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Characters you wished for


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considering the state of the other special characters leadership that nightlord guy would probably work, ie;

Khârn, single handedly divided his legion into warbands

ahrihman- look at what he did to his legion and was exiled by his primarch for it

lucius, dosent care for anyone but himself and whom he serves, not really a leader just a fighter

typhus- iirc dosent follow the legion anymoe as he was tired of morticon not doing enough to serve ole pappa so went and started doing stuff himself...


only ababadon and the tyrant really are proper legion representative

and tbh, not overly fussed on specials. however their rules are usually really good for the points. though i do likes me some new models so its definately a pitty they havent done more but we can hope there might be something in future white dwarfs hence the limited expansion to the chaos range...

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Perhaps a Night Lord to unlock raptors/warptalons as troops, maybe an Iron Warrior Warsmith OR (even cooler) a special Iron Warrior Dreadnought named character!! Those wouldve been nice to have

Or perhaps unlocks night vision for a NL themed army, because oh wait, they can see the bloody darkness. Or lowers the cost of fortifications for IW, because oh wait for it, they build blasted fortress everywhere. I would have easily just accepted those options for themed armies instead of being stuck with zerkers, noise, plague, and thousand sons AS my only options. thanks GW for not pandering to the people who buy your stuff.

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considering the state of the other special characters leadership that nightlord guy would probably work, ie;

Khârn, single handedly divided his legion into warbands

ahrihman- look at what he did to his legion and was exiled by his primarch for it

lucius, dosent care for anyone but himself and whom he serves, not really a leader just a fighter

typhus- iirc dosent follow the legion anymoe as he was tired of morticon not doing enough to serve ole pappa so went and started doing stuff himself...


only ababadon and the tyrant really are proper legion representative

and tbh, not overly fussed on specials. however their rules are usually really good for the points. though i do likes me some new models so its definately a pitty they havent done more but we can hope there might be something in future white dwarfs hence the limited expansion to the chaos range...


Khârn: viewed as the living avatar of his God, the embodiment of Khorne.

Ahriman: leads a decent-sized chunk of the Legion, an agent of Tzeentch himself.

Lucius: the favoured son of Slaanesh, nothing to say he isn't a leader.

Typhus: most active of all Death Guard leaders, bringing the gifts of Father Nurgle to the Imperium.


All of them are revered by the Cults. Now, compare this to a figure who is almost universally loathed by his Legion, who did nothing for it other than abandon it immediately after he took "command", and who has done absolutely nothing in the last 10,000 years, and you might see why the comparisons don't match up at all. If you'd taken Acerbus from that book, he would definitely work, but certainly not Sahaal. Look at how Ruven is seen by the Exalteds warband, and you've got an idea how Sahaal would be viewed on a good day. Ruven has a use for the warband. Sahaal is just a Raptor with an even bigger ego than usual.

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Zso Sahaal, the Revived Talonmaster

His hate is not our hate. The Night Lords have fought for 10,000 years, bleeding the Imperium. He's spent those 10,000 years in hiding, believing he was daddy's favoured son.


His 'hate' most certainly is. I will never understand the dislike Sahaal gets from some, as he was just as much a mirror of the legion as the guys in ADB's fantastic trilogy. He wasn't hiding for 10k years, he was thrown into the Warp. For him, the Haunter died, and then he woke up in the current a couple of hours later. He was naive and self-deluded, but that's kind of a running theme through ADB's books about them as well. I think the big hang-up is he left his men behind to die, but it's a Legion of rapists, murderers, and killers - Sevatar is the odd man out with his sort of unwavering loyalty to battle-brothers.


I guess it I just find it kind of funny that Sahaal gets lambasted for behavior that other Night Lords get praised for. (And I really do dig 10th company. So it's not an either/or)


I would like to see another Sahaal book, but I'll gladly take a Decimus one as well :P. But, I've had a NL force since 2E, so I'm just glad they are getting any attention now after being kind of one of the 'other' Legions for quite some time.


Edit: Grammar.

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Ok, so I think we can all move passed the fact that I put Zso Sahaal as our Night Lord representatve =P


Ive never seen so much hate for him personally, but lets drop it now and continue planning out characters that would've been a nice touch to our shiny new book ^_^

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I had a similar talk like this at my FLGS, many of us came to an agreement to eventually put together a chaos tournament to see who is taking over for the failures of abaddon with rules extra rules for chaos lords of other warband or factions. I.E. IW paying half price for fortifications, player supplies their own, NL get raptors as troop choice and night vision. And etc. so friendly games should never matter for lack of characters.
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