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Nurgle marines and Plague marines

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Hi, just a quick and simple question on modelling nurgle marines.


Are you guys ok playing against someone using normal CSM models, painted in a nurglish color scheme, as plague marines? Or do you guys consider imperative for them to be modelled using the Finecast/FW models?


I ask because I have tons of marines and access to a lot of chaos bits, so I don't really feel like buying more marines. I'm planning to drill the 3 holes symbol on them, paint them as using rusty/rotten PA, and purplish flesh. Would that be fine?

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I can't answer for all your opponents but I can't imagine anyone having an issue with this. This is truly an non issue because if they are so spitefull as to not accept your converted regular CSM as PM, you do not want to play with them anyhow.
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For me as long as the models are equipped properly (Bolters, Special weapons etc.) and you either

a.) Use only plauge marines.

b.) Can differentiate between squads of plauge marines and other marines.


I really don't even care if they are painted to look nurgle.

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I would encourage you to get some greenstuff and make them bloated, or, if like me your greenstuffing skills are lacking, get zombie gut bits and stick them on there. Heck, don't even use bits, just glue coiled electrical wire into hollowed-out torsos.
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I wouldn't worry too much in non tournamant setting. Most people won't care as long as equiped properly. Just explain before game so it's not a sudden shock.


i'm working on a fallen dark angels chapter (rescent fall) that turned to nurgle. The DV marines form the base of my plague marines. just drilled some holes and painting leaking ooze as cleaved to differenciate..

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's absolutely fine for friendly play. It's pretty much a no-no for competitive play. You can't use any model that could be interpreted to be another model from the same codex, Even moreso, now CSM can have mark of Nurgle.


Outside of a tournament you should be golden, but I'd check with a TO for a small shop tournament, and assume not for any big tournament.

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The line is really blurry considering that many players convert their Nurgly troops. I have several 'mere' CSMs that serve as plague marines, but they have Death Guard shoulder pads and/or possessed bits. I have taken them to tourneys mixed in with my metal plague marines, a few forgeworld guys, and even some of the adorable vintage plague marine plastics. No one has complained or even noticed.


Where do you draw the line? I am not sure what makes a plague marine, but I know it when I see it.

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