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Modeling VOTLW


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As Veterans of the Long War is an option and not a standard item of war-gear WYSIWYG would say that it needs to be modeled on.


Do any of you have any ideas on how to do this?


I was thinking putting space marine trophies on the models in question and various other loyalist bits.


what have you done so far?

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Thats a bit to rigid a stance for wargear that represents experience.


But a good way I think would be to use a liberal sprinkling of loyalist parts around bases or even as part of the model.

Another option is to use older marks of armour.

And finally mutations so probably spawn and Possessed kit bashes.

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Its a rule, not a wargear or equipment, so you don't need to represent it on the model.


But if you really want, the classic Sm heads/Helmets trophies, scrolls of purity stolen from dead Marines or you can use a smooth with no details shoulderpad and put markings on it, when you would have Sm Chapters icons with counts on it(don't know how its called, you know the way a prisoner scratchs the passed days on his cell wall in movies?).


Stuff like that.

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Vets is also used as a rule to represent heresy era traitors, so you could use models with older armor designes from forgeworld, possibly converted to be slightly more chaosy. Cataphract terminators, beakies w/ bumpy shoulders, etc.
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Please tell me this is a troll post. So how would you differentiate between modelling the veteran-ness of VotLW vs that of Chosen? For that matter, how do define what makes modelling a Lord different from a champion? Do Lords have to have cloaks or something? I mean seriously, WYSIWYG applies to wargear, trying to model who a certain guy is within the structure of your warband is really kind of silly.
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Well i was thinking of using the chaos iron halo in the csm box for dark majesty and sigil. Seems to fit. As for blood... perhaps some cracks in his armour dripping firey blood or something.
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I get why HJL would ask so there's no reason to go off on him. Yes, I'm a little perplexed that the question is asked. But since it is an upgrade, there probably will be that "one guy" who's a real big pain in the rear because there's no WYSIWYG for it. Of course, that's where you start looking for grenades and specialist ammo for his Sternguard.
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Its a nice way to make the models look cool. Daemonic possesion should really be modeled too .... or perhaps my area is just a bit anal about wysiwyg.
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I don't think you have to worry about NEEDING to do it, but it would be ++Cool Factor on the table.

If it were me, I would use skull piles on the bases. Mostly because it would be easy to do no matter what model it is and easy to see the distinction between them and normal models.

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Never heard of having to models special rules before. Does that mean Lysander forces have to model bolter drills (or what ever replaces combat tactics) etc?
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If someone gives you grief about VOTLW not being modeled, ask them where their ATSKNF is on theirs.


Well, technically speaking, ATSKNF is a standard ability, and not required to be shown. VOTLW is an optional upgrade that you may purchase for certain units, and should probably be at least hinted at. However, it'd be a rare person who isn't satisfied with "this unit has VOTLW".

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While I agree that you wouldn't HAVE to model VotLW on your squads (especially as you may choose to not take it in some games) but it does offer some interesting modelling opportunities.


Seeing as I have limited funds (and modelling skills), my vets differ from my rookie CSMs in their equipment (Vet have Additional CCW, Rookies don't), they utilise the more ornate shoulder pads from the possessed sprue and carry more equipment packs and trophies than the rookie squad. This, hopefully, conveys their superior status at a glance.

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Yea, i think ill stick codex space marine heads and bits of broken marine armour on their bases and belts etc as trophies.


If i was playing against someone and they had a bunch of chaos marines, some with VOTLW and some without, it would be nice to know at a glance who had what before i got into combat with them and died horribly.

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Just color their base edge differently. Ex My 5 man plague marine squads did not have a champion in previous editions and they all look the same. Now they have to take a champ and instead of modelling a new one I just made hazard stripes on one of the bases to indicate it the champ.
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