard is under his chapter tactics. So it would not apply to allies as it has been faqd. However you bring up a good point on how there is precedent in regards to how one codex's rules can affect another's. Plague marines gaining the benefits from epidemius' rule is a great example.


Toasterfree, while I agree with you on your examples regarding shrike and the wolf priest, I will point out again that those particular rules were specifically FAQd. Lord of the Amory has not. The rules state that dreads in the owning player's army can be taken as elite our heavy support. So if its part of my army, I can switch the FOC.


Heimdall, I admit I am not very well versed in the ally rules. Could you please cite where the rule book states allies are not part of rhe army?

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Basswave - your right i forgot that, you are correct.


correction - only vulkan chapter tactics has be FAq/errant, so would that mean the other character chapter tatics are unaffected,


for example the FAQ/errant for - pedro they only modified his inspring presence - not his chapter tactic rule.

shrike only had his see, but remain unseen rule modified not his chapter tactic



would they confer or have I forgot/or miss read something - if i have please can you supply page number or fag version number please.

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Well considering you have to exchange Combat Tactics to get their rules, then those particular rules dont transfer to allies because no other units outside codex sm have the combat tactics rule. Therefor they can't make the trade for chapter tactics.
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Actually Idaeus, Pedro's rule of scoring sternguard is under his chapter tactics. So it would not apply to allies as it has been faqd. However you bring up a good point on how there is precedent in regards to how one codex's rules can affect another's. Plague marines gaining the benefits from epidemius' rule is a great example.


Toasterfree, while I agree with you on your examples regarding shrike and the wolf priest, I will point out again that those particular rules were specifically FAQd. Lord of the Amory has not. The rules state that dreads in the owning player's army can be taken as elite our heavy support. So if its part of my army, I can switch the FOC.


Heimdall, I admit I am not very well versed in the ally rules. Could you please cite where the rule book states allies are not part of rhe army?


Pedro's Chapter Tactics say the units trade Combat Tactcs for Stubborn. Then it says Sternguard units gain Hold the Line. They do not trade Combat Tactics for Hold the Line because gain =\= trade.


And the argument that your allied detachment is not part of your army would prevent an allied Tigurius from using Gift of Prescience, for example.

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Pedro’s Sternguard ability is called “Hold the Line” and is not part of his chapter tactics.


This Dreadnaught discussion has actually come up several times in the past, if you use your search-fu.



The result has always been the same. There is nothing that says the MotF ability (or Pedro's ability) can’t modify your allied detachment. It is up to your local gaming group if they choose to allow this.

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