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Characters you wished for


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So one of the few things I was disappointed with about the new codex, was a lack of all the special characters we should have got. In particular I think Alpha Legion and Night Lords could have really done with a Codex: Space Marines style special character that could have individualised the codex for their legion.


Anyway, the purpose of this thread: tell us what characters you really wished for before the codex came out and how you imagine their rules could have been. I'll go first:




First Among the Dark Apostles

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 5 3 6 3 10 3+


160 points


Unit Type: Infantry (character)

Wargear: Power armour, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades, sigil of corruption, Power Maul


Warlord Trait: Lord of Terror


Special Rules: Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Beseech the Dark Gods (p35), Demagogue (p35), Mark of Chaos Ascendant (p57)


Dark Prophet

Since before the Horus Heresy had even begun, Erebus was Lorgar Aurelian’s right hand in his journey to Chaos and the conversion of nine traitor legions. As such, he has an intricate understanding of the chinks and flaws in the selfless imperial dogma that his loyalist cousins are indoctrinated with. In battle against imperial space marines, Erebus can often be seen preaching the glories of Chaos and the hypocrisies of the Imperium to friend and foe alike.

To represent this, in any combat involving Erebus, enemy troops may not benefit from the And They Shall Know No Fear rule.


Instrument of Chaos

Erebus has been one of the most prolific and faithful servants of Chaos over the millennia to such a degree that the zeal of his prayers can always reach them.

Any allied Chaos Daemons may re-roll failed reserve rolls while Erebus is on the table and will not scatter as long as they deepstrike within 12” of him.

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Cypher could have been a lot of fun . . . the Fallen could actually have a named hero, and the Unforgiven get to have someone extra-special to hate when they fight us! His rules would involve mastercrafted plasma pistols and a sword that does nothing except wound the Emperor on a 2+ :)
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You are a bit late to be wishlisting there m8, the codex is already out... :ph34r:


The first sentence in his post was "So one of the few things I was disappointed with about the new codex, was a lack of all the special characters we should have got"... <_<


To be fair, I don't think another special character would fit in all that well. The established ones clearly can't be replaced due to so much chaos mythology based around them, and most of the HH-characters would be off-limits except in the case of the really classic characters. If we had Erebus, there'd be cries for just about every other character that's more than just a name in any BL-book; Erebus would lead to Honsou would lead to Talos would lead to some random Alpha Marine that's not really who he claims to be anyway.


I for one appreciate the option of generic Warpsmiths and Dark Apostles over named ones. For my Iron Warriors, I will be using the Dark Apostle as a "slavemaster" kind of character, and I appreciate having that option instead of having to run a Erebus "counts as" with rules not necessarily befitting of the character I wanted to represtent.


Oh and btw, your "Dark Prophet"-rule alone would make Erebus a 250-point character at the very least... :wacko:

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I also was hoping for (though not expecting) special characters from those legions that don't already have such characters. And cypher would have been nice for the chaos / dark angel rivalry 6e has going with the starter box.


Oh, well.

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WOuld have liked squads specifics Special Chars, you know, like in nearly all the latest codex from the past year?


So we are once again the only codex without those kind of cheap, yet special chars?


Also a special DPrince, like Doombreed or another DPrince of renown.

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It would have been pretty hard to add any more characters to what is an already packed and long-established roster. I just wish it hadn't been lucius who was added - EC already had one :P


I'll be interested to see if they ever consider doing any legion-specific rules, or if forgeworld try to fill the gap. At least the Apostle and Warpsmith answer the IW and WB legions. Now we want some NL and AL love...


edit: also yes, hells yes to the above. Now, is he alive or not...?

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Like other responses, I was hoping for a character from each of the undivided Legions as well as our main ones that we always have.


Perhaps a Night Lord to unlock raptors/warptalons as troops, maybe an Iron Warrior Warsmith OR (even cooler) a special Iron Warrior Dreadnought named character!! Those wouldve been nice to have

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Perhaps a Night Lord to unlock raptors/warptalons as troops, maybe an Iron Warrior Warsmith OR (even cooler) a special Iron Warrior Dreadnought named character!! Those wouldve been nice to have


Haha, a Dreadnought Character would've been awesome! Personally I've never liked Lucius, and feel he could be dropped for an entirely new revamped Slaaneshii Character, but his new rules have made him a -little- cooler, if they give him a good model to match. But really, it's unrealistic to want more Characters after that, I mean, thats a crazy amount of choices along with our 5 generic HQ's, and if they all unlocked different troops we'd probably be open to horrible abuse.


Also, Sevatar's dead :P could change in the future (he does a Huron or the records of his death are false), but it's typical of such a awesome individual to die.

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So I reread the original post and started brainstorming some awesome concepts ideas on characters for the other legions, and I hope that these come out as cool ideas and not something totally outside of the loop :P



Zso Sahaal, the Revived Talonmaster -215 Points


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 5 4 3 6 3 9 3+



Unit Type: Jump Infantry (character)


Warlord trait: Lord of Terror


Wargear: Power Armour, frag grenades, krak grenades, The Corona Nox, jump pack, The Unguis Raptis


Special Rules: Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Voxshriek, Veteran of the Long War, Birds of Prey


The Corona Nox: The Corona Nox is the crown of the 8th Primarch, Konrad Curze, and is imbued with part of his menacing energies. It is much sought after by the remaining Night Lords, as it symbolises the leadership of the remnants of the 8th Legion. It gives the bearer a 4+ Invulnerable save. If the bearer should be slain, leave a counter where the model was killed. This counter automatically counts as a spare objective for game purposes. Also, if the opposing player has control of this objective at the end of the game, the objective counts for two points rather than one, as the Night Lords would be infuriated to lose their favored artifact to the unknown once again.


Unguis Raptis: The "Raptor's Claws" as they are better known as, are a pair of specialized Lightning Claws that allow Zso Sahaal to reroll all To-Hit and To-Wound rolls in close combat.


Voxshriek: Whenever Zso Sahaal charges an enemy unit, the unit takes an immediate Fear Test at -2 Leadership. Any units normally immune to the effects of Fear must also take the test, as Zso Sahaal's scream confuses and disorients them.


Birds of Prey: All Raptors and Warptalons under Zso Sahaal's command count as having the Hit-And-Run and Fear special rules.

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Zso Sahaal, the Revived Talonmaster


No. Nononononono. No. Zso Sahaal should never be the Night Lords special character. He's a Terran whelp who abandoned his Company (who refused to acknowledge him as their Captain. Gee, what an effective leader!), and if you take his claims seriously, also abandoned his Legion, so that he could get his hands on some relic. He vanished for 10,000 years, having already effectively severed all ties with the Legion, and you expect him to be able to represent the Night Lords? His hate is not our hate. The Night Lords have fought for 10,000 years, bleeding the Imperium. He's spent those 10,000 years in hiding, believing he was daddy's favoured son.


Yes, he had a fairly good story, but he's certainly not anything like leadership material for the Night Lords. I can't see any warband willing to accept him amongst their number again. If anything, the Night Lords SC should be Talos/First Claw, the Exalted, or Decimus. However, I'd much rather the SCs be things other than just Black Library characters. Save them for the books. These were legions that numbered in the tens of thousands. I think they can come up with one more member of each.

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Yes, he had a fairly good story, but he's certainly not anything like leadership material for the Night Lords. I can't see any warband willing to accept him amongst their number again. If anything, the Night Lords SC should be Talos/First Claw, the Exalted, or Decimus. However, I'd much rather the SCs be things other than just Black Library characters. Save them for the books. These were legions that numbered in the tens of thousands. I think they can come up with one more member of each.


Kreig Acerbus? Leads the biggest host of Night Lords, and fills up that named Daemon Prince idea.


EDIT: Plus he's corrupt. Eat it puritans!

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ferrous ironclaw for the iron warriors.


the astral claws characters from IA9 reimagined as red corsairs, cause we know valthex and the corpsemaster is still alive and kicking in the service of blackheart.


maybe some of abaddons lieutenants that have been mentioned in passing, such as Zaraphiston.


they could even just have thrown in some unit upgrade characters, such as a special word bearer for cultists, an alpha legionnaire for chosen, and a night lord for bikers or warp talons/raptors.


overall i'm disappointed in the new chaos book, it's just an upgraded gavdex. phil kelly knows better.

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Whoa gents, dont shoot the messenger!! ;)


I wasnt aware that most Night Lords despised the Talonmaster, plus he seemed like the guy who would definitely buff our Jump Infantry so I went with his backstory hehe.


But I guess he doesnt fit...



In other news, I really wished that they had added Arkos the Faithless for us Alphas. I hardly knew his backstory but his warband was awesome (they're the Faithless by the way) and it wouldve been cool to have him as a option as well. But I'm DEFINITELY still on board with an Iron Warrior named Dreadnought/Daemon Engine something-or-other

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