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Modeling VOTLW


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My Death Guard all have the FW armor marks for their arms, lets, and power cells (using FW DG kits), all weapons and whatnot are Pre-Heresy... just took a dremel to all of it to make it look rotted and worn. You could do similar with any model (doesn't have to be rotted, obviously)... old pattern bolters, special weapons, heavy weapons... another cool idea is to model trophies of Loyalists such as Dark Angels in their Pre-Heresy colors to show just how old your traitors are (would work well with Night Lords... that whole Eastern Fringe campaign thing).
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I'm in the camp that says you shouldn't have to model it. It's an intangible quality. The easiest way to handle this is to reach across the table and punch your WAAC opponent right in the mouth. :tu:


Can someone remind me if 40k is open list in this edition? If not then you shouldn't have to tell your opponent anyway until it actually affects the game, just like magic items in WHFB. Realistically speaking, any unit painted in Legion colours should have the rule, and any unit that isn't shouldn't.

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Yea, i think ill stick codex space marine heads and bits of broken marine armour on their bases and belts etc as trophies.


If i was playing against someone and they had a bunch of chaos marines, some with VOTLW and some without, it would be nice to know at a glance who had what before i got into combat with them and died horribly.


You should be able to ask and they should be able to tell you. I'm not creating new models for marks or VoTLW. I'll use a token or something for the whole squad to signify what they have.

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Realistically speaking, any unit painted in Legion colours should have the rule, and any unit that isn't shouldn't.


Not necessarily true, since several non0legion based warbands are fighting marines by themselves or under recruitment of BL our bigger warlords for several millennia, even if they didn't participated in the Heresy.


And what to do about Khorne and Nurgle warbands, since there's several of them, some are splinter groups of their legions and some not, and some this info is simply unknown?

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personally i wouldnt bother, but for coolness sake you could;


1 repaired armour- use bits from different kits to represent taking pieces from fallen foes. mixing kits

2 reinforced armour- similar resoning. take plasticard etc and reinforce the weakness in the armours, particularly the older marks

3 battle damage- 10k years and its still pristine, sure....

4 mutation/warpage- 10 k years and that warp hasnt effected it?

5 ad hock addons, marines tinker with their wargear, add on sights, bigger ammo magazines(like the termy ones) grenade satches, cables connecting your bolter to your optics, etc can be alterations of other races ones...

6 full load out. your a vet, you carry everything you need as youll have learnt in 10 k years that when you need something you need it quick. have your bolter pistol ccw and grenades etc all on the model somewhere...

7 trophies!!! if your a vet your bound to have one or 2 or your not really doing it right...

8 trophie kill markings- same as above. chaos marines are proud. so scratches in boltguns, stars on armour etc. i had a dread that got a skull on its multimelta arm ever time it killed a tank. tis quite amusing and your opponent gets fixiated on it in future games... chaos hae a version of purity seals that could be good for this...

9 bionics- you fight long enough youll loose something....

10 paint. they could have more highlights, scratches, deeper hues to them, eyes glow more menacingly, dried blood splatter. they could even be from a legion compared to the rest of your force being recent renagades...


and im sure you can come up with many more if you put your mind to it. just think hows a marine at th end of a battle compared to the start, then apply 10k years...

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