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Questions About the Chaos Boon Table?

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Hey guys i had a question on the chaos boon table. The best way to ask the question is to explain what happened. While playing a game vs a friend playing space marines. i issued a challenge with my aspiring champion with a power weapon to his veteran sergeant with a power fist. With some decent dice rolls my champion cut down his veteran. so i rolled on to the chaos boon table...and rolled dark apotheosis which turns him into a daemon prince. which surprised me that champions could do that. Did i play that correctly?
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wow thats is awesome... cant wait to do that again lol need to make more daemon princes...and spawns just in case


Somewhere... Phil Kelly is laughing like a manic...


I like my old chaos models, but they're old... time to buy some new stuff!


Well done GW...

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I had a question of timing on the Boons, though. In a game yesterday, my power sword Champ cut down a Scout Sergeant and rolled the +1 Inititative. The Scouts his squad was fighting subsequently broke. Sooo...do the Boons take immediate effect, and would the +1I have made it easier to keep them locked in combat? I can't think of why it wouldn't and neither did my opponent, but the question still stands...
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Since Cultist Champions have the champion of chaos rule does that mean if you make them Zombies do they still have the champion who if he kills any thing (which would be a very rare) in a challenge roll on the chaos boon chart.

Would be funny if so not only just for the fun of modelling zombie champions but also if you managed to kill something and become a daemon prince or chaos spawn.

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Yeah it can really pay off for cultists if they win a challenge, so Slaanesh cultists could beat down a guard sergeant and may win roll on his table and boom DP right in there face. Hell even spawn is better then one Cultist champion IMO
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