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Chaos Project: World Eaters Chosen.

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Well. I've decided I like the new Chaos Codex enough to get back into 40k.

My last project which I largely completed was building 10,000 points+ of Orks.

I will now be attempting a similar feat with my Chaos Marines. But unlike my Orks, which are all Badmoons. I intend to build a hellish allied army of multiple Warbands. Inevitably I want representation from all the different Factions. However, for now, this is the ambitions I have plotted-

Night Lords:




Chaos Space Marinesx10
Chaos Space Marinesx10
Chaos Space Marinesx10


Fast Attack:

Warp Talonsx5

Heavy Support:


World Eaters:


Chaos Lord:


Khorne Bersekersx10
Khorne Bersekersx10
Chaos Space Marinesx10
Chaos Space Marinesx10



Heavy Support:


Iron Warriors:


Chaos Lord:


Chaos Space Marinesx10
Chaos Space Marinesx10
Chaos Space Marinesx10


Chaos Terminatorsx5:

Fast Attack:


Heavy Support:


Allies: Warhounds:


Chaos Lord


Chaos Space Marinesx10
Chaos Space Marinesx10


"The Sons of Murder" Chosenx10

There is also a massive Word Bearers element, but lots of that is already built and completed. Ideally I will eventually have a small Slaanesh, Tzeentch, and Nurgle force as well. However I actually intend for those forces to be more Renegades then the other forces which are Veterans of the Long War. I don't have them planned out, or what would be inside of them. So I cannot elaborate.

This post will be editted with time as more details about each unit and character come out. Units will have names. Their champions will be named. And pictures will be posted of all units, before and after. Right now, the main things I have immediately ready to show are the Warhounds Chosen Chaos Space Marines. I am also going to have short stories of all the armies posted eventually. And Battle Reports as I play with these armies.

"The Sons of Murder" Chosen Chaos Space Marines-


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I'll be adding some tabbards and a few small things to them still. But this is largely how they'll appear before painting.

Also. I now have a Forgefiend/Maulerfiend. Which one do you think I should build first? Forgefiend or Mauler?

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I see someone's already kitbashing with those gorgeous raptor weapon! Can't wait to get hold of some of those myself.


You did magnetize that fiend, right...?


The Fiend's Tentacles haven't actually been glued on yet. As far as making him a magnitization between Forgefiend and Mauler? No. He is a Mauler.


I typically build my armies for massive scale battles. And my Nightlords are going to largely be a Hand to Hand army, backed up by lots of Fast Attack. I'll be getting 1 more Mauler. Then probably 3-4 Forgefiends.


Magnitizing is more what I'll be doing once I start doing my Renegade Predator Tanks. For my Legions, I'm going to mainly focus on Daemon Engines, Defilers, Forgefiends, Helldrakes, Maulers, ect.


For my "Renegade" forces they'll be more centric on Predators and Vindicators. :)


I already ordered parts for my Night Lord's Chaos Lord, and my Slaanesh Chaos Lord.



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All three of these model sets (Warp Talons, HelDrake, Maulerfiend), are going to be in the Night Lords. Night Lord's Chaos Lord will be coming hopefully next week or the week after. Ordered some parts to finish him. He'll be awesome.

I'm liking the idea of forming the army from different detatchments from various legions. Will look pretty cool when they are all painted and it gives you a bit of variety to keep you painting. :P


Will be nice to see a Maulerfiend painted in colours other than the IW scheme and I imagine it will look quite intimidating in the Night Lords colours.





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My first "Claw" for my Night Lords Chaos Space Marines. I have another 10 prepared to be assembled next as well :P

First painted models.




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The only things I have left to do is finish the beaky, finish the standard, and paint the Champion's Power Weapon.


Next project after these guys? The first ForgeFiend.

Great start, can we see some close ups of the painted minis?


Just in case, you cannot ally from the same codex, so the warhounds will have to form part of a primary detachment.


I build my armies largely for Apocalypse anyway. Thats why I'm building so many, of so many different flavours!


I've been trying to think of what the Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch Lists will look at the moment. The list at the top is likely to change.


Also, I just picked up 2 Mauler/Forgefiends, a second Heldrake, and another 10 Raptors.

First, the Blue




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Now the metal undercoat:




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Now, for the biggest job yet, the Bronze/brass:




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This thing has absorbed COUNTLESS hours so far. Holy crap. If I'd known painting this thing would have taken so long, I wouldn't own 3 right now!


Also, for my Night Lords Maulerfiends, any recommendations on the skin tone for the fleshy bits? I'm trying to think of what I should use. Anyway. Thanks for reading guys.

Wow. That Maulerfiend looks really really cool in the Night Lords paint scheme. I actually wicked like the silver trim as opposed to the gold. What did you use for the Blue in it's early stages?


The Blue is really easy. A few layers of Kantor Blue, highlighted (just barely) by Caledor sky.


Also, the model (outside of Magma Cutters) is done. I don't know if I'll add Lightning Effects, because I don't know if I can, lol.




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Really dig the shading on that gold! Any tips on how to achieve it?


Gryphon Sepia in the middle, and then edging around the sides with Dwarf Bronze. The main colour as the base was Hashut Copper.


Basically went-


Boltgun Metal

Hashut Copper

Gryphon wash (but only in the center areas)

Dwarf Bronze edging on the edges.


Took tons of time. In fact, this model took me almost 3 days to finish, largely due to painting the trimmed areas this colour. What a pain. I regret the fact I'm going to have 3-6 Forgefiends/Maulerfiends.

  • 2 weeks later...



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This thing takes entirely too long to paint.


As does the Maulerfiends/Forgefiends. -.-


This thing is now 60% done. And I've spent more then 2 days working on this. And I've got 3 more of these Helldrakes and Maulerfiends to paint!


... At least the Iron Warrior one will be easy -.-

Behold the assembled Lord Draethos




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Wings of Dread: Lord Draethos


Before, he'd possessed the title of Traitor. First by the lapdogs of the False Emperor, then by his brothers. A traitor was someone who changed sides, and in doing so, turned on his comrades like a vengeful beast. In some ways he wished his title to almost be, simply, Traitor. Instead he boasted far different a number of titles.


The Lord of Dread. The Lord of Terror. Lord of Chaos. These were all sufficient, they matched the essence of what he was, but traitor was still the title he thought fit most. And for all his betrayals, for all of his maneuverings, he was gifted. He'd survived the death of his master, Vangoth, only to take command in his stead. He'd survived the fall of Korothias, the Hive World infested with Daemons, where he and his men faced betrayal by their Iron Warrior and Word Bearer allies. Though of course, they claimed he and the others, the traitors.


To survive this gambit he had pledged himself to the service of Chaos completely, and had been spared. He had received their gifts. He had ascended to rule his Company, and command a mighty Cruiser. But now, his rewards were growing.


Vakhran, Apothecary of the 19th Company, now dubbed the “Vengeance of Terror”, heard the screams, as they all had. Anyone within four decks would hear their lord's cries of agony. Lord Jericho, their master, had lead to them many victories recently, including against the forces of the Black Legion. Disputes like this were hardly uncommon amongst the forces of the Dark Gods, but they were hardly productive.


But these were the screams of a man in agony. Vakhran found them all too familiar. They were the sounds of mutation, of being cursed by the Dark Ones. Perhaps Jericho's face would adorn four eyes, or he would sprout horns. Perhaps he was to have more legs, or an arm would become a tentacle of some sort. All the same, the Apothecary made sure he prepared himself to deal with a surgery, soon, to correct whatever blight the corrupting influence of Chaos forced upon their Lord.





The next day, when the doors slowly opened and their master emerged, a great wing pushed past the door, leathery and red, dripping with the blood of the body they had ripped away from. The face of their lord emerged after it, his face written with a fury they'd not seen in some time. Outside the most veteran of the legion had gathered, enquiring as to the status of their leader.


“Lord Jericho, are you... well?” Tarogn asked, his face written with the concern that their lord may have faced a possession the night before.


The 19th Company had been plagued with disassociation with the core ideals of their Legion. Worship of Chaos had spread through the ranks, and he'd always suspected that Jericho, after Korothias, had turned himself over to the service of Chaos. This was merely more evidence of that. Through his helmet, his armour barked at him, assessing the threats that could come from his master.


“More then well. The Gods have graced me with this... gift. My communion was painful, but insightful.” The words left his lips slowly, but not in a way that Tarogn suspected a daemon to speak. They'd all been there for Aren, and his possession. The creature before him however, was different then the Jericho he'd known.


“You have turned further from our Primarch, accepting these beast's help. We will burn the Imperial without their interference.” Another voice chimed in. It was Lucius, leader of fourth claw. A veteran among veterans, he'd served under their Primarch the longest.


It was motions everyone picked up on. Lucius had already drawn his plasma pistol, intent on ending the heresy that was their master's willing fall to Chaos. Before the leather plasma could leave the weapon, however, the gap between himself and Lucius. He'd brought out his sword, once belonging to the Iron Warrior Volore. They had come to call it the Blade of Hate, or in their native tongue, Valgro Nar. Its sharp edge slammed into the chest armour of the Champion, its field cutting through the power armour and digging into the meat within.


The two stood there, their eyes meeting.


“Your loyalties to a dead man who despised us, end with your life.” Jericho said. His hand firmly gripped the hilt of the corrupted blade.


The older marine stood there, trying to catch wind, trying to breath, his mouth closed and opened as if he tried to swallow. Slowly his fingers gave way from his plasma pistol, dropping to the deck next to them. Blade still embedded in him, he fell to his knees, looking still into the eyes of the attacker. The blade now began to emanate a strange, red energy as Jericho sneered almost at him.


“Traitor.” Came the gasp from Lucius, blood now beginning to trickle from his lips.


With a violent rip, pulling back on the blade, the sword slashed down as it pulled out, opening a massive, gaping tear down the front of the armour. Organs, bone, and blood spilled onto the floor of the ship as Jericho stood above him, looking down with a smirk, fabricated from being dubbed what he was. Being dubbed what he was always meant to be.


Lord Tzeentch had shown him, in his dreams, in his agony, that Lucius would try to end his reign, and restore the company to some fantasy, a fantasy of what the Night Lords were.


They were Terror made manifest, vengeful spirits sent to burn the Imperium to the ground.


“Lord Jericho?”


“Do not use that name any longer. Jericho was the name of a man who fought for the Dog Emperor, was lapped at the feet of those stronger then he. I am dread.” He said, turning towards them. “I fly on the wings of terror. I am now Draethos.”


Draethos had been in the lore of Nostramos long ago. His name simply meant, Dreadwing, or Wings of Dread.


“Venerate who you wish. Fall to whatever madness you desire. I care not.” He told them. “We will devour anyone we cross.”


Leathery wings folded behind him as he walked forward, shoving past his underlings as they were left with the dead husk of Lucius's body.

Very nice conversion and very nice fluff. The only thing I see wrong are some spelling and grammar misakes, but that's not important. What is important, is the scale of what you have going on. Good luck with all those Fiends amd Drakes.


Fluff grammar errors will be corrected later. I usually need to just get these things out so my brain allows it to be processed. After that I go over it again. By the time I'm through a few more projects, I usually go back and correct mistakes on writings.


Also, thanks very much for the compliment ^_^

Behold Lord Vega. Leader of the Blood of Excess




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The Exalted Angel:


A successor Chapter of the Blood Angels, founded long after the Horus Heresy, The Exalted Angels formed a bulwark against the forces of the Orks in Segmentum Pacificus. Heralded often by their allies as being stalwart Space Marines who exalted all that was good in their Primarch's legacy, this chapter was awarded a home world, shortly after participating in rebuking the 11th Black Crusade.


During the crusade itself, the Legion came into conflict with elements of the Black Legion, Emperor's Children, and numerous Renegades. Their Chapter Master, Anton Vargas, met his end at the hands of Abbadon the Despoiler himself, sparking him to become a Saint amongst the Chapter, remembering for his Martyrdom in attempting to avenge their fallen Primarch, and save the Imperium. It was for him that they named their Fortress Monestary, the Antonius Ulciscor, meaning Anton Avenged in Low Gothic.


Ironically, Anton's sacrifice, which inevitably lead to their receiving a home world, would be the downfall of the Chapter.


The world they received to call their own was named Rotos V. A civilized world bordering Ork held territories in Pacificus. From there the chapter immediately set to work recruiting, and making assaults and raids towards Ork Space, as well as heroically halting the WAAAGH of Skullboyz Warboss Snipzip “da Grot Killa”. But on their homeworld itself, unbeknownst to the Chapter's Librarians, had fostered cults dedicated to the worship of the Dark Gods for many thousands of years, a legacy of the Traitor Legions.


An uprising occurred in 188-568.M40. To the Chapter itself it was a terrifying surprise, and the populace of whom they had recruited from and protected, seemed to be assailed by madness. Small scale Daemonic Incursions even occurred despite the efforts of the PDF and Space Marine forces. Two whole companies were ordered back to the planet, the 8th and the 5th, to help the 1st Company deal with the scale of the problem.


A Chaos Sorcerer of the Renegade Chapter the Snakes of Serenity, known only as Baal, a cruel irony given the history of the Chapter, lead a cult of Slaanesh worshipping cultists. This particular coven was the last refuge of Chaos on the civil war torn planet near the end of it. Given the discovery of Chaos Space Marines, the First Company unleashed their most vicious weapons. The Exalted, a designation given to the Sanguinary Guard. Lead by Vega “The Wrathful” Iraius, this unit turned the cultists and few Renegade marines into bloody chunks.


Legend says Vega himself, was the one to finally track down Baal. His power sword crackled as he approached the Sorcerer, who wielded the Daemon Spear known as Lucio, or Lucroraaghnor, in its Daemonic Tongue. Determination met psychic power, it met brutal combat, and the wrath of a contained Daemon. But it was not enough to save Baal. The final exchange between the two had Vega's helmet blasted away, and Baal's stomach opened.


As the two recovered, Baal was barely able to stand. He looked upon Vega, grinning to himself.


“Such a beautiful face, you have been blessed with Brother. You may slay me, but the Prince of Pleasure will surely reward you for the perfection you have brought to me this day. Truly I am in awe of you.” He chuckled, before his face shifted to one of cold, jealous resentment. “And for that I curse you. I curse you to eternally be bound to what you are. For your face to be set in stone. I curse you to be unchanging. Eternally Young.” He whispered coldly.


Vega had already heard enough as he staggered to the ailing Sorcerer.


“And I curse you to be devoured by your foul Gods, traitor.” With a swing of the Angel's blade, Baal's head rolled onto the ground, his body jetted blood out of the gaping hole in its neck, as it twisted and fell to the ground lifelessly.


A major purge of the population followed these events, and Vega himself was heralded as a Hero, along with his Guard. Captain Basilio of the First Company directly and personally rewarded the Sanguinary Guard for their work. With time, soon this was all forgotten.


Vega himself came to lead multiple assaults on Ork fortresses in the comping years. These campaigns being seen as a penance for their planet's near collapse to Heresy. But Vega and his unit began to see the Orks... differently. It wasn't just that they were vile Xenoes. They smelled and were primitive, and ugly, revolting even. The fury that they laid into the Orks with was legendary amongst their peers. Vega himself felt more and more at home in his armour, which was kept pristine, he ensured his attendants were even given more accurate instructions on how to keep everything of his perfect.


When, after 30 long years of campaign, the Company returned triumphant once more, vain celebrations were held by squads within the first Company, but lead by the Sanguinary Guard. Vega himself soon came to regard the others in the Chapter as lazy, ineffectual even, half blaming them for the Heresy that came to the planet. It was then he, and his comrades, were confronted by Basilio. Their Captain was so thorough in his rebuke of these conversations and comments that it brought shame to the greatest of the greatest in the Chapter.


Vega even saw it himself. He saw the changes in his mood, the changes to his men, and even his views. And he remembered his encounter with Baal, whose voice now range in his mind. With these thoughts in mind he moved his hands up to take his helmet off. Only it would not. As he desperately attempted to unhing the device, the armoured Deathmask, he found his Sanguinary comrades had fallen to the same fate. All of them looked at one another in horror as they all struggled.


Vega even felt the armour on his face as if it were his own skin. The mask, shaped to his own face, becoming his face. A face of eternal youth, to never age, to never wither. In desperation Rodrigo, his first comrade, screamed in agony as he attempted to remove the mask with his power weapon, seering into his own face. Desecrating it as he tried in desperation to reject the curse.


Soon the Sanguinary Guard found themselves isolated, unable to even had attendants in any great length. They avoided the others in their Company and Chapter save for when they were rush into battle. And none saw them without their Deathmasks. In these battles their senses seemed to almost be heightened, every experience was almost a high effect, especially in battle. Vega himself now began to fall truly to damnation, attempting to keep his unit in line, to hold the line on their deception, and also to embrace the new heights he was reaching.


It only took a few months for questions to begin to arise. Basilio and the Chapter Master, Demetrio, soon organized an effort to bring the Sanguinary Guard to them, insisting they allow themselves to be fully investigated by the Sanguinary Priesthood.


Despite suspicions, Basilio and Demetrio still saw their comrades as stalwart defenders of the Chapter and the Imperium. If anything it was somewhat felt that there was a misunderstanding. At this meeting, backed into a corner, Vega and his men realized they were soon to be doomed. To attack now, without their proper weapons, would be certain death. To attack later, would be death as well. Killing their Captain and Chapter Master to save their own lives was so... petty. But it was something they felt driven to do. If they died, what would become of them? How many experiences would they lose? Truly, despite not pledging themselves to the Prince of Pleasure's service, they found themselves in it, by their own self service.


Perhaps it was luck, or perhaps it was the Will of the Gods, but the 5th, and the 8th Companies made a return to their home planet, shortly after subduing a Chaos Incursion near Constantus, former capitol of Pacificus Segmentum.


When these warriors began to make their way back to the planet, something was different about them, something seemed... off. These had been warriors who had helped put down the rebellions on their world long ago. Vega met a squad of Brother Space Marines in passing, noting the changes. He could almost feel their mutual corruption, and they could upon him.


“Hello Brother-Sergeant Vega,” Came a almost familiar voice. When he turned his head he froze at what he saw.


Pale as before, his lips now black and his eyes slit like that of a snake, he saw Baal. His armour was twisted and warped, but it was without a doubt the Sorcerer of decades before. Without a word he drew his sword, preparing to cut him down.


“Now, now now... Let's not be too hasty, shall we?” He responded, the other Exalted Angels in their beautiful white armour stepping in front.


“How are you alive, Sorcerer?” Vega demanded.


“Let us just say, that if the right bargains are made, the Dark Gods will be more then accommodating to those who sacrifice in their name. You are set to die tomorrow, are you not?” He questioned, almost gleefully.


The response he received was nothing but the cold, blank expression of the Deathmask before him. “How ironic, such a noble creature had to deceive his very nature from his comrades, for so long. Had to try and deny the sensation of satisfaction as you rended through your inferior enemies. Truly, you are every bit as stubborn as I'd thought you'd have been. But you are every bit and selfish as they told me. They saw your soul, and those of your men, before I was brought here. I knew my fate was to die by your blade even. But you are destined to truly bring glory to the Prince of Pleasure, and his purpose.”


“I am dead. And so are you.”


“Am I? Have you considered where your Chapter has recruited from for these past centuries? Including yourself? You have come from the loins of this world. Birthed, by its inhabitants. How many do you think were corrupted, but hiding themselves? Hm? How many of those Brothers do you think corrupted others? How many Old Guard can there be? Most of the First Company? Allow me to explain. A full half of your chapter needs only to be pushed in the right direction.”


“And the 8th and 5th Companies, have already been pushed. Their Captains aside, of course. But not their Librarians.” Baal laughed, slowly placing his helmet on. “Go to the Librarians, and they will guide you to Lucio, once the Daemon Weapon of mine, but always destined for you. Take it. And with it, slay the feeble Priests, and then slay your Masters. This Army has always been yours to lead Vega. Become the Exalted Angel you were always meant to be.”


The two brother marines stepped aside, just staring at their counterpart.


Life or Death?


Mastery or Servitude?


To Reject everything he stood for? Or to die in a last attempt to stand for everything he had been?


Behind the blank mask, the last noble sentiments of everything Vega had been were locked in a desperate struggle with his greed, with his arrogance and pride. It urged him even to fall on his own sword now, for honour's sake. His hand almost reached for his sword, but paused before the hilt.


Nothing was wrong with him. He was eternally young. He was powerful, skilled, and had done everything asked of him, by ungrateful fools. Fools who only sought to steal his glory and keep it for their own, and now that his use to them was coming to an end, they sought to silence him, and his unit. He would not be silent.


Power armoured legs began to move, taking their first steps, as he saw it, to truly glory.


Over the vox, he simply uttered. “Lorenzo, get the others. We must prepare for our meeting with the Priesthood.”


“I have no intention of going Vega! Are you mad? They will kill us. Surely there must be a way for us to escape. Surely there must be a way I can escape!” he babbled. Clearly Lorenzo's mind was fracturing, falling to madness.




“You always were so selfish! You want all the glory for yourself! You'll let all of us die just so you can live! Well I am going to find greatness! I am going to-”


“Lorenzo! Be silent!” He commanded.


The other side of the vox quieted, only becoming maddened, panicked breathing.


“Make sure you and the others are fully equipped, for our meeting.” With that, he disabled his vox.


When he arrived at the Librarium, the Librarians themselves just seemed to eye him knowingly, some grinning.


“Where is Chief Librarian Eusebios?” He asked. “I have been informed to that I will receive... assistance.”


One of the Librarians turned, looking darkly towards their latest arrival. “This way.”


Vega walked the halls of the great structure, looking at all the sacred objects kept in their keep, some of them almost called to him, their beauty being such that they needed to be adorned. When he arrived at the great doors to the Librium's most dangerous items. As soon as the doors broke open, Chief Librarian Eusebios could be heard moaning.


Within, a deranged sight was witnessed. His lower body missing, his arms pinned to the wall behind him, where once the Imperial Aquila could be seen. His head motioned back and forth as several vile Daemons danced below his blood dripping torso. Each stopped and hissed ferally at the newcomers, before smiling gracefully.


Their words first made no sense, a strange daemonic tongue. But the Librarian escort walked forward, approaching the Daemons confidently.


“We have come for Lucroraaghnor. As we agreed.”


There was almost a childish laugh as the Daemonette made strides towards Vega, its form stopping in front of him, its strange, black eyes looking into his mask.


All it said was “You will do.”


Behind them, Eusebios gargled some response to this comment, blood draining from his mouth.


Below him the spear made itself evident, his blood having dripped onto the vile weapon all this time. Without delay Vega approached it, reaching down his gauntlet firmly gripping the shaft. He then felt the clawed hands on one of the Daemonette's on his left shoulder pauldron.


“No, nonono, you cannot just take it. To awaken it, it requires a life.” She said almost gleefully, looking up. “He was prepared. Just for you. Let the blade drink, and it will accept you.”


Vega looked at the weapon in his hand, it felt heavy, even for him. His contact with it made a strange barrage of senses come alive, his sense of smell, hearing, sight. He could almost hear it through these senses, talking to him, whispering into his mind.


Submit” It whispered.


If he could sneer, he would. Instead he hoisted the spear, and drove it upwards. Its long, thick blade punctured through the already ailing torso of Eusebios, who looked down at Vega. His eyes said it all. It told Vega he was a fool, a traitor, a creature below respect. But if Eusebios could see past the mask staring back at him, he would see the most self-satisfied smile he would ever lay eyes on.


The blade within a heartbeat sucked the very soul from the Librarian's body, and almost hummed to life.


=== === ===


Basilio rushed to the Sanguinary Temple, flanked by the Honour Guard of the Chapter. Fighting had erupted and confusion had broken out across the Fortress Monastery. Chapter Master Demetrio hadn't been seen for an hour now. Reports had also stated Daemons were somehow afoot.


His frame shoved past the doors of the temple to find a sight of horror. Four Sanguinary Priests lay dead, their bodies violently desecrated as well. One had his head placed back on, backwards even. And in the middle of the room, Chapter Master Demetrio lay there, his head to one side. Four members of the Sanguinary Guard lay dead before him, their golden armour smeared with their own blood, punctures in their once perfect armour.


Given the arrangement, it appeared as if they had been attacking Demetrio.


“Basilio.” A familiar voice sounded. He and the Honour Guard turned to see the six Sanguinary Guard remaining standing there, with Vega at the head, holding a massive, great Spare at his back, and a power sword at his front.


There were no need for further words. Without so much as a yell the Honour Guard and their Captain launched into an attack. The two most veteran, elite forces of the Chapter fighting within its halls for the remnants of a once heralded Imperial Space Marine Chapter.


Basilio fought with unparallelled strength and determination, but he was not fighting one man, or one Space Marine. As he and Vega locked together in battle, his Power Axe slashing towards his adversary, he fought Vega, arguably the best man under his command, and he fought a Daemon of Slaanesh, imprisoned in the Spear his former friend held.


With a huge sweeping motion, the spear finally found its mark, slashing through power armoured grieves and flesh, severing the lower legs of the Captain. He fell back, his stumps before him. Blocking with his axe once to prevent the spear from making its killing blow.


“The blade hungers for you, Basilio!” Vega laughed. There was another block as the spear lunged forward again. “But perhaps I will kill you with my sword. You are my kill, and this blade must learn who its master is.”


The blade howled in protest in his mind, scratching at the surface of his very soul, but to no avail. The former Sanguinary Guard's vanity demanded his own blade finish his friend, his commander. He needed to kill him to forever break his shackles, now that Demetrio was dead as well.


In his self reflection and combating the Daemon within Lucio, Basilio acted. With a strike from his axe, he cleaved through Vega's forearm, severing the limb at the elbow. The Daemon Weapon fell to the floor helplessly before the sword of his old friend, found itself plunged into his torso. Basilio tried to breathe, tried to respond as he looked up at the golden slayer and just trembled.


In the background, the Honour Guard and Sanguinary Guard had fought bravely, but three of the Sanguinary Guard remained, limping and walking up behind their new master. Their Lord.


All Basilio could think, was his chapter was damned. There would be no salvation. Then there was a flash of light, emanating from a power sword, and Basilio found his.


=== === ===


Power struggles plagued the victors for months, before the Chapter's resident Companies, despise severe losses, found themselves under the command of “Chapter Lord” Vega. As Companies returned from crusades and patrols, they were assimilated and annihilated. Within 10 years, the entire Chapter was brought in line.


Rotos V descended into perversion and decadence. The Chapter refilled its ranks as rapidly as possible, given the abundance of recently collected Geneseed. Daemons began to manefest themselves in the world. This all happened under the Imperiums watch, given the Exalted Angels launched a massive crusade against the neighboring Ork regions. Within almost record breaking times, the Greenskins were purged, under the command of Chapter “Lord” Vega. It wasn't until the 5th Company of the Ravenguard, and 8th Company of the Lamenters discovered the perversion that Rotos fell into, after several Imperial investigations had disappeared on approach to Rotos.


When confronted, the Exalted Angels turned on their former brothers violently. After a desperate struggle, the Raven Guard and Lamenters managed to escape, despite losses of ships and men. The Imperial response was swift, given the events of the Badab War, and several other rebellions. Four Imperial Chapters offered company, or multiple company forces, including the Lamenters, Raven Guard, Blood Angels, and Imperial Fists. A full chapter of Space Marines arrived, the Imperial Phalanx. Two Guard regiments were also called up. The Tallarn 5th Regiment, and the Cadian 9th Regiment.


Knowing the bleak outcome of this level of Imperial Navy, Imperial Guard, and Space Marine forces were to make their appearance, Rotos V was abandoned, but not before the planet's inhabitants had been thoroughly 'used up' by the Exalted Angels themselves, either killing them for pleasure, or worse. Driving away from Segmentium Pacificus, now simply Lord Vega disappeared with his men into a series of Warp Storms, until finally their last appearance placed them near the Eye of Terror. This was their last appearance.


Until just after the GothicWar.


No longer, were they the Exalted Angels. Only one man, Vega, could ever be Exalted. Thus, they had become the Blood of Excess, as if mocking their founder Legion. And Vega, was then known as Lord Vega, The Exalted Angel, Warrior of Slaanesh.

Amazing new addition. Honestly, you're Fluff-fu is top notch. I got so into the story that by the end, I wanted to make up a small force of the Blood of Excess, including Vega. :)


Keep up the good work, We'll be watching with keen interest. ;)





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Out of the Storm: A Raptor's Observations


Tarogn had learned his lessons well from his master. They had gone from abstract failure, a miserable echo of what they once were, to power. Each Claw had dedicated themselves, some to Chaos undivided, some to Slaanesh, others to Khorne or Tzeentch. The remnants of Fitfh Claw had proposed turning to Nurgle... But they were found dead, torn apart, shortly afterwards. It was a quiet reality as to who slaughtered them, likely their Lord himself.


But for his part, Tarogn had embraced Terror in its truest form. He drank it in, it was an elixor, a sensation which could not be compared. His Raptors always leered towards prey, whether they be fellow Night Lords or enemies. Before they had shackled themselves with the shame of being hated by their own Primarch, of being less then his expectations. Now, they simply glared back at the Night Haunter's image defiantly, embracing what they were.


He and his men often found themselves in the main hangars. Now their Dark Mechanicus had tasks to perform. No longer did they watch over dead, old husks of Dreadnaughts. Now they monitored the Beasts which their master had bargained for. In their most recent incursion deeper into the Eye, their bloody campaign had found a reward. Through bartering with Iron Warriors on Brax, they had come to take possession of two great Maulerfiends. The beasts brayed and snarled at their attendants, but there was a kind of mutual spirit the Raptor's felt with them.


They inspired Terror, just as they did. In every battle since, Tarogn made sure he and his men were close to their new Daemonic comrades. This was sometimes considered foolish and dangerous, but truthfully he and his men did not care. They worshipped most of the Pantheon, from Khorne to Slaanesh, and few feared Death. If anything, they feared a lack of fear. A lack of sustenance, a hunger which he couldn't explain.


The only other amongst his kind who had truly given themselves over to this hunger for sensation, this courting of Slaanesh, was Vrax. The other Marine had mutated, a large horn formed under the skin on his skull, and he now possessed shark like teeth. He constantly seemed to lick his lips, and purposely bit his tongue. Clearly, his time in the warp had been far less lenient then his own.


“Brother. Is that fear I smell... You wreaked of it for a moment.” Came the creature's words. His lips quivered as he spoke, purple-red eyes staring at his comrade. The thick helm of Tarogn shifted back towards his ally, talons hanging at his side.


“You are delusional. You listen to the voices in your head far too much, brother. It has been some time since all of us fed on the fears of our enemies.”


Behind them there was a horrible screech. A great beast flexed and tried to rise up behind them, its blue and golden form shifting violently before balefire blasted across the deck. The great chains which kept it pinned down tightened under Mechanicus watch. Its long neck was forced to the ground as it struggled more, the sound of metal grinding and screeching being heard.


Where is Jericho?! I will kill him for the prison he has forged me!” It bellowed a moment later, before screeching once again.


Tarogn and his raptor's regarded the creature's struggles, its fury. It had once been their brother. And now, it was their slave. A cruel fate to obtain to be sure, but honour had died long ago, and the war demanded sacrifice. Power could only be obtained through sacrifice.


“Perhaps it was the fear you tasted from that great beast over there, Vrax.”


Vrax walked close, getting within personal space and moving his face almost right up to the mask of his former sergeant, now Champion.


“When you fall. I will be there to drink in the terror you feel, Tarogn. And then I will be champion. I have seen it in the Eye.”


Tarogn, for his part, nearly eviscerated his underling on the spot, his claws sparking with energy as he grit his teeth.


But it was then that the doors slid open, and their Lord arrived. Stepping past the Raptors, the unit Draethos found himself often at the head of, he stopped before the Mecahnicus.


“If I hear one more disturbance from that shackled, mechanical beast, slave. I will have you shoved out the nearest airlock. Or I will feed you to my Claw.” He said, pointing an armoured finger towards Tarogn, and his men. Vrax grinned, hopping forward and perching himself on a nearby Rhino. He looked down towards the mechanicus, one which they all relied on.


“Perhaps I wish to feed on his terror now. He covets his logic and knowledge so much, but behind the layers I can smell his fear. Give him to me, Draethos.” Came the maddened chuckle at the end of his words.


Vrax was starved. He would take a crew member, of any rank at this point. It had been too long since he savoured the kill. He was shaky, desperate even. Tarogn had failed them at every turn, by not being Lord himself. He could have taken the initiative. This Tzeentch worshipping coward always suffered through plans. Draethos was hardly the Dreadwing, he was the coward. He never lived or was exhilarated the way he, Vrax, was. Arrogance began to take hold of his mind as he jumped down in front of the robed human.


Below, the Wings of Dread made their position known, just with a simple cast off glance.


“Vrax. To me. Now.” Tarogn ordered.


Vrax's head turned and snarled with a feral fury, disdainful that the disappointment was giving him orders.


“I do not take orders from Champions that do not Aspire, Tarogn.” He spat back. “Human,” He then chuckled, turning back only to find Draethos looking down at him, his long mechanical tail flicking behind him.


“Then perhaps you will listen to your master, Vrax. We will be linking up with several Warbands in 2 days to raid an Imperial outpost. If you must feast on flesh, fear, and sensations, do so then.”


Vrax sneered.


“Protecting mortals!? How dare you name yourself Draethos! You do not deserve the Title!” He screeched, before pulling back his chainsword.


Tarogn noted that the helmetless Xereus just chuckled, glad to see that their comrade was finally to be culled from the pack.


He looked uover, smirking. “I call his boots.”


The chainsword met its end the moment it was lunged towards his Lord. The blade of murder, Terrordar, cut the device clean in two, leaving only burnt metal and broken chain in its wake. Vrax's own face now shifted to fear before he was met with an elbow in his mutated face. He staggered back, before diving into Draethos in a tackle, attempting to pin him. Punches were thrown until the claw which adorned Draethos's left arm plunged into Vrax's stomach. A second later he was shoved back, collapsing onto his jump pack.


Before he could move a mighty kick to the face traced across his cheek, shattering bone and crushing his eye. A cold, calculating hand then grabbed him by the skull, forcing him up whilst plunging fingers into the destroyed socket.


“No matter your hunger, Vrax. You will remember that I rule the halls of this ship. I am the leader of this Company. And you are nothing but a pawn to me.” He snapped. Closed into a fist, he then drove the Lightning Claw into his old comrades face, shattering the nose and doing further damage to his skull and socket. The mess that was Vrax was driven back no less then 3 meters, before screeching to a halt.


Xereus drew his combate knife, stepping forward as his taloned boots screeched against the deck.


“Let's see how his fear tastes.” He chuckled.


“No.” Lord Draethos said simply and calmly. “Get him to Vakhran. Have him repaired. I cannot afford for him to be dead. Yet. He hasn't earned death yet.”


The raptor's all froze, save Tarogn, who looked at his own men with disdain. They'd humiliated him, he looked completely ineffectual as a leader. Be assured, he through to himself, all of you will pay for this.


However, their lord finally looked annoyed.


“I said. Get him to the Apothecary. Now.


Within seconds Xereus and the others were helping their Claw member to his feet, hurrying for the door.


“You disappoint me, Tarogn. You disappoint me very, very much.” Draethos then added, before turning towards the great Heldrake on the other end of the cargo bay.


Jericho!” It roared angrily, pulling against the chains again.


“I fear it will not submit, my Lord.” The Mechanicus muttered, stepping back, lest he incur their master's wrath.


Draethos drew his blade, and approached the Daemon Engine.


“Hello Hespheros. I see you are finally awake.”


It roared at him again, before fire could be seen flowing up towards its mouth.


“You will serve.”


And within seconds, Tarogn watched as fire spewed from its mouth, pouring over his master.


Warpsmith Hespherus of Iron Warriors 10th Siege Company.




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Story: Pending


Octavio Diablos, 8th Chosen of Khorne, Traitor of Angels, traitor of the Siege of Terra. Master of the Bloodhounds of Khorne World Eater's Warband:




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Story: Pending

Nice big project you have going here, i wish you the best of luck in finishing it, and will probably take a look once in a while to see how it goes.Remember to include some wordbearers :)


I've already got 4,000 to 5,000 points worth of Word Bearers O.O


Currently, my army looks like its going to be sitting around 13,000-15,000 by the time its done.


Heldrake Hespharos:




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Story: Pending.




Do not buy Heldrakes if you hate painting. I hate painting, and I'm super irritated by the 5 days it took me to complete. Its heavily discouraged me from getting more. I already have another, unassembled and unpainted, I had been contemplating getting a 3rd one, either for my Iron Warriors or Word Bearers, and now? Such contemplations have fled my mind. Too much time. Just to be blunt.


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