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Terminators in Land Raiders

Dallas Drake

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4 Terminators, MoT, 4x combi-plasma, Chainfist in a LR escorting Huron or Abaddon, a waste of points?


Expensive as hell, but these HQs have got to go somewhere & these guys give a 2+4++ & can lay down some nice fire. Abaddon is kinda limited due to his TDA. Huron can go with any inf. but he will benefit from the 2+ & LOS, plus anything he can't handle the Termies can tie up?


Reasonable or 500+ points wasted?



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If you have a mostly assult oriented army I think that might be viable...but overall I think waste of points. With an expensive HQ unit in there, I bet as soon as it got within 12" of your opponenet's lines it would be shot by several melta guns and other anti armor weapons, probaly explode in one turn and leave your terminators to be shot down by tons of bolters and lasguns. Yes a +2 save is good, and so is a +4 invul but if you don't have something to divert your opponents fire, your terminators and the land raider are screwed. +2 armor won't save you when 100 las gun shots come your way..but if you're fighting an army with not a lot of shooting, or not a lot of volume of shooting, could work, because even if your opponent has several high ap weapons you still have the invul save.
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This kind of thing is why I'm disappointed that the rumored Land Raider variant didn't pan out. As it is, I just don't see that as enough bodies. If I'm using terminators to escort a hero, I'd rather take a slightly larger squad & deep strike them. If I was using a land raider, I'd rather fill it with berzerkers, chosen, or ye olde BP/CCW chaos marines. Probably berzerkers.
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If you have a mostly assult oriented army I think that might be viable...but overall I think waste of points. With an expensive HQ unit in there, I bet as soon as it got within 12" of your opponenet's lines it would be shot by several melta guns and other anti armor weapons, probaly explode in one turn and leave your terminators to be shot down by tons of bolters and lasguns. Yes a +2 save is good, and so is a +4 invul but if you don't have something to divert your opponents fire, your terminators and the land raider are screwed. +2 armor won't save you when 100 las gun shots come your way..but if you're fighting an army with not a lot of shooting, or not a lot of volume of shooting, could work, because even if your opponent has several high ap weapons you still have the invul save.


except for one thing...outflank using huron's trait!!! surprise land raider to the flank.

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If you have a mostly assult oriented army I think that might be viable...but overall I think waste of points. With an expensive HQ unit in there, I bet as soon as it got within 12" of your opponenet's lines it would be shot by several melta guns and other anti armor weapons, probaly explode in one turn and leave your terminators to be shot down by tons of bolters and lasguns. Yes a +2 save is good, and so is a +4 invul but if you don't have something to divert your opponents fire, your terminators and the land raider are screwed. +2 armor won't save you when 100 las gun shots come your way..but if you're fighting an army with not a lot of shooting, or not a lot of volume of shooting, could work, because even if your opponent has several high ap weapons you still have the invul save.


except for one thing...outflank using huron's trait!!! surprise land raider to the flank.


A surprise Land Raider full of Slaanesh Terminators with an Icon of Excess decked out with combis and claws could be pretty grisly smashing into a flank. It's a pricy surprise but one that's tough to ignore.

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The problem with terminators is now they can only choose 1 upgrade each. (excluding

heavy weapons)


Either a combi-weapon OR a claw/fist/CF OR a pair of claws


So a combi-weapon claw combo is only available on the champion (at a premium cost)


You could do:


Champion with whatever you want, 2/3 with Combi-weapons and Power Weapons and

1 with Heavy Weapon and Claw/Fist/CF


Personally I would either go for the above if foot-slogging/deep striking OR go all double

claws and mark of khorne with an icon of wrath and veterans of the long war, if I was

going for a Land Raider transport.


Using Huron to give them infiltrate could be a good idea especially if your opponent is using

necron-air or valkyrie spam (so has little on the ground on turn 1).



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more bodies maybe? Posessed with MoN or MoT? 8 or 9 instead of 4?


definately killy, kind of pricy though. maybe just Chaos Space marines with MoN or MoS and FNP banner...


Possessed would lose their Fleet then which sucks. I plan to use Possessed to Outflank on foot anyway. CSMs with a mark is an option, but they don't really need a LR, a Rhino with Dirge Caster would do, much cheaper. Plague Marines would do well since 9 can still take 2 special weapons but I hate the models & don't plan on getting any.


Can't take combi-plasma and Chainfist I am afraid


Champ can, pays for it though.


Question: Since characters with a mark can not join a unit with a different mark, can Abbadon join any marked units? :D


He has all 4 marks so I guess he can.


I have been thinking of possibly taking a shooty unit of terminators as a body guard for Ahriman when I take him in bigger games, any thoughts?


Prob same set up as mine, maybe a set of LCs on the Champion to take on challenges?


So basic conclusion is;


If taking a LR go with melee based Terminators? Otherwise its too expensive & foot would be better?




4 x Terminators, MoK, Claws, VoTLW led by Huron? only problem is, they get owned by like for like TH/SS dudes ;)


MoT & Power Axes actually gives them a chance to survive against nasty stuff (MCs & TH/SS) while AP2 gives them a chance to hurt it too. I have this lovely FW converted LR sitting here that took 12 hours to paint & I can't for the life of me figure out what to do with it!?... Ebay?



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