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Conerting dreadnought Scourges and Hammers

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Okay, so I am thinking of converting up scourge and hammer arms for my Thousand sons dreadnought (I will always refer to him as such, hell brutes are for those who have let the empyrieium control them rather then the other way around.) So I could try them out and I think it could be interesting to do so.

The plan is to use the plastic venerable dreadnought left arm, and then build down from there, I could try and get the old scourge and put it in, but that may be difficult and it may look a bit slow. The idea for "arm"part of both is too construct it from plastic tubes and greenstuff, with guitar wire used as well.

For the hammer, I must admit I am not sure what sort of look to go for, is something like the hammer in the iron hands set or perhaps like the master of the fleets? (Obviously bigger for the dread:P)

For the scourege, I'm not sure entirely what to do, where ether to have one arm that then branches out, or have multiple branches/arms coming out the shoulder. An idea I have had is to make it a bit like the activated Zabimaru from the manga bleach (Not the best of sources I know,but am trying to avoid the straws with blades look.) another idea could be to have a load of scimatar coming off an arm possibly. Any suggestions?

The way I've always envisioned the scourge (going back to the early days of the metal chaos dread...) basically looks like a huge cat-o-nine-tails...


Think something that would look like the Warpsmith's cloak... just flailing mechadendrites, power cables, chains and hooks, barbed wire, etc...

Ive built quite a good (in my opinion) hammer for my ironclad dreadnought.



I used the arm from the furioso librarian and a part from the aegis defence line, as well as a few odds and sods. I prefer it to the standard seismic hammer as it looks, well, like a hammer.

To do a flail I'd look at some of the Chaos vehicle parts for chains and whatnot. Also, doesnt the defiler kit come with a flail?


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