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Heresy Time Raven Guard Veteran Sergeant


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I like to present you reinforcement for my heresy-time style Raven Guard Army - sergeant for veteran squad (count as Sternguard Veteran sergeant in 40K games).

He is madefrom FW bits + two GW fragments (left shouder pad and lightning claw).



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during the heresy they wouldn't have had the crux terminatus.. what with the whole "has a tiny bit of emperor armour in it" thing and all that. also its at least 4 gw bits.. the crotch scroll, the right arm, the claw and the pad.


nicely painted though, very neat.

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during the heresy they wouldn't have had the crux terminatus.. what with the whole "has a tiny bit of emperor armour in it" thing and all that. also its at least 4 gw bits.. the crotch scroll, the right arm, the claw and the pad.


nicely painted though, very neat.


The pad in from FW upgrade set for Raven Guard http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-4000...GRADE_PACK.html


The right arm and scroll yes, I forgot, sorry :)


That means here are four GW parts.


About Crux Termintatus: only C.T. of chapter masters, captains, high librarian etc. after Heresy contain bit of Emperor's Armour. We have oficial atrworks (in th Collected Vision) and miniatures for Heresy time with Crux Terminatus (heresy time Tartaros Termi http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product...rge/tart13.jpg). The artworks and miniatures are background also.

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i meant the crux pad.. not the fw one being plastic, and its why fw themselves havent listed anything like the tartaros termies as horus heresy.. because they have cruxes which are post.




no tartaros in their heresy bit (yet) and they made specific mention of it not being there atm due to the crux.


so any art with the crux (care to provide examples?) as i cant think of any off hand

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no tartaros in their heresy bit (yet) and they made specific mention of it not being there atm due to the crux.


Look the HH book Betrayal. The Tartaros is as option for termi. The Storm Eagle is not in HH section on the site also, but on facebook FW answered that this section is under construction.


In the biggest source for Heresy (The Collected Visions) we can see that:


Santar Ferrus Manus Retinue


and that:


The Emperor's Benevolence


To my mind, after Heresy the C.T. of greates heroes of chapters contain bit of emperors armour, but the C.T. as symbol was established in Legiones Astartes before Heresy.

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My fellow Fraters, not only do you argue over a minor detail despite the OP giving proper justification, you are also not oggling the mini displayed before us!


Corvivns, that guy is AWESOME! When can we expect the rest of the squad? :)

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Corvivns, that guy is AWESOME! When can we expect the rest of the squad? :P


Thank you all fratters :)


The rest of squad is now assembled but it stays in the queue of other Raven Guard minies :huh: I will post reinforcement of my army as soon as it will be ready. I'm not a faster painter of the world and unfortunatelly have not enought time for paiting, but I move forward with my project step by step using Hit-and-Run (Paint - and - Rest) tactic like my lovely Raven Guard :)

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Great job Corvinvs! I love the light sourcing on his eye lenses, and the black is very well done as well! Care to share your recipe?


during the heresy they wouldn't have had the crux terminatus..


As stated previously, the Crux Terminatus existed during the Heresy. Just without the 'shard of the Emperors Armour' in it. Tartaros Terminators are a Legion Option in the FW Horus Heresy Vol.I rulebook, which also confirms this, alongside countless pictures from Visions of Heresy that shows Terminators and Veteran Legionaries sporting Crux Terminatus.


also its at least 4 gw bits.. the crotch scroll, the right arm, the claw and the pad.


Not exactly sure what your point is here.. The Crotch Scroll is simply an 'Oath Paper', (as opposed to a prayer scroll/purity seal) which was in common usage during the Crusades and Heresy era. See Horus Rising/False Gods/Galaxy In Flames for proof.


Why do the other 'GW Parts' have any bearing on whether the model is an accurate representation of a Heresy-Era Raven Guard Veteran Sergeant?

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Not exactly sure what your point is here..


It means only set of parts of model, nothing else. The most number of details are from Forge World miniatures, and four are from Games Workshop miniatures range. I thinked it can be interesting for you all guys.

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it was a clarification on parts used (as he had said he'd only used 2 pieces) nothing more.


the tartaros pattern FW have stated isnt a heresy kit (yet) as it has the crux & so didnt fit (on their facebook page)

so bringing that as an arguement is invalid unless they decide to disregard their earlier statement,


i asked for art references & will be looking out for the pictures shown.


critique is more constructive than blind praise & im sure that corvinvs understands where im coming from (i made sure to state that i like the paintjob & the clean look he acheived.


as far as collected visions go, there are a grand total of 3 crux's in the whole book, there is also images of green dark angels, a blood angel with dark angel iconography and green armour and an alive evil torgaddon.. in comparison to the rest of the background material surrounding the discussion that sides against these things.. and the crux having the emperors armour in it, got rewritten to be in every one of them not just captains and the such around 3rd edition.

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I think since he has fluff justification he can call it pre heresy all he wants. Lets not forget he has the best justification of all: A wonderfully painted mini.


Bravo! I can't wait to see the rest of the raven guard. That combi-flamer is brilliant btw. Is it a conversion, or in one of the special weapon kits?

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How did you paint the white?

Sorry, it is very difficult for explain. I red more tutorials and try to do what I red. I have not big skills but I used next way:

Base with Codex Grey, next Fortress Grey from old GW range of colour.

Highlighting with very tin layers of very fluid mix Fortress Grey and Scull White. On each layer bit more Scull White.

All steps is very intuitive, I cannot say what is proportion of each colour on each steps. Sorry.

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The fig's awesome, very well painted. I especially love the OSL on the eyes and the NMM effect on the combi-flamer barrel. The base is nice too, it adds to the model without drawing your eyes away from it.


As for the Crux Terminatus thing, there is absolutely no reason why it can't have existed before the Heresy and taken on a later meaning after the Emperor's interrment in the Golden Throne. That'd be the justification I'd think of. Plus, if the Tartaros Termies are listed in the first Heresy rulebook as existing in that time, it doesn't matter if they've not been added to that specific bit of the website. I'm sure with the pandemonium that surrounds launching a book at Games Day and all the work that goes along with that (new minis, creating display armies, etc.), I'm sure a few things got overlooked.

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