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Daemon Prince & Mark of Nurgle


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Just to clarify a demon prince IS a model and if you look on page 30, it states that all models with mark of nurgle benefit from +1 T...moving on to page 104 (the little summary thing) we see that demons of nurgle get (in other words demon princes that have the mark of nurgle on them) also benefit from shrouded, hatred (tzeentch) as well as Slow and purposefull.


This means in essence a demon prince with wings, power armor, mark of nurgle will cost 220 points and have the following profile 9 5 6 6 4 8 5 9 3+/5++/5+++ if hes on open ground

Unfortunately, Daemons of Nurgle are NOT Daemons with the Mark of Nurgle.

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Indeed. What TheLion is implying isn't true, and would suggest that any Daemon of Nurgle (without a specific 'mark of nurgle') in the Daemons codex would get +1T modifier, which isn't the case. I doesn't say anywhere that a Daemon of Nurgle counts as having the Mark of Nurgle, unfortunately.
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  • 3 weeks later...

As has been said - DP's get Daemon of X, NOT Mark of X, it's very deliberately a different rule. For Tallyman purposes however, it specifically states it triggers for DoN or MoN.


Nurgle DP is about the only DP worth using now IMO, but only with Black Mace, and probably only in an Epidemius list. There, he's amazing and cleans house.


Outside of that, I wouldn't field a CSM DP at all.

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