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Plague Zombies numbers


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eurgh, theres been a whole load of people going on about this on the internet. in my opinion (and the opinion of most practical people who play this game) that the RAW conflict with the RAI to such an extent that it must have been an oversight on the part of GW. my LGS has agreed to play it the way that makes sense, is logical and adheres to the fluff until the inevitable faq comes out.
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Technically, but in this case RAW is stupid. Kelly actually recommended taking big squads of 30 zombies at gamesday, so that limitation is pretty clearly an oversight. Talk to your opponent about it and discuss it, but this should be FAQ'd quickly.
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Ok, I didn't want the sticky thread to turn into a rules-lawyer bonanza, as that isn't the topic at all, really. I'd like to talk tactica in there once the faq washes this stuff over, but for now I don't want 2-3 pages of "but OMG it says it under teh options!!1! you cants take moar zombehs!" so I'll address it here.


General consensus in my group is that 1: You can take more than 10 cultists as zombies because 2: you can take whatever options you want, as the zombies are nominated at the start of the game (not when you build your list) so any options you take are paid for, but zombies won't get to use the shotgun/flamer/autogun that you purchased etc. While I will admit that whether or not marks still count or not is still up for debate, we count any mark purchased as still being valid. That said, GW has a habit of explaining how the rules work by using examples, and the example says things implicitly about guns purchased, not marks or extra troops.


I don't get why people have a problem with how we play at our game store... how exactly does that affect you?

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Well I disagree ;).


It says nothing about nominating at the start of the game. However, the cultists aren't part of the army until they're bought, including options...


Well I don't have the book in front of me, so I'll take your word for it. But you nominate the cultists as zombies after purchasing them, yes? Same logic still applies.

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If you turn a cultits squad into zombies do you still have the champion???


They sure left a lot of unanswered questions concerning the zombies, didn't they? There is no wording to suggest otherwise, though it would seem kind of... odd... to me to have a zombie champion issuing challenges and rolling on the boon table. Zombie daemon prince? Actually that's pretty cool...


I was going to model mine as a particularly bloated zombie, but I'm not so sure that having a zombie champ is right... though like I said there isn't anything saying it isn't, so I'd say yes.


[edit]After reading quite a bit about this, on other forums, my personal belief is that they added in the "plague zombies cannot purchase options" wording into the codex so that people would not abuse the order of operations mechanic (the precedent set by the Ork nob->painboyz ruling) by purchasing a unit of 35 cultists, nominating them to be zombies, then adding a further 25 cultists/zombies to the same unit, or trying to stack MoN, with a Mark of Khorne, etc. Furthermore, GW has a habit of delivering their intention to the reader by giving examples (not being grammatically correct, in which case it would read like a legal manual or some such). As such, they cite the example 'any guns are used for clubbing the victim to death', directly following "they cannot purchase options". If they had intended for us not to mark them, or to add to the unit number, imo they would have stated so specifically. Hence, in my group, MoN (or any other mark, though that would be weird) is still legal, as well as the unit increase (though to be honest I expect this won't be the case if faq'd).

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Yeah, this rule is worded a little strangly. The different pieces don't seem to mesh well.

Any Chaos Cultist units in the same army as Typhus can be nominated as Plague Zombies. Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists that have the Fearless, Feel No Pain and Slow and Purposeful special rules, and cannot purchase options. They are armed with a single close combat weapon -any guns are used strictly for the purposes of clubbing their victims to death!

Options seems to imply weapon options like autoguns or flamers since it says all guns are used for clubbing. But then there are more than just guns in the Options section for cultists.

And if the cultist UNIT gets turned into Plague Zombies and a PZ = a cultist with the extra rules, does the champion also become a standard cultist with the extra rules or is he still a champion but with the extra rules?


In the end, it is like the terminators and noise masines and artifacts in that it is unclear what the intent is here. I think I'll finish painting the DV set and my new heldrake for now and wait until we see clarification before I spend much more time (or money) on the army. I *think* the intent is to be able to field 35 zombies because of Phil's remarks. But then the WD is full of illegal units in battle reports by the people who wrote the codices. Who knows? Even Phil Kelly could be wrong ...

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i dont really care tbh, from memory the champion gets a bonus attack and bonus leadership right? one more s3 attack doest bother me tbh and im already fearless. I have however grabbed a lord of nurgle from the fantasy range o be my champion, i figure he is like an ogryn cultist
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i dont really care tbh, from memory the champion gets a bonus attack and bonus leadership right? one more s3 attack doest bother me tbh and im already fearless. I have however grabbed a lord of nurgle from the fantasy range o be my champion, i figure he is like an ogryn cultist


Bonus attack, +1 Ld, and the Champion of Chaos rule (which means that he gets a roll on the chaos boon table if he kills a character in combat, and is obligated to issue and accept challenges). It's the last part that doesn't mesh with me. Having a larger, more dangerous zombie is one thing. Having a zombie issue challenges is getting a bit weird... weirder still if said zombie happens to kill another character, and then looks up to the sky at the light shining down on him, blinks confusedly, then *poof* zombie now has +1 wound, has fleet, and its attacks are poisoned.

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i dont really care tbh, from memory the champion gets a bonus attack and bonus leadership right? one more s3 attack doest bother me tbh and im already fearless. I have however grabbed a lord of nurgle from the fantasy range o be my champion, i figure he is like an ogryn cultist


Bonus attack, +1 Ld, and the Champion of Chaos rule (which means that he gets a roll on the chaos boon table if he kills a character in combat, and is obligated to issue and accept challenges). It's the last part that doesn't mesh with me. Having a larger, more dangerous zombie is one thing. Having a zombie issue challenges is getting a bit weird... weirder still if said zombie happens to kill another character, and then looks up to the sky at the light shining down on him, blinks confusedly, then *poof* zombie now has +1 wound, has fleet, and its attacks are poisoned.

Zombies issuing challenges? I guess there is a smart zombie leading the horde- like in that crappy 'Land of the Dead' movie.

As for getting boons, I am sure Nurgle is tickled by the idea of a super zombie toddling around eating everyone. :)

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weirder still if said zombie happens to kill another character, and then looks up to the sky at the light shining down on him, blinks confusedly, then *poof* zombie now has +1 wound, has fleet, and its attacks are poisoned.


Who said that papa Nurgle has no sense of humor :)

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I reckon it will be funny if we have Zombie champions I will be using some of these guys as them especially the foot wielding guy "who needs power weapons I have a foot and I'm not afraid to use it", hopefully they can have mark of Nurgle as well to make them more tougher


Sure they probably will never win a challenge but would be pretty funny if they did as anything on the chaos boon chart except unworthy offering would be good even spawnhood, Imagine how funny if he became a daemon prince, how that would work fluff wise is confusing but Nurgle could get away with as he probably would do it for a laugh ^_^ .

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