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Dual landraiders still viable?


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Ive not played in a few years but i remember one of my old lists had good success running 2 landraiders full if boys.


Is this type of build still viable or is it better to pack a more balanced force to counter all the threats?


Im looking to get back into it at 1500pts to begin with



Many thanks

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I think it's become more viable than it was in 5th edition - people seem to be gearing up with less melta and more plasma so that they can better strip Hull Points off vehicles from range and/or kill more infantry due to decreasing use of the usual dedicated transports.


But what that all means is that less things can harm your Land Raiders. However, there are a couple of papers to your rock; Necrons with their gauss weapons and DEldar with their lances. The latter is seemingly going out of favour, but there are growing numbers of the former.

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Nice one,


I'm at a loss of where to start, I'm pretty much set on building up a violators force so the mark of slaanesh will feature in the army but beyond that I'm not sure.


I'm more of a painter these days and I quite like all the new stuff, is that all viable too?

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Nice one,


I'm at a loss of where to start, I'm pretty much set on building up a violators force so the mark of slaanesh will feature in the army but beyond that I'm not sure.


I'm more of a painter these days and I quite like all the new stuff, is that all viable too?


That's a broad question to ask, especially as people are still play testing.

One thing to remember with dual raider lists is, unless you take one as a terminator dedicated transport, you're competing with a lot of other good heavy choices including havoks with skyfire weapons.


I'd aim for HQ + bodyguards in one and assault based scoring unit in the other. Support with bikers, raptor or rhino squads who can keep up. Keep a cost effective fire support unit in the back for help. Overall list would be aggressive and mobile, allowing you to concentrate your forces together.

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If power armor armies still bring all the auto-las predators and missile lancher devestator squads assuming they've finally dropped the rifleman dread spamming then little has changed. Throw in the normal typhoon speeders and cyclones on TDA squad assuming anyone actually used those without TH//SS then again, LR is still unchanged. If anything all these weapons which would normally have to inflict 5 glancing hits knocking out tracks, weapons, and final hull hit require one less hit to kill the tank. Then again, I'm super bitter about the hull points mechanic.
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Hrm. 2 Land Raiders for a 1500 points list sounds awful expensive, that's almost a third of your points right there.


At the same time, Land Raiders actually received some pretty big buffs in this edition of the Codex. If I am reading the rules right, they can have combi-weapons, havok launchers and warpflame gargoyles in addition to their standard load out, making them even more of an offensive menace. A vehicle that has twin-linked heavy bolters, twin-linked lascannons, twin-linked S5 blast missiles, bolters plus a firing point would be pretty hard core, especially if all those weapons also did soul blaze damage.


I could see this vehicle getting it's points back regularly in games. 2 of them would be hard to deal with.

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Granted the CSM LR had access to combi-bolters and the havoc launcher in the gav dex so its wargear setup didn't change. The warpflame is obviously new and the dirge caster finally has a purpose.
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I think the issue is with land raiders is compared to some other chaos vehicles, their firepower is a bit mediocer. Sure the 2 laser cannons are going to do a fair amount of damage to enemy army and MCs, but they don't have any weapons that are good for dealing with infantry. For 30pts less you can take the forgefiend that has 8 s8 ap4 shots and one s8 blast shot...lot more firepower. The only thing the land raider has going for it is AV14. I'd only take one if you have some terminators to put in it.
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Ive not played in a few years but i remember one of my old lists had good success running 2 landraiders full if boys.


Is this type of build still viable or is it better to pack a more balanced force to counter all the threats?


Im looking to get back into it at 1500pts to begin with



Many thanks


not viable , if there are necron still legal .

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