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viability of a single obliterator


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so i have 80ish points left in my army list and i want to use it to get a big gun in there. i was thinking of getting a single obliterator and deep-striking him in the opponents midfield to take out anything big and scary i need him to. i'm not too sure though as he has no invulnerable save and i can see him being picked off pretty easily. also i don't know how useful he will be on his own. 1 lascannon is all well and good but it won't blow up a tank a turn.

On the other hand the opponent really can't ignore him and will have to bring one of his units to bear to take him down.


what do you guys think?

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well the only other 80 point thing im tempted by is a mastery 2 sorcerer to buss one of my units. i think i'll go with the obliterator for now, it feels more nurgley than the sorceror anyway.

Isn't that 85 pts? Don't mean to be picky but if you only have 80 pts, that 5 pts might make the difference between make or break.


As for what to take? I wouldn't even know where to begin.

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The variety of weapons obliterators are is awsome but I think they are too expensive...for the cost of 2 you could have 5 havocs with missile luanchers or autocannons. If you could take 50pts out of your list havocs instead.


And as Wildcard101 said I'm surprised you have an extra heavy support slot...I tend to use all of those up quickly.

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