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Gift of Mutation analysis


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Possibly, but I was musing on the fact it's actually the reverse. Independent characters are quite powerful as it is so they benefit less from the Boons table, yet the Champions within squads are the equivilent of Sergeants but could get an edge thanks to the Boon table.


Conjecture and theorycrafting of course. Someone with practical experience?

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If the roll on the Boon table was cheaper for the lowly Aspiring Champion, then I would say it would be worth the gamble of getting something 'bland' or nothing at all. I know I spend the points for it on my Lord and Sorcerer, since they have better odds of making good use of more things on the table. Paying the same points for a 1W Champion is just hard to swallow when I can give them another piece of 'guaranteed' Wargear. They'll need to earn their Boon rolls the old fashion way. :D But don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's really nice to get something really good that makes the modest Champion and/or their squad measurably better, but I don't like the odds.
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Last game I got hatred, +1Ws and +1 save on my champions, and shrouded on my bike champ. The ws and hatred unfortunately I had little use of, but I could have used them well if the shooting phase went differently. The 2+ save on my champ and shrouded on the bike champ I got to use a lot. I gladly pay a small amount of points to get an unique buff that can be quite useful for the champion in challenges(to earn more buffs) or for the squad...
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I've only played one game so far, but I had great fun with it.


I only had it on my two IC's (a Khorne Lord on Jugger, and a Nurgle Sorc on Palaquin), because I don't think it's worth the cost on champions.


The Nurgle Sorc only gained +1 BS.


The Khorne Lord however (who also gained the "Exalted Champion" Warlord Trait) managed to roll 64 two times, resulting in him getting:


Eternal Warrior, Hatred, Shred, Feel no Pain and Reroll-armoursaves.

Well worth the small pointcost if you ask me. Obviously this will rarely happen, but it's awesome when it does. :D


Edit: He also managed to get Icy Aura before he died, when my opponent decided to shoot his entire army against him in turn 4.

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I've only played one game so far, but I had great fun with it.


I only had it on my two IC's (a Khorne Lord on Jugger, and a Nurgle Sorc on Palaquin), because I don't think it's worth the cost on champions.


The Nurgle Sorc only gained +1 BS.


The Khorne Lord however (who also gained the "Exalted Champion" Warlord Trait) managed to roll 64 two times, resulting in him getting:


Eternal Warrior, Hatred, Shred, Feel no Pain and Reroll-armoursaves.

Well worth the small pointcost if you ask me. Obviously this will rarely happen, but it's awesome when it does. :D


Edit: He also managed to get Icy Aura before he died, when my opponent decided to shoot his entire army against him in turn 4.



Sounds good :D


I had a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with (thanks to the 'Multiple Gifts') a 2+ Armour save and T6. With Tzeentch letting you re-roll saves of a 1... he was pretty much immune to AP3 weapons.


Second game I got +1 BS :P


He still rocked face in both games, the Black Mace+Daemon Prince = joy. Killing Mephiston before he even attacks... so satisfying.

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I've only played one game so far, but I had great fun with it.


I only had it on my two IC's (a Khorne Lord on Jugger, and a Nurgle Sorc on Palaquin), because I don't think it's worth the cost on champions.


The Nurgle Sorc only gained +1 BS.


The Khorne Lord however (who also gained the "Exalted Champion" Warlord Trait) managed to roll 64 two times, resulting in him getting:


Eternal Warrior, Hatred, Shred, Feel no Pain and Reroll-armoursaves.

Well worth the small pointcost if you ask me. Obviously this will rarely happen, but it's awesome when it does. :)


Edit: He also managed to get Icy Aura before he died, when my opponent decided to shoot his entire army against him in turn 4.


It states in the Boon rules that you can only get a boon once and a second result of the same boon means it does nothing. 64 Multiple boons is still technically itself a boon and so would do nothing on a second rolling of it. Though it seems awesome it would be really broken for a unit to gain 6 special rules for killing a champion (however unlikely).


My personal opinion on buying boons is if the HQ is going to see close combat its good otherwise a waste. Its a waste on all champs save for expensive CC champs like terminators and the like and only if I had spare points. Getting nearly any result on a normal CSM champ even one with a PW is underwhelming for 10 points, thats almost another marine, and is the same as an extra meltagun or combi melta which will on average do more then most gifts.


HQs get more value out of the boons as they usually give survivability (the more wounds you have the better these are) or better close combat ability (the more attacks you have the better these are). The chances of getting ranged upgrades are too low to ever be worth it.

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It's so much more fun to give it to everybody that can take it though. <_<


Oh right, this thread isn't about the "fun" aspect of the game...




Nice idea for a thread. "Analysis of units, characters and equipment combinations that are the most fun to use". Seriously going to be the most subjective thread in the history of this board, hehe

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