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thousand sons counts as


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so im starting my new chaos army and i'm using my own paint scheme for them. I'm hitting a slight problem whe it comes to plague marines, bezerkers and particularly thousand sons. i would like to include various squads of these in my army however i dont want to have large sections of the army with completely different colour schemes.


My question for the tzeentch forum is could i instead of bringing 1k sons bring my own converted sorceror cult using my own colour scheme etc. i was thinking of using dark angel esque robes.


would these be acceptable 1k sons for WYSIWYG

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Look here:



This is my kitbash thread, where I used DA Vets robes on Ahriman, Aspiring Sorcerer and two kSons. They are perfect for the job, just add a "chaosy" front and voila! Even better, you could Templar bits (+++ HERESY! +++), because they have those tabards that fit kSons really well. Just scrape the Templar iconography off and done :)


Also, for counts-as, look no further than here:



Necrosphinx as 'Fiends, Ushabti as Mutilators, Apophas + TK Warriors / Tomb Guard as Typhus + Plague Zombies (!), Carrion as Demon Spawns, High Queen as the HQ Sorcerer... the possibilities are quite few :]

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