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Veterans of the Long War

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Hello everyone!


I'm just putting my first [new] list together and I was wondering if there is much point giving plague marines "Veterans of the Long War" special rule? They're fearless so is there much point them having leadership 10? Also I only play against Marines about half the time so the extra "Hatred" rule won't be much use will it? I feel like plague marines already have heaps of special rules and nasty tricks up their sleeves.


What does the forum think?

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If you are running lots of plasma it might be a good idea since you get to reroll 1s to hit. I usually take veterans if I know Im playing against marines. My motivation for this is that a lord would definatly sent veterans (experts in fighting loyalist space marine) if he knew he was facing them.
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I would since they will be getting re rolls to hit and to wound which is great on any unit.


They are very unlikely to re-roll to wound. With VotLW they re-roll to hit against marines, while they re-roll to wound against weak stuff.


Combination sounds pretty lethal to me. Very good if you plan to have them assult in your games I reckon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been using it on my PM's and it's utterly disgusting for only one point. Think about it, you re-roll to hit and to wound against standard space marines. That's so awesome it can't be put into words, my friend, since loyalist sm's are so common. My squad of 13 PM's that I run with my sorcerer, who also has VotLW, consistently causes 20 wounds, excluding the champ and said sorcerer. That's just utterly amazing, especially if you overwatch first and then annihilate what's left. I killed an entire 10-man squad of death company, with reclusiarch, and THEY charged ME. BG's denied their Rage, I killed 3 from shooting (thanks to a wound cause by one of my 3 melta shots and 4 wounds caused by bolters), challenged and killed the reclusiarch with my sorcerer, and killed the rest with all those poisoned plague knife and power axe attacks. Of course, I did get obscenely lucky with my armor and FNP saves, but hey, what can I say? My buddy was NOT impressed, lol. Did i get a little lucky? yes, but even still, i would have just finished that squad off in the following round of CC on my turn, as my sorcerer would then have turned his 4 attacks on the remaining DC. VotLW is the best 1 pt upgrade PM's can get, IMHO.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been using it on my PM's and it's utterly disgusting for only one point. Think about it, you re-roll to hit and to wound against standard space marines. That's so awesome it can't be put into words, my friend, since loyalist sm's are so common.


This. As long as you're not only using them as a MSU to camp an objective, I think its a worthwhile buy. Oddly enough, I think plague marines with assault weapons might be the best "troop" based assaulters out there. Able to effectively ignore the forced challenge limitations of only using swords, they can take the more powerful axes or fists to threaten 2+ units. The come with improved ubergrit (Plaguegrit?) and the I3 drawback is fairly minor when you're that tough.

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On tournaments I would bring it on pretty much all my CC-units.


In friendly casual gaming down at my LGS, I only bother with it if I'm up against marines.

Call if tailoring if you like, but I think most gamers make some tweaks and changes to a list if they know what they're up against before they write the list. It's not like I've ever come up against anti-GEQ lists with my CSM anyway.

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