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Greetings from the depths of insanity!

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Hello Bolter and Chainsword!


Who am I you may ask? I am Chapter-Master Caddius. A random Northern Irelander who has been lurking for a few months and finally drummed up the will to make an account. So what am I going to do here?


Well, I have been working on a homegrown Chapter of mine and I intend to bring it up on the forums soon, I value my writing skills highly and am always seeking ways to improve. One thing you'll find as you get to know me is that I have a tendency to think a lot on background lore and cover a lot of details, so its not out of the realm of possibility that I've missed something or misinterpreted a piece of lore. because of this, I've come here to benefit from the collective wisdom of B&C to improve my story to be the best it can be.


I'm also making an actual army out of this Chapter and intend to post WIP pics of that as well, I am very slow however due to a lack of time I can work on the army and the fact I'm both very inexperienced and a rampant perfectionist (terrible combo). So pics may be a bit slow, but they will come eventually.


I'm not going to spoil anything about the Chapter I have in mind, but I will give you a teaser to whet your appetites until I get an IA set up: bikes, looots of bikes.


Thats all i have for now, hope to speak to you soon.



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Ooh, the responses came quicker than I expected. This means I'll have to get that IA up all the sooner.


That tends to happen sometimes, especially here in the new members section. :devil:


(Just be aware that sometimes a topic doesn't get a reply for many hours. Just in case in happens and you worry there's something wrong.)

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