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Kitting out Nurgle termies in 6th


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First, are they worth taking? I was considering taking 1 LR with 4-5 termies (4 if lord has termy armour). What's the best kitout for both these options? I'd probably always have 1 dude with a HF. What's your thoughts?
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Nurgle termies are quite resilient versus torrent fire, but regrettably the MoN is less than useful against things your termies are already worried about, ie, high strength, low AP weaponry. If they are in a land raider you are probably wanting a nasty assault unit- a mix of power swords and axes provide options for killing MEQ and other heavy infantry, but you can favor one or the other depending on what you plan on facing.
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Geared to combat, I would think - and deploy them very offensively.


They do have a use, but as whythre stated - the benefit of MoN isn't as essential as it is for other models. Still a very tough nut for your opponent to crack.

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im currently building a squad of 5 nurgle termmys ill be deep striking mine with typhus i think , ive gone with a bit more of a all round way with mine to fit most situations


5 terminators with MON

2 power axes

1 power maul

chain fist

power fist

3 combi bolters

combi melta

auto cannon

i see this as, if the ds goes nicely ill be close and can kick out some fire power before an assalt next turn or if i end up futher away than i wanted i still have a good use for them as they have some good fire power.

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I'm going to paint a couple more, not sure if I'll build more. I arm them how they are modeled. I just grab guys until I use up all the points I have left. I am pro-Reaper, I missed out on the 5 point Heavy Flamer, it costs more so if you're deep striking which I'm thinking of doing along with the Dimensional Key it seems like the Reaper is better.


I've foot slogged 10 MoN Terminators in the past, the 2nd Reaper was nice, but that was 450 or more points.


I'm also pro-Chainfist. I think one chainfist is almost a must in a squad. I even have a model with a chainfist and a reaper. I generally like to spread my goodies around though. I have three different Reaper models, one with chainfist, one with powerfist, and one with power weapon. Now my termies and some of my HQ models have axes, mauls, etc. I've converted so many models over the years I'll just grab the guy I want and go. I plan to make a new MoN lord and some new buddies for him to ride with and like I said some fresh termies, but honestly you get one round of shooting in most cases. You're safer in H2H, same with Nurgle Bikers, the juke save or whatever is nice, but in H2H there are just less high strength weapons.


Typically I would have one reaper, one combi-melta, one combi-flamer, one chain-fist and I sometimes took a plain Jane to die first. Sometimes I ran a champ with combi-melta and single lightning claw for the re-roll to wound, now I think cheaper is better so 3 or 4 models all armed differently because it looks cool.

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Geared to combat, I would think - and deploy them very offensively.


They do have a use, but as whythre stated - the benefit of MoN isn't as essential as it is for other models. Still a very tough nut for your opponent to crack.


Well, honestly. Statistically, I guess my terminators die more and not less, to focused small arms fire compared to AP 2 weaponry. There have been a lot of situations where I have been shot to pieces by las guns where I in hindisght would have loved to have the mark of nurgle on them


Given the choice between Tzeentch and Nurgle termies, I would choose Tzeentch, if only for the added feeling of "false safety". However, MoN truly gives them an edge against infantry, and makes them amazingly hard to kill with las guns and bolters.

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MoNurgle is arguably the worst mark on Terminators, point for point that is. (Note that it's not "bad" per sé, it's just the worst out of the 4.)


- MoN does not increase the killyness of Terminators.

- MoN does not help against dedicated terminator-killing weapons. (Plasma, etc.)

- MoN is the most expensive of the marks, and the Icon is pretty much useless.

+ MoN is however very helpful against smallarms fire and regular cc-attacks.


MoTzeentch is also pretty "bad" on Terminators, but unlike MoN, it helps against the typhical terminator-killers, and costs less. (Although the Tzeentch-Icon is even worse than the Nurgle-Icon...)

Both MoTz and MoN was better in 5th where they made a huge difference against S4 powerweapons.


Personally however, I would probably only use MoS/MoK Terminators with the Icons for I5+FnP / Rage+FC lightningclaw goodyness.


With that said however, Mark of Nurgle is still worth taking, especially in a Nurgle-themed armylist or if you know you're up against much S3/S4.

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