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Daemon Prince & Mark of Nurgle


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Greetings Sons of Nurgle,


I love the new Chaos Codex so far (although new Named Characters for other Legions would have been nice). It is definately a Phil Kelly Codex. Right now I'm checking how to field my DG army with the new Dex.


There is only one thing that I can't get the hang of:


The Mark of Nurgle on the Daemon Prince seems rather lackluster to me. True, shrouded and Slow and Purposeful seems fluff appropriate, but it still cost 15 pts. That's a lot IMO.


So my questions:


1. Do any of you guys use the MoN on your Daemon Prince?


2. What is the advantage of Slow and Purposeful for a Monstrous Creature? I can't figure out, if SaP is a advantage at all.



Thanks for reading and spread the plague!




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Well, it doesn't have the Mark of Nurgle at all, otherwise it'd work nicely for the Tallyman, and he can't take any Artefacts that require a mark.


Slow and Purposeful is only a hindrance (basically, you're paying 15 points for Shrouded and a nerf) since you can't run or move flat out, and daemon princes need that speed. Still, the 3+ Jink save is pretty darn nice for when you actually take a wound, even though it doesn't prevent grounding tests.

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Well, it doesn't have the Mark of Nurgle at all, otherwise it'd work nicely for the Tallyman, and he can't take any Artefacts that require a mark.


The tallyman of Epidemius works for both models with the mark of Nurgle and Nurgle Deamons, so the DP does count for the tallyman

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Well, it doesn't have the Mark of Nurgle at all, otherwise it'd work nicely for the Tallyman, and he can't take any Artefacts that require a mark.


The tallyman of Epidemius works for both models with the mark of Nurgle and Nurgle Deamons, so the DP does count for the tallyman


But only if it has the mark of nurgle ;)


S&P is the price you pay for being +1T. Beyond that I can't see any actual advantage of being S&P on a DP. I'll scour it when I get home, as I haven't fully evaluated taking a DP from the CSM codex in my list yet (as I've gotten used to taking them from the Daemons codex as allies). I'll most likely continue to do so, as the Daemons dex doesn't limit your flight distance with Nurgle DPs.

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Actually I'm only talking about the Daemon Prince from the new Codex Chaos. It does not grant +1 Toughness to the Prince, otherwise I would take it. It only gives him Shrouded and S&P.

Daemon Princes from Codex Daemon is a completely different matter.


But it seem as if I'm correct and the MoN kinda sucks for the DP.

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Ah true..."Daemon of Nurgle" is hard to say no to! So he does count for the Tallyman.


No, the Daemon Prince does not gain +1T. He doesn't have the Mark of Nurgle. He only gets S&P and Shrouding. Does it slow him down in the air? Yea, it means he can't go Flat Out.

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Oh... it just now saw that it's not Mark of Nurgle anymore... weird. I'll have to look at this dumbfounded for a bit.


[edit]Ok so shrouded is fluffy, I can live with that. Hugging cover or ruins you could potentially get 2+ cover saves. I don't see how S&P would be beneficial at all. Since he's a Daemon of Nurgle then yes, he would benefit from and add to tally.


So yeah Daemon of Nurgle is meh for the DP upgrades... definitely the worst off of the bunch.

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DoT is way better for the re-rolls of 1's on armor saves now. DoM is stupid, as is the others as well.


Daemon of Malal?

Yes please! Sorry, I got hooked on the SoM fluff, and finding it to hard to use CSM to build them, I used DA. I'm looking to put together a Purge army now.

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DA? Man that's a dated codex. Cool stuff, but...


SoM look like they might be hard to represent with this codex, yeah, especially with not being able to have undivided DPs now (but I'll leave that argument alone). Outside of generic CSMs, cultists, and havocs in a mechanized list I don't see it. My dreams are shattered.

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DA? Man that's a dated codex. Cool stuff, but...


SoM look like they might be hard to represent with this codex, yeah, especially with not being able to have undivided DPs now (but I'll leave that argument alone). Outside of generic CSMs, cultists, and havocs in a mechanized list I don't see it. My dreams are shattered.

It won't be dated in a few months, and SoM with termy troops is nice. Anyway, I do have to agree the only way to take a nurgle DP now is in allies, but I wonder if the same thing will happen when daemons get re codexed.

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DA? Man that's a dated codex. Cool stuff, but...


SoM look like they might be hard to represent with this codex, yeah, especially with not being able to have undivided DPs now (but I'll leave that argument alone). Outside of generic CSMs, cultists, and havocs in a mechanized list I don't see it. My dreams are shattered.

It won't be dated in a few months, and SoM with termy troops is nice. Anyway, I do have to agree the only way to take a nurgle DP now is in allies, but I wonder if the same thing will happen when daemons get re codexed.


I can only imagine that it will be the same... I honestly don't understand why they're going this route. There are more than just the 4 powers in the warp lurking, and there should be room for a player to use a lesser known one as the subject of his hobby, or create his own entirely. The Daemon Prince was one of those few outlets. I suppose you could still pick whatever mark you like, rules-wise, and call it something different to match what you want, but that has never set well with me (not that I'd have a problem with someone else doing it).

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I don't understand, why the DPs have got their own version of Marks. The general ones would have made much more sense and all would be useful.


And I agree, it's time to introduce some of the lesser known Chaos Gods. Would be awesome!

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I suppose you could still pick whatever mark you like, rules-wise, and call it something different to match what you want

Yeah, that. Just a couple of days ago I pulled out the old Dawn Of War and played a few hours. It didn't feel that much wrong to conjure a Bloodthirster as Word Bearer player ... And model-wise, as Circus said, you can do anything you want anyway.


Cheers, JT

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No +1T, no advantage for wings, no eternal warrior! That's taken all the fun out of my favourite model. Its gone from a baseball bat to a feather duster B)

Use it with a daemon allied contingent. Best we can do right now to have workable Nurgle DPs. :/

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Ok, I reworked my Death Guard list and use my DP as a Great Unclean One from Codex Daemon. Is not perfect, but it fits much better point wise and allows me to use a Icon of Chaos on Plague Bearers to teleport my Terminators in.


Not exactly on topic, but using only models I already posses, this is my new 1500 pts Death Guard List:




Typhus 230 pts


6 Terminators 263 pts

- MoN

- Reaper Autocannon

- Varies CC Weapons


7x Plague Marines 223 pts

- 2x Plasma Gun

- Powerfist


7x Plague Marines 223 pts

- 2x Plasma Gun

- Powerfist


30x Plague Zombies 130 pts


Maulerfiend (using my CC Forgeworld Death Guard Dread) 125 pts





Great Unclean One 165 pts

- Swarm of Flies


7x Plague Bearers 130 pts

- Icon of Chaos



=> 1499 pts total.



What do you guys think? It has considerable weakness against vehicles and fliers, but I run them as a fluff army. I already used Plague Zombies as generic Lesser Daemons before, so I got the models.

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Just to clarify a demon prince IS a model and if you look on page 30, it states that all models with mark of nurgle benefit from +1 T...moving on to page 104 (the little summary thing) we see that demons of nurgle get (in other words demon princes that have the mark of nurgle on them) also benefit from shrouded, hatred (tzeentch) as well as Slow and purposefull.


This means in essence a demon prince with wings, power armor, mark of nurgle will cost 220 points and have the following profile 9 5 6 6 4 8 5 9 3+/5++/5+++ if hes on open ground

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