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Optimum role/build for an Assault Squad


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Believe me, my Thunderwolves are already very plumped out ;) But as it stands I already have the Assault Marines, gotta do something with 'em!


Then I'd recommend you build them with a Sword and 2 Meltaguns before you put them on eBay :woot:


I like the first part of your suggestion, not the latter part though :woot: Leaning pretty heavily towards quad-melta at this stage...

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Personnally I would go with a JP libby for HQ with divination power, and I always go for 2 melta and a POwer fist/ power axe sgt depending on the points I have. If you only take 1 assault squad don't invest for a 75 point JP priest just too expensive for what it will do (remember the big nerf to FC) if you take 2 10 man squad think about adding one.


The libby can cast psy power on your SW as needed ( battle brothers) abd can give you reroll all time the chaplain only give it on the charge... I prefer melta because my opponents use a lot of tank and you cannot charge when you shoot plasma guns...


And by the way I hate IP on assault squad... Serously when do you get 3 inches away from a tank to shoot it???


Hope this helps!

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And by the way I hate IP on assault squad... Serously when do you get 3 inches away from a tank to shoot it???


On the drop.... even if you're 6" from the tank you've still got a S8 AP1 shot, with a 66.67% chance of at least glancing and a 50% chance of penning AV10.

Plus vs heavy infantry and MCs the melta part doesn't matter... this gives you an extra S8 shot before charging in to take out that Wraithlord or Daemon Prince.

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