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so when i started out age 8 my first model was lucius. i love his fluff about how he comes back.


here is my possibly dumb question. did there used to be a rule to represent him coming back? i seem to remember that there was way back in 4th or 3rd but i might have been imagining it. in 6 there is noting he doesnt even have eternal warrior for christs sake.

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did there used to be a rule to represent him coming back?



i might have been imagining it.




he doesnt even have eternal warrior for christs sake.

As he isn't an eternal warrior, and can be killed, and has been killed multiple times ;)

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There has never been a special rule to represent Lucius' unique ability. As a Lucius fan I'm okay with that. It seems like the transformation of anyone who defeats Lucius is a slow and very painful process. Certainly too slow for him to come back during a game. Plus there is the matter of game balance. Imagine how expensive Lucius would be if he could come back and replace the mini that killed him! Lucius is killed by Draigo/Calgar/Phoenix Lord/Sanguinor etc. and then next turn he comes back to life and your opponent loses his expensive HQ... How can you put a point cost on that?

He was a psyker in the 3.5 codex. He came with a psychic power that gave him an extra attack for each wound he suffered.

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The Armor of Shrieking Souls.


That's what you are looking for in this codex. If he saves a wound, it reflects hits back to the attacker. It's not a "coming back," but that's as close as it gets.

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I have a question about his Lash. Does it count as a close combat weapon? On a charge, will he get 4 attacks (3 + 1 for charging) or 5 attacks (3 + 1 for charging + 1 for PS/lash)?


Nope, not a close combat weapon.


IMO the only real problem I have with Lucius is his sword - it's just a power sword in Codex: CSM, but in Betrayal it's Strength User AP2 Melle, Rending, Specialist Weapon, Two-Handed.

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The sword he uses in Betrayal was shattered after Isstvan, the sword he has in Codex: CSM is the sword in which the daemon that possessed Fulgrim was first housed.

To clarify - when I said in Betrayal I meant the sword wielded by Fulgrim in Betrayal, not whatever Lucius had in Betrayal as I don't even know what, if any, special rules that had.

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The sword he uses in Betrayal was shattered after Isstvan, the sword he has in Codex: CSM is the sword in which the daemon that possessed Fulgrim was first housed.


Wait, I thought that was the murder sword, the sword that downed Horus on Davin? Wasn't that the sword given to Fulgrim with the daemon in it?


Argh. All this new lore is so hard to keep track of....

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The sword he uses in Betrayal was shattered after Isstvan, the sword he has in Codex: CSM is the sword in which the daemon that possessed Fulgrim was first housed.


Wait, I thought that was the murder sword, the sword that downed Horus on Davin? Wasn't that the sword given to Fulgrim with the daemon in it?


Argh. All this new lore is so hard to keep track of....

In just about this order:


Lucius and Fulgrim have regular swords.

Anathame used on Horus.

Fulgrim takes the Laer Blade.

Laer Blade deamon possesses Fulgrim

Someone (Horus/Erebus) gives Anathame to Fulgrim.

Fulgrim gives empty Laer blade to Lucius


Fulgrim ends with the Anathame, Lucius with the Laer.

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Yes, the Anathame is a Nurgle weapon, I might add, rather than Slaaneshi.


I was wondering from where did you find that it was defined as a Nurgle weapon. I've looked on Lexicanum and the closest it gets to a nurgle weapon is in the hands of Temba. But it seems to me the blade effected each member differently. I feel the blade is heavily undivided not allied to any one god but strong in expressing dark desires of those that hold it. Though on Lexicanum granted the article says it needs work so just curious as to where the info is on this that states its a nurgle weapon.


-Sincerely Joshi

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